The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

So far four people seem to have finished the long slog to page 6 of my story and voted. One 3 and three 5s, by my calculation. I'm assuming the 5s were either from relief that they'd made it to the end, or guilt that they hadn't.
Seeming as we don't do Halloween here, much to our supermarkets disgust, I tried to keep any Aussie references out and keep the music universal. Spelling, on the other hand, is Aussified.
My story is scheduled to go live tomorrow (that is, in a couple hours) (on the site’s official October 12; folks outside the Western Hemisphere are already experiencing October 12). The story will therefore have 18 days of contest time.

As always, I don’t expect to cash. I just hope for readership and, if I’m lucky, a carryover of reader interest to my other writings.
I'm going to rephrase this, because apparently I'm scaring readers away (it's been up and only 120 views so far - and half of those are probably me checking to see whether it's actually up).

So here goes. Forget my earlier comment.

The Countesses of Tannensdal is an amazing story, Your life will be richer, your mind will be fuller, your body will be more satisfied once you've read it. It will take you on a journey to another time and place, full of vivid settings, compelling characters and steamy sex.

(Actual experiences may vary.)
After 2 1/2 days, The Countesses of Tannensdal is up to 600 views, six votes (a 3 and five 5s) and one very kind comment. Not a bad return, normally, but I can't help but feel that there would be more views if my story had actually been included on the list. (Yes, I've sent Laurel a PM, but it's not been added.)

So if anyone has an hour or two on their hands and feels like reading a gloomy vampire story, there's still plenty of seats free!
Yeah, I have a tiny fan club, but I don't think they appreciate ghosts... Hey ho.
I’ve had comfortably over 20k views across my two Halloween stories and one Karaoke one. The ratings are well down on my weighted average (which is above 4.5, even allowing for Harper’s Reckoning with nearly 40k views at a minuscule 3.35). Then comps attract 1 bombs like flies. And my Karaoke entry is probably going to land badly with many NC/R fanboys. Realistic portrayals of reluctance tend to.

On the plus side, 22 more followers.

I'm proud of where I am so far. I don't think that I write very popular fetishes (because of having male subs) but the people who like my kinks and male subs seem to enjoy my standalone story well enough. It's a little under my usual but not by much and I tried a new category (Fetish) this time around.

From what I gather in this thread it seems that erotic horror as a category does not pull in many readers so it would be hard to get votes and all that there without a large following.

I imagine someone with a huge following and who writes in a popular niche is going to run away with it.
Our Wild Hunt is up, and it seems to be doing decently, if not spectacularly. I plan to use the two characters for my Christmas story, so maybe they’ll fare better there.
Hundred and a dozen so far, impressive output, and the looming deadline will inevitably draw more.

Took forever to get mine finished, long digressive research, including: reviews of Hindu/Buddhist mythology, cetacean physiology, and 3-D geometry volumetric calculations (even had to find my calculator, unused for many years, to double-check numbers.)

With luck, it goes live tomorrow. Here's a tipped glass to Halloween bacchanals forever.
Hundred and a dozen so far, impressive output, and the looming deadline will inevitably draw more.

Took forever to get mine finished, long digressive research, including: reviews of Hindu/Buddhist mythology, cetacean physiology, and 3-D geometry volumetric calculations (even had to find my calculator, unused for many years, to double-check numbers.)

With luck, it goes live tomorrow. Here's a tipped glass to Halloween bacchanals forever.
Math makes me tingly 😊.

Mine's been out since Monday, has 2.7k views, 10 votes, and a decent score so far. Definitely not high enough to win.
I think I can stop obsessing now. But I will say I'm a little jealous of folks who've gotten a lot more views.

Thanks, Russ, for the read and the nice comment!
I have three stories for the competition in different stages of development. However, I've had an influx of paying jobs, which have prevented me from working on them. OH, how I hate work. No, wait, I don't. I love work, but I'd like to get these MFing stories done, too!