The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

I'm limited on time right now since I owe so many people things, but I do have a fun idea that might be a good 750 word exercise in Humor & Satire.
My story now has something like a denouement, although getting to that point seems to depend on some dubious actions, and the protagonist's ability to get into and out of danger. As I am an old cis straight American male, however, I'm enjoying the detailed and emotionally charged lesbian scene that just sorta kinda showed up.
So, if we post the stories now, will they go up on time or be put up before the contest list is up?
In a contest if you put the magic words in "Notes to Admin" the stories will be held until the first day of the contest. On day one they'll go up and appear on the list
There's a discussion on the Summer Lovin' thread about finding stories via tags. Just a reminder to use the tag "HALLOWEEN 2023" (without the quotation marks) on your stories.
There's a discussion on the Summer Lovin' thread about finding stories via tags. Just a reminder to use the tag "HALLOWEEN 2023" (without the quotation marks) on your stories.
I’m not sure if a person searching tags with just the word “Halloween” would find your recommended tag of “Halloween 2023.” As a result, unless I truly need all ten tags, I put in both terms and use the remaining eight for the usual story descriptors.
There's a discussion on the Summer Lovin' thread about finding stories via tags. Just a reminder to use the tag "HALLOWEEN 2023" (without the quotation marks) on your stories.
Folks were trying to determine what position their stories were in by listing them and sorting them via score. To me that's a little too contest crazy, because you never know what's going to happen on the last day. If I can fit the contest name in with my tags I'll put it in but I'll always put the contest name like HALLOWEEN 2023 in Notes to Administrators
I was thinking about a second story featuring an African goddess for Halloween. I'm not sure how I want to construct it, though. What I mean, I don't want to repeat the shapeshifting goddess from last year. It still needs to fit the Halloween theme, though. Needs some spookiness in it. I'm having trouble working that out in my head. I watched Sssssss, recently, yes, dreadful title, and thought I might want to explore such a transformation with a female character. But I'm just a drift. I have time to do another tale, and I really want to. But what horror should I explore?
I was thinking about a second story featuring an African goddess for Halloween. I'm not sure how I want to construct it, though. What I mean, I don't want to repeat the shapeshifting goddess from last year. It still needs to fit the Halloween theme, though. Needs some spookiness in it. I'm having trouble working that out in my head. I watched Sssssss, recently, yes, dreadful title, and thought I might want to explore such a transformation with a female character. But I'm just a drift. I have time to do another tale, and I really want to. But what horror should I explore?
Haunted mask? Enchanted hat? Mind expanding substance in the candy? The options are endless