The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

I've submittied my story for the contest, Sacrificial Lamb: Sacrifice Tales, which is the second story in my vampire series. I used all the caveats for the story. So, it isn't going up for sometime, but it is in there and I can decide if put the third part up for the contest or not as well. I feel good!
I'm starting on this soon so I can just have it sitting in wait. My big issue right now is picking which one of these plot seeds I want to run with. 😅 Decisions, decisions...
I have a few stories awaiting final review and an idea for another one popped into my head today.

Allow me a moment to envy your progress, heh.

Safe to assume there isn't a limit to how many publications you can enter? I haven't seen any information about that anywhere.
Allow me a moment to envy your progress, heh.

Safe to assume there isn't a limit to how many publications you can enter? I haven't seen any information about that anywhere.
I've never seen a limit. I entered twenty once, all in separate categories. That was when someone who wrote only in two categories slammed me in another account on the discussion board for writing only GM. No, none of them won.
I've never seen a limit. I entered twenty once, all in separate categories. That was when someone who wrote only in two categories slammed me in another account on the discussion board for writing only GM. No, none of them won.

Putting out that kind of volume is worlds more impressive than a win, to me at least. A lot of winning anything here seems to rely on votes, and that appears to be so unreliable if you don't have an army of a following. But being able to cover the whole of Lit's categories for one contest? That's brag worthy.
Putting out that kind of volume is worlds more impressive than a win, to me at least. A lot of winning anything here seems to rely on votes, and that appears to be so unreliable if you don't have an army of a following. But being able to cover the whole of Lit's categories for one contest? That's brag worthy.
As I've noted before, most of what I post to Literotica (often excluding the contest pieces) has been published to the marketplace at least several months earlier. This is the last stop for them. I had a catalog of those stories before ever posting to Literotica, so I maintain a hefty backlog of "to eventually go on Literotica" stories. My rough count of my current backlog is 138 stories/chapters. Thus, if I stopped writing now (and I'm currently writing a new story), I could post a story/chapter a week here and keep that up for nearly three years. I doubt I'll be around that long.
Category Question!

My story is about a big tiddy goth girl witch who's taking her new boyfriend on a date. She casts a spell of her own making while they're in a graveyard and accidentally summons a zombie-type monster who forcibly fucks her. The boyfriend gets knocked out and is in no position to help.

It's grim, dark, and I'm thinking Horror, NonCon, or Non-Human. I think it could fit any of those but I want to place it where it'll be best received.

I haven't done a Halloween competition story so I'd like to get some traction. What are your thoughts? Thank you!
I have chosen to take on a project, over the next two months, that has nothing to do with writing erotica. As a result, I'm placing lower priority on what I've thought of as a Halloween contest story, reducing the time and mindshare. I hope the contest goes well for those of you who contribute.
That’s nothing! I saw Christmas decorations going up this past weekend. Time to get ready for your holiday stories.
I couldn't believe that our local Walmart has advent calendars, and Christmas decorations for sale, more than a month before we've even gotten through Halloween.
You don't do Halloween? Try writing about it on this side of the world where it's never been a thing. I take my cues from "It's Halloween, Charlie Brown".
And this year I’m going as a therapist who uses a football as therapy. No, you still can’t kick the football. 5 cents please!
I couldn't believe that our local Walmart has advent calendars, and Christmas decorations for sale, more than a month before we've even gotten through Halloween.
Advent Calendars? I haven't seen one of those in ages, it seems to be a sweet old tradition left on the wayside by this "society" we live in.
The majority of our Christmas traditions came from England and Germany, now they come from Madison Ave.
Our local super market ha Xmas decorations, choccy tree decorations and mince pies weeks ago :(
Which makes you wonder how fresh they'll be by Christmas. Unless of course they're pumped full of preservatives. I just hope it's the tasty kind that goes good with eggnog.