The Official Authors Hangout Winter Holiday 2023 Contest Support Thread

Supporting all of you who still have stories remaining in the contest. My story "A Pegging for Christmas," was pulled from the contest yesterday, along with 30 of my other stories. Per Laurel's message to me this morning, the stories were pulled because they were reported by "readers." Hope none of you all have to experience this as well.
That's a shame, I really liked that one.
30 stories pulled?! This needs some context
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My #4 went up this morning which caused me to submit one more
Getting down there, I hope you all can get your entries in on time
Supporting all of you who still have stories remaining in the contest. My story "A Pegging for Christmas," was pulled from the contest yesterday, along with 30 of my other stories. Per Laurel's message to me this morning, the stories were pulled because they were reported by "readers." Hope none of you all have to experience this as well.
What were they reported for? "Reported" covers a lot of sins.
And were any of them in this contest? If not you're here stirring up new writers which I do not appreciate.
I'm feeling more drained from finishing Part 5 of The Rivals than I'd expected. I've been staring at the screen for the past hour, and the old brain just clicking into gear.

At least I've had some distance from what I'd already written, so I have a better idea of where I want the story to go. And luckily I can keep most of the 4000 words I've already written. Just a case of tweaking the emphasis here and there, adding some details. And then writing the second half/two thirds of the story.
So what is the score? The rating? Sorry if I'm being dense. My story is in EC and has a rating of 4.67 and 16.4k reads with 650 votes.
the story with the highest score on Dec 13 wins. There will be a look at the voting db and remove any "attack votes" (we call them bombs) then the top three get first, second, and third.

Personally I'm just rocking with the notice I'm getting, I've picked up 40 followers this month
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☃️ One week left to polish up those ideas and get them in to Laurel. My #5 is on the ready ramp.⛄
This being the season of giving, I will give you Duleigh's Demandments, the rules I follow as I write:

10. When in doubt, goest thou with the scene that keeps you up at night grinning.
Writing here at Lit is all about entertaining. If you're not entertaining yourself you're not entertaining your reader. Occasionally a scene will pop into your head that just cracks you up. Go with it, if you like it, so will your reader.

9. If it doesn’t feel right – don’t do it.
Don't force yourself to write something you don't like or don't believe in, the reader will see it and see your discomfort. I once had to write a murder scene which was needed for the story but I just didn't want to write it. In the end the hero arrived home too late to find his wife murdered. I believe that was much more powerful that trying to write about the Mafia hit itself.

🎅Tomorrow, eight and seven.🎄
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the story with the highest score on Dec 13 wins. There will be a look at the voting db and remove any "attack votes" (we call them bombs) then the top three get first, second, and third.

Personally I'm just rocking with the notice I'm getting, I've picked up 40 followers this month

I think you've got some other good news coming, bub.
Submitting my entry this week. It’s a reconciliation story for Loving Wives. I expect to get torched in the comments and 1* bombed to hell and back.
G'day Shak. Here's a snip from the official rules.

Submissions must have a Winter Holiday theme: i.e. holiday celebrations, winter weather (will be different in north and south hemispheres!), winter events and superstitions, all things Wintery. Be creative! Please don't just submit a normal story in which everyone is wearing a Santa hat.

Taking the holiday celebration line, you should be fine.

You must be north of me. We're only going to have tops of 17 for the next week.
Oh the weather is so screwing around, right now!

Usually, December is hot. Like 40s. Last week was 28-29. This week? High of 11.

Global warming sucks balls.
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And now we're coming down to the last week, six days left until posting closes and all the good little girls, boys, and trolls review what we have been working on. If you're running late don't worry about it, I've seen stories pop up in the last few days of the contest and take it all. (The trolls don't have time to sink their teeth in)
I think that's the strategy that Santa's top elf @Laurel is thinking of - letting my last story age properly before releasing it to a loving public. This is the place for your questions, comments, moans, groans, complaints and even the odd compliment about the contest, even our delightful Aussie friends, strewth!
☃️ (Do you guys even have snow cones down there?) ❄️
My winter tale is about 1/2 done but we're leaving for a trip tomorrow and won't be back until Tuesday. I've added a writing app on my phone so I can write during down time, but it really looks like my Winter Holidays contest story is going to be a good, old-fashioned Christmas romance somewhat closer to Christmas. Hallmark, call me!

Congratulations to all who've gotten their stories in (and managed their time better to do so!).
I'm still waiting for my Winter story to drop. I think It got stuck to the ceiling.
Same here, I sent a request for Laurel to wave her magic wand. I've been keeping her busy this month.