The Official Authors Hangout Winter Holiday 2023 Contest Support Thread

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The holidays are approaching quickly and so is the big one:
That's the day we writers lean back and rest and let all the little elves and trolls open our stories without fear of another story landing on them
Thanks for the reminder, Duleigh.

Finished and sent one ... saw it rejected today due to 'coding errors.' It's a parody on a country western song entered in humor and satire with a female Santa-like character and an old cooter. [Not saying anymore🤫]

I felt flattered. It was the first time Laurel personally wrote me steps on how to fix the coding and not some typical rejection form letter. That was nice of her!

I sent it back tonight. Hopefully, the codes are correct, and it flies before the close date [It looks good in preview mode.]😚... Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!

Oh! I put snow in my story. [That really doesn't happen where I'm at. We usually wear shorts and maybe a sweater if it gets in the sixties when I barbecue around then.] But hey, Christmas = snow, so I go with the flow!
I've seen snow in some pretty odd places. My favorite was Clovis NM where the one inch of snow brought all of Curry County to a standstill. I was the only driver capable of moving faster than 10 MPH. Good luck on your entry, I'm going to have to look to see where all this code is.
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This is your official Two Week Warning

You have two weeks to finish up your final entries and get them submitted
I also suggest brining your turkeys and getting those cranberries started as early as possible today because there will not be enough time to write a story and prepare dinner tomorrow.

I'll be here for you tomorrow however...
I felt flattered. It was the first time Laurel personally wrote me steps on how to fix the coding and not some typical rejection form letter. That was nice of her!
The one and only time she wrote me anything directly was on my very first submission, where I dumped the first 12 chapters of my Ideal Suburban Life on her all at once. She rejected every one and gave me a detailed description of the same set of errors I needed to fix in each.
I've never had any communication from her since, since I've never had anything else rejected, except a form letter for a second-place finish. But if I'd gotten a form letter along with that first mass rejection, I might never have felt like fixing the errors and resubmitting. I probably would have given up.
What counts as a vote in the contest? Is it the Avg rating? Number of views?

Sorry if I posted this incorrectly. It's my first post.
What counts as a vote in the contest? Is it the Avg rating? Number of views?

Sorry if I posted this incorrectly. It's my first post.

At the end of a story, at the very bottom, you can select between 1 and 5 stars. That's how you vote. Each person that clicks ANY star - even a 1 - is a vote. However, towards the end of the competition, some of these votes can get "sweeped away" for being malicious or trying to rig the competition, so it's better to have a few votes more than the required minimum. Best of luck!
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Good morning and I hope you all have a warm and happy Thanksgiving.
We can give you a pass for not writing, please spend the day with loved ones
Friday IS NOT a holiday. There will be no excuses accepted except for putting up Christmas lights
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Welcome to what is called in the US BLACK FRIDAY For those overseas in the UK, Oz, Canada, and North Dakota this is when "people" swarm the shopping centers and commit black-belt shopping. It's kind of like a cage match with a Master Card.

Men wisely avoid this celebration of acquisition and either claim to have to work (and relax in an empty office with a book and a cup of coffee) or stay home and put Christmas lights on their houses. The guys you might see in Walmart following their wife around is the kind of guy you read about doing something similar in an LW story.

I'm going to celebrate by trying to paste together one more Andi's Dream story.
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Eleven days left to post your work, that's plenty of time to finish up what you have,
but is there time to write another?
I'm giving it a shot, let's see...
Well, mines submitted but taking a lot longer than normal to post. First time posting in Erotic couplings tho, maybe it's a busy category.
Geeez Duleigh
Let me finish one first !
I have a secret weapon - Duleigh's Demandments and this is the result of Demandment #8

8. Thou shalt throw nothing away, ideas are forever useful, but oft times forgotten

These stories were cobbled together years ago with no expectation to publish, they were just writing exercises. I'm resurrecting and editing them
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I won't hide my love for the old "retro" clip art I've been digging up. When I went to school to be a graphic designer/printer it's what we had. And having a pair of retro parents who filled our house with the decorations and gewgaws of the 30's and 40's also cemented that love. Give me a Coca-Cola Santa Claus and I'll decorate my house around him.
Ten more days!
I have to say, with the overwhelming amount of Christmas content that gets pumped out every year, that's a notion I can't recall ever seeing presented. Good luck!
I'm very happy with the results. It's pending right now, but Noelle's Naughty List is one I'm proud of.

Let's see.

Santa's daughter Noelle finds a room with a letter rejected by Santa and vows to answer that charismas wish.
The letter is from an university science student, Priya, who is desperate to be desired and get laid.
As Noelle sneaks off to San Diego to answer the wish, Tinsel, her elf best friend, secretly is sent by Santa to watch over her from afar.
During the story Noelle clearly has no idea what she is doing, but tries to help Priya out. The siltation gets more complicated as Noelle falls for Priya. Also, Noelle doesn't know that Tinsel fell for her too.

I was worried it would end up just a funny romantic holiday story, but I got in three nice sex scenes that fit the story well!

Very excited for others to read it!
Hey getting kind of worried, mines been pending for 2 days now, usually event stuff gets fast tracked? Did I do something wrong? Just needs the quoted text in admin notes ya?
Hey getting kind of worried, mines been pending for 2 days now, usually event stuff gets fast tracked? Did I do something wrong? Just needs the quoted text in admin notes ya?
Give it one more day then send a DM to Laurel if it doesn't go. Don't forget that this was a holiday weekend, I gave Laurel Friday off...
Give it one more day then send a DM to Laurel if it doesn't go. Don't forget that this was a holiday weekend, I gave Laurel Friday off...
Ah yes here I am assuming Laurel has a bot doing this. This makes more sense