The Official Authors Hangout Winter Holiday 2023 Contest Support Thread

🎼 It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year... 🎅🎄❄️☃️🎼🎁... may I post short tales based on some mixed Xmas Carols?
It would be like the Karaoke Event, but wintersweet.
Here's some winter holiday stories from around the world, just to get the ideas flowing
  • 1. Soyal, The Winter Solstice of the Hopi in Northern Arizona ...
  • 2. Pancha Ganapati, The Hindu Alternative to Christmas ...
  • 3. Chana and Her Seven Sons, A Celebration of Women in Yemen ...
  • 4. Jólakötturinn, the Icelandic Yule Cat ...
  • 5. Sankta Lucia, The Honoring of St. Lucy ...
  • 6. Olentzero, the Basque Santa Claus ...
  • 7. Befana the Witch and the Feast of the Epiphany ...
  • 8. Perchta, The Bavarian Christmas Witch ...
  • 9. Krampus, the Anti-Santa Claus ...
Hindu Christmas???
I have a Krampus story rattling around in my head, hopefully I can shake it out of there and get it written down in time!
View attachment 2281150

Take it from a dog from Buffalo, nothing beats the winter! Skiing, toboganning, tubing, ice skating... families gathered togeather in warmth, making love in front of a crackling fire by the light of a decorated tree... The theme coveres all of the winter holidays/events/activities from the end of November to the end of January. Some ideas are... winter holiday traditions (dreidles, gift giving, etc.), cold weather (snow, ice, thunder snow), holiday mythology (Santa, Father Christmas, Hogfather, Hanukkah Harry, elves) holiday relocation - running off to Florida, Spain, Australia, Aspen, Jackson Hole

STARTS: November 10
CLOSES: December 6

Further rules will be posted as they become available.

Remember to copy and paste the phrase "WINTER HOLIDAY 2023" to the "Notes to Admin" field of the submission (quotes are not needed).

This thread is to SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE authors to enter stories in the 2023 Winter Holiday Contest If you have questions, post them here and someone will answer. It might be me, it might be someone else here but don't be shy. Ask.

If you're a first time writer, or this is the first time you're putting a story in to a contest on Literotica, hey, don't get stressed about it. You don't have to have written anything before to write for this contest. This isn’t a “by invitation only” event it's open to everyone. Don't stress out, nobody is going to get hurt, just give it your best shot and the story with the highest scores win.

New Writers - these events are a chance to hone your skills and get your name out there, and we're here to help, this forum is for you and for the old hands with the skill to help you.

Experienced Writers - this forum is for you to step up and mentor a new generation of writers

We're all here just writing for fun, come join a bunch of other writers doing the same thing. If you're not sure about what to do, how to submit your story, anything at all in fact, just post your questions here. We've all been there and we're a bunch of very helpful people and we like to pass it on.
Love this contest! One done, hopefully two or three more to follow. Happy Holidays to all in advance... looking forward to all the, ahem, entries.
I'm finishing an enemies-to-lovers Christmas story that didn't get done in time for last year. Working title is "That pickle-faced Amazon Bitch" but that might not fit the spirit of the season :)
Kinda bummed, but I think I'm gonna end up missing this one. Got behind on writing over the summer and ended up churning out quick Summer & Halloween stories JUST under the wire. Good news is, I have a Valentine's one started so I should be back on track in '24.
I'm finishing an enemies-to-lovers Christmas story that didn't get done in time for last year. Working title is "That pickle-faced Amazon Bitch" but that might not fit the spirit of the season :)
That might make a humorous subtitle, something like

Enemy Lovers

That Pickle Faced Amazon Bitch
That might make a humorous subtitle, something like

Enemy Lovers
That Pickle Faced Amazon Bitch
Yeah. Or since it's enemies to lovers, "Pickle-faced bitch becomes his darling sweetie pie" 😁

Too bad titles aren't allowed to be longer. I really wanted my Warmer by the Lake to be titled "A Blonde, a Brunette and a Redhead Fall Out of a Canoe" but it was too long... so that became the subtitle. Still cracks me up, though.
How about a half-drunk mom accidentally giving her son head on Thanksgiving morning. Relatives start arriving just after the deed is done.
How about a half-drunk mom accidentally giving her son head on Thanksgiving morning. Relatives start arriving just after the deed is done.

How about the son is hiding in the pantry, and the mom keeps running back and forth between him and her cooking. Suck some dick...go put the sweet potatoes in the oven...a little more sucking...go baste the turkey...
Scribbling like crazy...
2 days off work with a cold gave it an additional boost.
No cruel endings this time !
I'm in on this contest, got a nice tale lined up, a little winter incest/taboo thing. Had a great day writing yesterday, got down about 5,000 words - then, realized I'd written myself into a corner. So, today I am back up about 1,000 words and straightening it out. Not every stream of conscious diversion is a good one, at least from a writing standpoint.
My Santa love story is complete, though I'll likely tinker with it until submission time.
Now I just have to figure out what category to post it under...
Just a query, When is the submission time? Do you have to wait until. November the 10th to post or can a story be submitted before this and be published on the 10th. Any ideas. Thanks
Just a query, When is the submission time? Do you have to wait until. November the 10th to post or can a story be submitted before this and be published on the 10th. Any ideas. Thanks
You can submit it now, and as long as you have the tag in the Admin Note field, it'll be held until the 10th (assuming it's processed in time, but challenges and contests are usually given priority).
You can submit it now, and as long as you have the tag in the Admin Note field, it'll be held until the 10th (assuming it's processed in time, but challenges and contests are usually given priority).
Thank you, I'll tidy up over the weekend and submit. 54th story but 1st contest. Here goes nothing!
Agsinst my better judgment, I've started writing one: a sequel to Too Cold Not to Fuck. Provisionally called Too Hot Not to Fuck. Let's see whether it draws the same number of views and ratings.
So far I have 3 stories released. 2 of those are part of the same series.
I have a few others I was working on as well.
For the Summer and Halloween events I wanted to try and submit something, but it took me way to long and didn't come close to making the deadline.

For the winter contest I have a new story in the works. I was thinking to write someting shorter this time. Something quick and easy so I could finish it before the deadline.

But seven hells, I am already past 10k words and I am far from done. And I still have to edit it after I finish writing....

It seems I just can't do a short story of under 10k words haha
It happens to me too. They advised me to publish shorter tales, and divide the narrative into segments. Then (maybe) publish the second part in a month or two...
I have options

Two milf themed stories
One father/daughter

A killer brother/sister story that I think is one of my best, but would not go over well because of a couple of the elements involved.

Probably pick one of the milf stories

"Secret Santa" or "Christmas Eve" cause her name is Eve and its Christmas and...oh ho ho ho so clever :rolleyes:
But seven hells, I am already past 10k words and I am far from done. And I still have to edit it after I finish writing....
Yeah, I found I had an idea for this one, just a quickie stroker, really. I figured two pages tops to get it done.

It ended up as a 34,000 word Romance... And that is a LOT of editing left to do.