The Official Authors Hangout Winter Holiday 2023 Contest Support Thread

I'm retired with plenty of time on my hands (and the weather here in the UK is crap), obsessive, and competitive plus this is my first contest. I'll probably check four times an hour for the first twelve hours and hourly after that LOL
Hey, I've been at this since 2006, and seriously since 2020, I check every night at the same time, and I keep a copy of the days's data. I download the CSV spreadsheet and put them all in a workbook for the month.
I've just submitted my entry. Personally I don't think it's brilliant, but I came up with the idea and thought I'd write it up and see how it goes. It will probably tick several of the boxes that I/T readers like.
15,000 words in, about half done. Plus another 15k words on a totally non-Christmassy story that was meant to be a short simple stroker... That's about 80% done, for any Adrian&Dan fans.

27 days left, you say? Hm...
I just discovered an old romance that I wrote in 2020. I never published it, but it was the genesis of many of my works... maybe I can polish it up in time and have 3 entries in.
I've just submitted my entry. Personally I don't think it's brilliant, but I came up with the idea and thought I'd write it up and see how it goes. It will probably tick several of the boxes that I/T readers like.
And... approved for publication tomorrow.
Well, that sucks. The story I thought was ready for this year was the one I posted last year and hadn't moved to the Lit folder.

Back to the drawing board.
Submitted mine as well. Clocking in at almost 14k words. About double as long as I originally intended, but I think it turned out very well.
First time I get a story finished before the contest is closed.

My story "Hot Night, Cold Winter Storm" will be in the group sex category.
Father Christmas (very vanilla title) is locked for publication tomorrow. I enjoyed writing it very, VERY much. Now we see if everybody loves reading it as much...
I'm getting nowhere with my second story. So it may wait til next year.
The other goes live tomorrow "Last Holiday"
I am entering a contest on this site for the first time. I started. It's going really well with the main character being Santa's daughter.

I have to say, with the overwhelming amount of Christmas content that gets pumped out every year, that's a notion I can't recall ever seeing presented. Good luck!
Nah, you done good.

I loved the ending. Left you a 5 and a comment.
Thanks, much appreciated!

Overall the readers have been kinder than the story deserves, I think. Except a few. Two of the first five votes were 1s. I can only assume the readers objected to Sal stealing the Mandalorian T-shirt. (That said, one of the comments on the previous instalment objected to the name "Sal", so what do I know?)
Thanks, much appreciated!

Overall the readers have been kinder than the story deserves, I think. Except a few. Two of the first five votes were 1s. I can only assume the readers objected to Sal stealing the Mandalorian T-shirt. (That said, one of the comments on the previous instalment objected to the name "Sal", so what do I know?)
Sal? They whined about Sal? That's a common name especially in big eastern cities.
I've got the day off, the hubs is at work, and I just went out and bought the biggest ice coffee I could find. Time to roll up my sleeves...
Good luck! How's it coming along?

I just came up with a new, properly wintry idea. But I'm working all weekend, plus Mrs Stunned is back from a trip abroad. So very little writing time for now.
Sal? They whined about Sal? That's a common name especially in big eastern cities.

The reader has deleted the comment since, so perhaps they realised how daft it was. The exact comment was:
"Sal!!! This pastrami tastes like ass!"
"Ester, how do you know what ass tastes like?"
My point, you ask? Why the hell did you name the little sister "Sal?". Is "she" a trans-man? Originally a Sicilian wannabe gangster?
For this new story, I thought about adding a bit where the sister complains that her name is Sally, and the brother is the only one who calls her Sal, and it makes her sound like a fat man from a gangster movie.
Good luck! How's it coming along?

I just came up with a new, properly wintry idea. But I'm working all weekend, plus Mrs Stunned is back from a trip abroad. So very little writing time for now.

Very well, thank you. It's coming along, but I don't want to get out in front of my ski's. I've got a concept I really love, and want to take the time to nurture it properly.