The *Perfect* Match


I'm with you, PB - this sort of nonsense could have been posted only once.

On second thought, it needn't have been posted at all. :rolleyes:
granted the person in question could have went back and edited to delete the other posts..

but it sure doesn't take much for you all to get your knickers in a twist huh??
His_sugar said:
granted the person in question could have went back and edited to delete the other posts..

but it sure doesn't take much for you all to get your knickers in a twist huh??

Sugar, normally most of us around wouldn't give a thought to this sort of thing. However, this particular person has had a long, not-so-pleasant history on this forum. There is a past with this person that precedes you being here.

And there does remain the fact that the person did, in fact, not come back to delete the errant posts. If, indeed, they were errant posts. And besides, that sig line would sill remain, even if she did show the common courtesy of editing her posts.
Actually, I'm not one to get my panties in a bunch over double or triple posts. We've all done them on accident I'm sure. I know I've done at least one double post. Shit happens yanno? :)

But that frickin sig that takes up more than one screen (and I have a damn 21 inch monitor set to 1600x1200) that I think is complete bullshit. So, one post is bad enough, but 3??!!

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind sig lines. I have one. But if it's more than an inch or two on my screen, it's too got-damn long. I hate the thought of turning off sigs because I actually see some that are pretty cool. But if this keeps up, I just might turn them off.

PBW "I almost said, If your sig is longer than my *dick* it's too fucking long, but I can just imagine the teasing I'd get for that" LOL
artful said:
The perfect match in BDSM. Where is it? Who has it? Have you seen it? What does it look like? Can you get it? Is it chasing a fantasy? Paint me a picture with your words, tell me what you think.


Open up your truth, bare your souls honestly. Do it in a serious manner.


These *are* trick questions, *is* loaded, so beware of what you post. I will come back later, and paint my own picture, using my own brush, and my own colors.:rose:

Where is it? In the eye of the beholder of course. Perfection to one may not be the same to another.

Who has it? Only they know for sure in their hearts.

Is it chasing a fantasy? Only if the beholder cannot be satisfied ever.

What does it look like? hmmm...I would suppose that a perfect relationship in bdsm would look like two people in love with each other and no matter who was Dom or who was sub...their love would show through to all around.

Who has it? I haven't been here long enought to begin to dechiper that answer...sorry.

Can you get it? Yes, I would suppose that perfection is possible in this way. I throw in here...if love is involved perfection may change as the relationship builds too. Since ones desire to fullfill a loved ones dreams and aspirations and hopes tends to meld the two together...yes it is possible.

In my case..since I am still learning who I am in bdsm and what I idea of perfection will change as I learn. For me to know what my perfection is now will certainly change as I grow into bdsm and it changes my outlook on things as well. I have ideas now of what I would like, what sounds great and not so great...but I feel and also know that these ideas are subject to change.
I think that those who are closest to perfection may not realize it sometimes, until it hits them at some point and then they will know it to themselves. However...will it be perfection for their SO? That is something that only the SO will be able to answer. Hoepfully with truth and honesty. Gently if necessary, but honestly.
Sometimes life can get in the way too. Then, at those times one needs to remember that perfection is rare and a goal that is difficult to reach. If one finally reaches that perfection...then all things will come together and it will be the moment remembered forever.

Also...perfection may be a ever-changing and complex viewpoint that can never be a single set of values and rules. Things change in nature, and nature abbhors a vacum...simply...if there is no change...that which does not change will become extinct.

So saying that...change must be good for the human race and for relationships too. Each person in the relationship brings their own set of ideals, values, and needs. Together the two (or however many) work out the differences to achieve their perfection in a joint union of those ideals,needs and values.

I am going to quit here before I get really messed up...I just hope that I have made any sense here today.:)
lol i am off to find a ruler so i can measure my sig line!!



P. B. Walker said:
PBW "I almost said, If your sig is longer than my *dick* it's too fucking long, but I can just imagine the teasing I'd get for that" LOL

What? You think someone here would tease you?
lovetoread said:
What? You think someone here would tease you?

Oh I know you'd never tease me LTR... but ya might make me horny. LOL.

But that Ebony... I think she gets some kinda pleasure out of it. *grin*

PBW "Am I an easy target? LOL"
P. B. Walker said:
Actually, I'm not one to get my panties in a bunch over double or triple posts. We've all done them on accident I'm sure. I know I've done at least one double post. Shit happens yanno? :)

But that frickin sig that takes up more than one screen (and I have a damn 21 inch monitor set to 1600x1200) that I think is complete bullshit. So, one post is bad enough, but 3??!!

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind sig lines. I have one. But if it's more than an inch or two on my screen, it's too got-damn long. I hate the thought of turning off sigs because I actually see some that are pretty cool. But if this keeps up, I just might turn them off.

PBW "I almost said, If your sig is longer than my *dick* it's too fucking long, but I can just imagine the teasing I'd get for that" LOL

When you make it so easy for me, it is no fun!

P. B. Walker said:
But that Ebony... I think she gets some kinda pleasure out of it. *grin*
PBW "Am I an easy target? LOL"

Well, teasing, and being a Domme goes hand in hand!

As for you being an easy target, well let's just say you are just easy!


<Slyly eyeing PBW's ass>
P. B. Walker said:

PBW "I almost said, If your sig is longer than my *dick* it's too fucking long, but I can just imagine the teasing I'd get for that" LOL

Now that depends - hard? Or soft?

*Wondering how her sig line "measures" up ;) *
SexyChele said:
Now that depends - hard? Or soft?

*Wondering how her sig line "measures" up ;) *

Well... seeing as I'm a "grower and not a shower" I don't think we want to go with the soft version. LOL

lovetoread said:

I hate being a grower... cus when your soft it just looks soo.... well nevermind. LOL.

I guess it's better than not having anything. :)

PBW "Wait, don't look... I gotta get it hard!"
P. B. Walker said:
I hate being a grower... cus when your soft it just looks soo.... well nevermind. LOL.

I guess it's better than not having anything. :)

PBW "Wait, don't look... I gotta get it hard!"

I am still waiting for the pic. ;)
lovetoread said:
I am still waiting for the pic. ;)

LOL... tsk tsk, Mrs. I-haven't-done-my-research. :)

I assume you mean the hard pic and not hte soft pic... cus, kinda like Eb's never gonna take my anal virginity, I'm never gonna take a soft pic. :) Well, I take that back... post a soft pic.. cus I do have one. lol

P. B. Walker said:
LOL... tsk tsk, Mrs. I-haven't-done-my-research. :)

I assume you mean the hard pic and not hte soft pic... cus, kinda like Eb's never gonna take my anal virginity, I'm never gonna take a soft pic. :) Well, I take that back... post a soft pic.. cus I do have one. lol


You posted some?
SexyChele said:
OMG OMG OMG!!! How did I ever miss THIS!?!?!

PB, you been hiding out on us ladies here. Such a bad boy - I think Eb needs to take things firmly in hand. Um, well, I certainly wouldn't mind helping in that!

LOL... it's only been there since January. <winks>.

No hiding on my part. :)
