The *Perfect* Match

I think Eb might want an ass shot PBW. hint hint.

Just looking out for Eb ya know. ~wink~

dixicritter said:
I think Eb might want an ass shot PBW. hint hint.

Just looking out for Eb ya know. ~wink~


Uhhh... I think there's a rule against that here. LOL. I'm pretty sure of it. I think Risia can back me up on that.

:) PBW
P. B. Walker said:
Uhhh... I think there's a rule against that here. LOL. I'm pretty sure of it. I think Risia can back me up on that.

:) PBW

Then I must remove mine,then?
lovetoread said:
Then I must remove mine,then?

lol... NOOOooooooooooooooooo....

it's a rule that is only for naked *male* asses. :)

doesn't apply to lovely females asses such as yours.

lovetoread said:
Heh...but I so enjoy a nice male ass.


Ahhh, but there's the rub... a "nice" male ass. lol. I think the rule says no naked asses like mine (i.e., fat asses). LOL

I'm sure one of the other male members with a nice ass would love to post it for ya... <grin> Lance? Zipman? lol

P. B. Walker said:
Ahhh, but there's the rub... a "nice" male ass. lol. I think the rule says no naked asses like mine (i.e., fat asses). LOL

I'm sure one of the other male members with a nice ass would love to post it for ya... <grin> Lance? Zipman? lol


Oh please.

Your ass is fine.

I believe it was called a juicy peach. ;)
lovetoread said:
Oh please.

Your ass is fine.

I believe it was called a juicy peach. ;)

LOL... ya'll haven't seen it.

PBW "Trust me..."

BUT... you can put up as many of your ass pics as possible... cus there is guaranteed to be at least one guy drooling over them.... ME :)
P. B. Walker said:
LOL... ya'll haven't seen it.

PBW "Trust me..."

BUT... you can put up as many of your ass pics as possible... cus there is guaranteed to be at least one guy drooling over them.... ME :)

Mine is already up on Lit.

I think it's time you shared that fine of yourself with us, PB!
Maybe, I'm getting too old, and a bit stodgy, but Jeez! This thread only got interesting after the the sig line complaints department went on the attack.

Anyway, I would like to address a couple of things.

Why does it have to be limited to BDSM?
Because that's what the person that started this whole thing said.

What a load of Horse sh@#!
And, I'm going off subject, but I must...

Apparently, from a quick read of most of the posts here, a 'perfect BDSM match' must lie somewhere between a Christian religious experience, and some sort of ethereal out-of-body experience complete with elves, fairies and a liberal sprinkling of hoodoo philosophy!

Since when does "Oh! That hurts so good." turn into a sojourn into the corny. BDSM is all about control and submission, and/or pain and pleasure. I've seen bottoms get flogged so severly that they've passed out, but I've never known anyone to touch the face of God in a scene.

It's just not that deep, guys. If it is, I think that some of you need to get a life, even if it's someone elses.

Lifestyle choices are just that--They're lifestyles. They're not rapturous experiences. If that's what you're looking for, you're looking in the wrong place. You might want to go find a nice little Charismatic church.

Yes, an overload of sensory pleasure may be very exciting, but no matter how you look at it, its' still just a hedonistic interlude.

Now, if you're into online roleplay, and that is your life, please, ignore what I just said, and enjoy your fantasy. :)

And, finally, to put this post on subject, a 'perfect BDSM match' is the one you use to light the candle for whatever ingenous use you have in mind for a hot, waxen phallus.
The perfect match is whatever is perfect for you.

If you find elves and faeries, or simply the proper brand of rope, it is yours.
Perfection is a guy that knows how to buy Mt Dew.

Seriously, though.

Whats funny is that not one of us could agree what perfect is.

I simply want someone that wants me.

Though if he knew how to help with the kids, it would be a bonus. ;)
SexyChele said:
Mine is already up on Lit.

I think it's time you shared that fine of yourself with us, PB!

Uhmmm... I'll think about it... maybe... lol. Any incentives? lmao.

Looks like I have to go do some research to find this pics Chele :)

PBW "Off to the showers and a football game."
Work it PBW!

This reluctant, but available tease is driving the W/women wild! :D

P.S. oh my, even the lesbian is blushing after this new exposure.
lovetoread said:
Very nice, PB.

Very very nice indeed.

LOL, you mean LTR you missed PBW's "unit"? Lance posted his once long ago in his Av but sometimes you gotta me quick to see these things.

I think that PBW has posted his ass in boxers too, of course I might be wrong there.

I like Big asses , small asses, tight ass, less tight asses, on men and/or subs.

As long as a man has an ass, I will admire it! LOL

Ebony (Ass Mistress Supreme)
H piltdown said:

Lifestyle choices are just that--They're lifestyles. They're not rapturous experiences. If that's what you're looking for, you're looking in the wrong place. You might want to go find a nice little Charismatic church.

I say to each his or her own. If they want to see Jesus in a whip, go for it.

As for church, if you read SM 101 (jay Wiseman), there are indeed BDSM churches, and have been for over 20 years, so it is not so far fetched.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even you.

I have said that the perfect match is a myth. I believe it but others do not have to. I look for what suits Me, no more, no less.

Ebonyfire said:
LOL, you mean LTR you missed PBW's "unit"? Lance posted his once long ago in his Av but sometimes you gotta me quick to see these things.

I think that PBW has posted his ass in boxers too, of course I might be wrong there.

I like Big asses , small asses, tight ass, less tight asses, on men and/or subs.

As long as a man has an ass, I will admire it! LOL

Ebony (Ass Mistress Supreme)

Yep I missed the whole thing.

Sheesh you see what happens when you get sick and miss any of Lit's happenings. ;)
lovetoread said:
Yep I missed the whole thing.

Sheesh you see what happens when you get sick and miss any of Lit's happenings. ;)

Maybe if you ask nicely they will show you.

Ebonyfire said:
I say to each his or her own. If they want to see Jesus in a whip, go for it.

As for church, if you read SM 101 (jay Wiseman), there are indeed BDSM churches, and have been for over 20 years, so it is not so far fetched.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even you.

I have said that the perfect match is a myth. I believe it but others do not have to. I look for what suits Me, no more, no less.


Really interesting, good point.

I do find a bit of spirituality within a good BDSM relationhip. I am agnostic, aside from believing in forces of nature that are certainly greater, and more complex than I can understand - and am part of. Mistress was raised Southern Baptist :eek:

I think there's much to be found in the principles of BDSM, that can parallel religious teachings if you're into them.

It can be a vaulable place to learn about being unselfish, unegotistical, surrendering yourself, taking responsibility for your own feelings and exploring them, partnership, negotiation, leading others responibly, honestly and respectfully, etc. These lessons can be gotten anywhere, but the "playground" of BDSM is an intense one.

I honestly do feel I am giving myself over to something greater at times. Not that my Mistress is deity - I don't consider Her anything beyond a dominant person (that I love, respect and have submitted to), but that through this symbiotic relationship, we touch upon a "magic". Part of it is simple love, that any two human beings could feel for one another but, actually seeking out the limits of pain/pleasure and Domination/submission in our relationship is powerful. Everyone is going to feel these things through out life in differing degrees, some of us actually seek it out, and elevate it to a practice of "spirituality", if one cares to look at it or experiences it in a "sacred" way.

Personally, I would never join a BDSM church, as I am more about the individual and can't really get into group speak/thought but, I see lots of possibility for individual growth in BDSM.

As for perfect anything, it's all in perception - perception changes. But I have had relationships, moments and exchanges in which I was utterly content, even estatic, at the time, and would change nothing, even though they were temporary. I have had "bad" things happen in my life, that lead to better things. I tend to think that even the most rotten day that I hate is "perfect" in what I need to know or experience (especially in hindsight ;)).

There is a Taoist saying: "The journey is the reward."

If I would've had to draw out the perfect Mistress for me, I don't think it would have looked much like the relationship I have right now. And I can honestly say I'd have really horribly missed out on so much if I was blinded by that idea of "perfection", in fact, I would probably be alone in my ideals and dreams of BDSM, rather than actually getting to experience it.
Is perfection stagnant?

There is a saying in the vanilla world that there is "Mr/ Ms. Right and Mr./Mrs, Right Now." What is right for you now, may not be right at a later date. We grow, we change, and if we are lucky, we find others whose growth parallels our own. Not all of us are that lucky.

Think about it. If the primary goal in life is to grow and improve, how can something that is perfect continue to do that?

If something is perfect, that may connote that nothing can be improved upon. In other words it is stagnant.

I personally opt for changing and growing, so perfection is not on my mind.

Just my opinion.

One strives to find perfection...the goal is perfection...the trip is the learning process. When perfection is found at last...then I believe a new goal of perfection develops, probably has been in development in process. Therefore...seeking perfection is the journey and the journey is what it is all about.
Re: Work it PBW!

lark sparrow said:
This reluctant, but available tease is driving the W/women wild! :D

P.S. oh my, even the lesbian is blushing after this new exposure.

lol... that might be my claim to fame... making a lesbian blush. ;)

Thanx, lark sparrow
