The real life Jussforfun


From myself for my very special friend.

I never knew Jon but he seems to have been one of God's gifts to this world. There are not enough people like himon this planet, and God must have had a reason to take him. My heart pours out to the loving friend I have in Maureen.
thank you to scobee for sharing jon with the rest of us. i know that you have to be hurting so much right now, losing your good friend. i hope that you find strength and comfort. please know that you are welcome to reach out if you feel the need to talk.

to pg, my heart breaks for you. i am so very happy that you found your love and so very sad that he got taken away too soon. cherish the memories and give yourself time to grieve. you have love and support from people here.

jon sounds like he was an amazing man. i'm sorry that i didn't get to know him better. the world has lost a good man.

rest in peace jon.
It took me all day to read through this without crying.
Although I didn't know juss for long, you could tell he was a really special
He and Passionategirl seemed perfect for each other. I could feel the sparks
between them whenever they posted together. And, they were both always kind and caring to everyone else. I'm glad he was able to find the special connection,
He made things fun wherever he went.
He will be deeply missed.
I have to say I never spoke to Jon here, I'm not even sure I've ever come across one of his posts/threads, but it looks like I missed out on getting to know a really good guy, as Janey said if someone feels so strongly about me when I pass I too will know I've lived a good life.

My heart goes out to PG and scobee and all his other friends and family here and out there in the real world, remember the good times and know he's now at peace smiling down on you all.
I didn't really know Juss... what can I say ?

To Juss's family and friends, my heartfelt condolences... may he rest in peace. :heart:

To PG, I know you're in a painful place right now and I sincerely send you my hugs...

Thanks for reading this, I just wanted people to know a little more about the private side of Jon. He was so modest and for some reason now I just want to shout out to the world about some of the good stuff he did, and about what a great guy he was.

This was beautiful thank you so much for sharing. :rose:
I honestly dont know where to start, and as Jon(juss) would say "im hurtin like a puppy"..this is like a bloody nightmare, except there is no waking up.

His Best friend has left a beautiful post and i hope people take a couple of minutes to read it..This guy has been in constant touch with me the last few days and has been great. He was with Jon at the end, so he is really hurting and I hope leaving his message here has helped him.I have made a friend in him and we will meet up someday hopefully.We have talked of Juss a lot, Im sure Juss would have liked that ....I am so glad Jon had told him about me otherwise i would now be looking at my phone for an email!

Being "with" Juss constantly through tests , the operation, his trip home( I was with him when he felt unwell) , hundreds of emails, even more pms and posting..I think I got to know this amazing guy pretty well. I will try and explain what he meant to me..

He loved Lit..Oh God did he love Lit and all of ye, said it distracted him from all the shit. He used to say Lit was a community and I have to agree with him after logging on today and seeing the beautiful sentiments ye guys left...Juss would have loved it.

He was the bravest person I knew and kept his optimism and humour right up til the end..He used to joke and send me links so I would post what I felt about him..Well here goes jon,..You could make me laugh, cry, make my stomach flip, take my breath away, you were friend ,lover, my last thought at night and my first thought in the morning..and yes Juss we are an us and I love you! .. he was coming to Ireland soon to meet me and scatter his Dads ashes.***** fucking sucks

My prayers are with his Mum, and family and friends...especially his kindhearted best friend
I miss you Juss...I miss you soo much
Love you and we will meet someday
Sleep peacefully Honey
your Dollface..Maureen

he gave me this song, our song...its getting played at the funeral also..i cant stop bawling when I listen to it.

(((((((((Maureen))))))))) :rose:
(((((((((Maureen))))))))) :rose:

Truly believe in a life after this because my friend that was an atheist died and was brought back. She told me what she seen and heard and felt. Not only does she now have a strong faith in a higher being she also reaffirmed my faith. The wild thing is that she never told her family what happened at the party...her dying and being brought back....her mom ended up being brought back from dying years later and she looked at her and said you know where I am going you have been there.....It's like someone in heaven told her that Sandy was there for a moment and came back to earth. Then her mom passed away. It was a second confirmation that makes me weep!

Just wanted to share this because it helps me when someone I care about passes on to the next stage of existense.

Your words for your friend is so beautiful and I am honored to have had the chance to read it. Thank you for sharing!

I know this place is called the playground, so I'm sorry if this is a little non playground, but I wanted to share a little about the best friend I've ever had and ever will have. Please indulge me and I hope this gives a little insight into the real Jussforfun, Jon.

Knowing him, he never shared his background with you, he was very modest, but was a remarkable guy. As you all now know, he passed away peacefully yesterday afternoon after fighting cancer for over 4 years. He wasn't scared to die and would say that he'd had a good innings.

He was born and raised in Australia grew up in the outback, "Beyond the Black Stump." he would say.

He was a member of the 1980 Olympic swim team, but didn't get to compete because his appendix burst 4 days before they were supposed to leave Australia.
He joined the Royal Australian Air Force and trained as a fighter pilot, he was a member of Number 1 Squadron based out of Amberlee Air Force Base and flew F/A 18's until he was grounded because he couldn't pass his eyesight test.
He was an avid sports participant and after the Air Force concentrated on Australia Rules Football, (Aussie rues) and played professional football for nearly three years until a devastating knee injury ended his career. He was successful at anything he tried.

He was the most generous person I've ever met with both his money and his time. Every thanksgiving he would donate a truck load (A big rig truckload ) of turkey's anonymously to the Red Cross in Southern California, At Christmas he would buy a box of envelopes and put a $20 dollar bill in each of them then wander through skid row in LA and hand them out. he would also go to the local Mattell factory close to where he lived and where there is a Boys and Girls home for orphans and the kids would get to walk through their store and pick any item they wanted and he'd pick up the tab, again anonymously.

Every time he went for treatments to the hospital where he was treated he'd get a late afternoon appointment so he could spend the day in the pediatric wards visiting with the kids, he kept the place stocked with kids books, crayons, video games, teddy bears. He had a hard time controlling his emotions when it came to them, and always said thats why he wasn't scared of dying, seeing the strength in the kids faces who hadn't had a chance to experience life.

He would have been a great father but was never able to have kids himself.

His funeral will be held this coming Saturday and this was the song he wanted to have played as they remove the coffin.

This song came out a few years back and he laughed and said that Tim McGraw wrote it for him, of course it wasn't but he sure lived up to it.

After the first round of cancer he did nothing but do the stuff he'd always wanted to do, Scuba dived on the Great Barrier Reef, Went to Italy took me with him to attend a 2 week culinary school in Tuscany, Hiked up Half Dome in Yosemite, Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, Followed the Tour De France on a road bike, He was always calling me to tell me about the next thing he had planned, definitely had his Bucket List.

He had just recently come back to this site and he met a very special girl Passionategirl that he was crazy about. One day hopefully I'll get to meet her, I know she's just as devastated as me over this loss. Send her a hug!

I'm sorry if I have gone on about the guy, but I loved him so much, and I wanted you all to have a little insight into his life. He truly was one of the good guys, He wasn't extremely religious but he was very spiritual always believing there is a higher power, so I know he's enjoying experiencing that higher power right now, sitting with his dad who he missed terribly, singing Irish folk songs and sipping on his favorite drink, Jamesons on the rocks.

Mate, I love you and it breaks my heart to not be able to be with you anymore my girls adore you and cried themselves to sleep knowing their Uncle Jon wont be around anymore, may you truly rest in peace, no more pain, no more suffering, except for those you leave behind.
God Bless

I just read the complete post and OMG Jon did so much for so many! He will have so many blessing where he is and I am so very grateful that you shared this because it has touched me in a deep way! Wish I had gotten to know him but through your post I know he is a great human being that we all should try and emulate!

Not only will he be missed the world will be less bright without him! :rose:
Bumping for the late night crowd. I would hate for anyone to miss this beautiful tribute to a lovely man.
I didn't know about this until Sunshinegirl05 called and told me.

I am very sorry to all of those who knew Juss well and those that were touched by his presence. I only knew him for a short time here on Lit. through a few threads, pms and chats. He had a spark about him that seemed to draw people into his threads and want to post with him. I wish I would have been able to know as some of you here did. Seems I lost out on knowing an angel on Earth. :rose:

((((((((((((((((((BIG HUG Mo))))))))))))))))))))
you know i dont have the words!!! So all i'm gonna say is RIP Juss and you know i'm here PG!!!! :rose:
I only ran into Jon a few times on the board, but he just seemed like such a great guy. He, his family and friends are in my prayers and thoughts. R.I.P Juss, you will be missed.
I'll be writing a poem and posting it on here (per request of Passionategirl) - so keep your eyes posted if you want to read it.
What a beautiful and fitting description, I was touched to read what a great man Juss was, not that I ever doubted it. His sense of fun and kindness shone through here. PassionateGirl I cannot begin to say anything that will help but my thoughts are with you and Jon's loved ones. May he Rest In Peace :rose:
It always makes me sad to hear about amazing people like juss passing away long before it is due. I am truely sorry for the loss.
I was told about this the other day but it took me a couple days to get here to post.
I'm very sorry to hear this. It makes me sad to know that someone who had so much to offer has gone.
I had only spoken to him occasionally but he was very sweet and I know he will be missed.

To those he shared his life with, on here and off, I am sorry for your loss. I hope you find peace and comfort in the memories you have of him.
This is hard..but I want to remind everyone that today is Juss's(Jon's) funeral..Though I know without a doubt Juss is in heaven or a better place, spare a thought and a prayer to his friends and family to help and get them through today..Though I have been best friends with Juss since his return it was only in the last couple of weeks we faced our feelings and love for each other, so even though Im broken and devastated, my pain compares little with theirs.

Not many people are blessed with a friendship that Jon had with Scobee, and this guy is heartbroken and hurting big time. Having made all the arrangements, he has to get the strenght to get through today, please spare a thought for him.

If any of ye are having a drink later, raise a glass to Jon , he would get such a kick out of that....look Litsers, just raise your tea, coffee, water, whiskey, beer whatever , to Juss today.

Funeral Blues......

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

W.H. Auden