The Second Amendment Does Not Extend To Illegal Aliens

If the constitution does not apply, that means there is no right to life. The ammosexuals will be shooting people they think are illegal on sight.

If that includes some black folk carrying skateboards, well that sucks.
Your just off the rails, how can you justify a vile statement such as this^^^^^ your hatred just leaks out of every pore in your skin.... you don't know shit......
I'm an ammosexual, I'm absolutely nothing that even resembles your vile statement. Your filthy idol Alec Baldwin gun has murdered more people than all of my gun combined....
Your just off the rails, how can you justify a vile statement such as this^^^^^ your hatred just leaks out of every pore in your skin.... you don't know shit......
I'm an ammosexual, I'm absolutely nothing that even resembles your vile statement. Your filthy idol Alec Baldwin gun has murdered more people than all of my gun combined....
Calm down and go to Aurora, CO. I've heard they need someone like you.
It wasn't such a stretch to the founders. Who perhaps lived a bit closer to their faith and the teachings of that faith than many of today do.

I do find it funny that you, supposedly in a foreign country, don't understand that the nation you live in exists because of the people having and bearing weapons as they conquered the land. Further, your (supposed) nation's enemies are restricted by the very existence of the weapons you profess to want to eliminate in your country, but have no control over the weaponry possessed by other nations with a will/desire/plan of global conquest/destruction.

Can I take it you're against preventing Iran and NK from getting the Bomb or are you claiming to be smarter than God? I just want you on record on this one. I'm smarter than God for all the same reasons I'm smarter than Sherlock Holmes, Gandalf and Skynet. I barely care at this point if they do but that's a personal choice not me being fearful of sky daddy. Nor is it me going against "natural law" if you prefer. I believe there are no such things as rights. There are privileges we colelctively agree upon and can alter via future agreements. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Can I take it you're against preventing Iran and NK from getting the Bomb or are you claiming to be smarter than God? I just want you on record on this one. I'm smarter than God for all the same reasons I'm smarter than Sherlock Holmes, Gandalf and Skynet. I barely care at this point if they do but that's a personal choice not me being fearful of sky daddy. Nor is it me going against "natural law" if you prefer. I believe there are no such things as rights. There are privileges we colelctively agree upon and can alter via future agreements. Nothing more. Nothing less.

^this is some seriously sick shit. Get help.