The Second Amendment for Dummies.

We all have free speech rights as explained in the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.
Sure seems like in Florida that isn’t the case. But you don’t want to engage on that discussion. Your Nazi boy can’t possibly be wrong or violate the constitution.
Sure seems like in Florida that isn’t the case. But you don’t want to engage on that discussion. Your Nazi boy can’t possibly be wrong or violate the constitution.
Congress did not pass a law infringing on Disney’s freedom of speech.
Congress did not pass a law infringing on Disney’s freedom of speech.
Correct. And Florida didn’t either. Yet, your boy did. Since you agree with it you don’t see the problem.

Let’s do it this way, why did he act on Disney’s status?


Thanks for the lesson.
Correct. And Florida didn’t either. Yet, your boy did. Since you agree with it you don’t see the problem.

Let’s do it this way, why did he act on Disney’s status?


Thanks for the lesson.
The state legislature passed a bill giving Disney control over the Reedy Creek Special District about 50 years ago. Then last year the state legislature passed a bill removing that privilege and the governor signed it. No constitutional violation.
The state legislature passed a bill giving Disney control over the Reedy Creek Special District about 50 years ago. Then last year the state legislature passed a bill removing that privilege and the governor signed it. No constitutional violation.
And why did they do it? Why did they not do it before then? What made Disney’s special district different than that of the others in the Sunshine state?

Seems to be Ron is telling Disney to Don’t say don’t say gay. Again, speech.

So glad you are all about constitutional rights when you agree with people and you can look past it when you don’t.
Hell, we don't need no Second Amendment anyway! Harpy says God predates the Second Amendment, and God granted us all the gun rights we need.
The problem is that your stand on people possessing the power of firearms is that there should be no limit at all, in any case, of possession. You regard any attempt at requirements for education, training, or consequences for lack of either as a limitation on your power.

Note: I'm using 'power' instead of 'rights' or 'freedom' because this debate is about power.

That's a super jumbo size with fries and a large drink ascription.
God granted us three things, Life, Liberty and Property (because Life implies that you own you and Liberty implies that you may do with your property as you will).

Guns are only tools to defend these "Natural" Rights and everyone (save maybe Buddhist monks and secular crazies), even gun-haters, believes you have the right to self-defense, even if it is a level playing field "proportional" self-defense.
The problem is that your stand on people possessing the power of firearms is that there should be no limit at all, in any case, of possession. You regard any attempt at requirements for education, training, or consequences for lack of either as a limitation on your power.

Note: I'm using 'power' instead of 'rights' or 'freedom' because this debate is about power.
Really? Convicted felons loose the right to bear arms unless reinstated by a federal court. (The same should be true re. voting.) Non-citizens don't have that right. Can't carry in a court house or polling place. Virtually no one thinks that those are overly burdensome. You can't own a fully automatic weapon or a cannon without going through an extensive permitting process, same with explosives.

It has not gone unnoticed by those in the 2nd amendment community that damned near every instance of a mass shooting took place in a "gun free' zone or that criminals don't obey the law. It has also not gone unnoticed that many of the assailants in these cases were under the influence of psychoactive drugs (read the contraindications on those chemicals).
Don't take this and drive your SUV though a densely-packed crowd of people you disagree with?
There is an entire segment of the population that politicians have lulled into the notion that safety and security can be can't.