The Second Amendment, Gun Control, and School Shootings.

No. There's a planned parenthood thread. I know you can find it. All that discussion on Injustice Collectors, as it doesn't apply to you, still applies to school shootings. If you want to play with your strawman, and project feelings on me about Planned Parenthood, do it there.

Bye, Felicia.
No. Thee's a planned parenthood thread. I know you can find it.

You had no problem just a few posts ago when you making shit up 100mph over it.....

If giving your taxes to poor women is "VIOLENCE!" then why aren't you violently opposing it?

If SOCIALISM = INJUSTICE! then why aren't you fighting for justice?

You only have enough money to provide toiletries for your family? Why does your family need toiletries, and nobody else does? Your taxes pay for the water in public toilets. Public toilets and water fountains in parks you're not even aware of.

Is this socialism violence against you? Why is Planned Parenthood oppressing you, when State Colleges are not? I'm not trying to trigger you, I don't have to, you're already here in knee-jerk mode, I can tell, because you're down to your favorite image macros. You might as well start to recognize it.

So, why are the social programs you benefit from not Injustice? Why are the ones you shouldn't even care about so important to you, when they're such a miniscule cintilla of your contribution to society?

What changed all of a sudden??:eek:

Run run run .....scurry away like a roach in the light.

All that discussion on Injustice Collectors,

Was you making up tons of wild shit to try and demonize me for not supporting your flavor of government authority......:D
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Back to the Planned Parenthood thread. Buh bye.

Why you running hypocrite???:D

Scared being on the spot and having to own up to all that PP talk you just got through tossing out there just a few posts ago??

So you can make up a bunch of shit about me over my lack of support for public funding of PP, but when I ask you why you run off....LOL

Imagine that.....:cool:
@Hypoxia, that info graphic's hilarious! I especially love how Japan is in the corner with the countries that don't have video games. LOL!
Yeah, it's in the Planned Parenthood thread. You're the one who said to get back to the core, so I did.


I'll talk about PP there.

Yes the core of the discussion we were having before you went scurrying from the hard questions.

Not that you had a problem discussing PP here....hypocrite.

It's over there waiting for you btw.

*awaits your deflections in the other thread*
Yes the core of the discussion we were having before you went scurrying from the hard questions.

So, would you rather talk about not-you Injustice Collectors shooting up schools, or another motive for boys shooting up schools?
The mantra of the "Progressives" seems to be, "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too." They further want to, by any means, deny you the means of preventing them from sticking their grubby little hands in your wallet.

The second amendment is there precisely to be the ultimate firewall to prevent them from doing that. And that fact pisses them off to no end. The elite neo-communists that is, the rabble in the streets are inundated with fear mongering. Predictably they react with emotions, not reason.

We are constantly told they only want "common sense" gun laws. While they continually ignore the laws already on the books, and the inability or unwillingness, of the government to enforce said laws. When asked exactly what "common sense" laws should be enacted they invariably spout ideas that are in contradiction to the second amendment. At least former Justice Stephens had the balls to voice what they actually want, the full repeal of the second in its entirety.

And that day may come. But the results of that are already road mapped out for us. We need look no further than the UK for guidance. They stripped their citizens of virtually any right to 'bear arms' decades ago. They are now stripping their citizens of the right of free speech (1st amendment). We are slowly doing the same by creating a situation whereby the citizen is criminalized for daring to practice their religion according to their conscience.

At risk is liberty itself and the few lives lost to the criminal and/or criminally insane is a small price to pay for the reservation of those rights.
The second amendment is there precisely to be the ultimate firewall to prevent them from doing that.

How is the 2nd amendment supposed to stop progressives? I can see it in some of the other Amendments, but that one is pretty clearly to protect our security with guns.

We are constantly told they only want "common sense" gun laws.

Unfortunately, I talk to a lot of progressives on what "Common sense" means, and get a whole bunch of different answers. So, if they're sense, then they're not common ones. Otherwise, even they would be able to agree on them.

While they continually ignore the laws already on the books, and the inability or unwillingness, of the government to enforce said laws.

Well, in the case of homicidal maniacs, I believe the problem is they ignore the gun laws. None of the ones on the books seem to stop them getting their hands on guns.

And that day may come.

No, the second amendment isn't going anywhere. I'd like the archaic language to be updated a bit, but even that's probably not going to happen. Hell, they could just abridge it to "The right to bear arms shall not be infringed apon" without preamble, and I'd be happy.

But the results of that are already road mapped out for us.

With the current regime, there is no road. It's basically a salt flat, tends to happen when you drain a swamp. We'll have to wait for the mid-term election to see where we're headded...

At risk is liberty itself and the few lives lost to the criminal and/or criminally insane is a small price to pay for the reservation of those rights.

Lives are never a small price to pay. Anyone who would trade liberty for security deserves neither, and those are mostly American Children, not soldiers paying your "Small price." Kinda awkward wording there.
How is the 2nd amendment supposed to stop progressives? I can see it in some of the other Amendments, but that one is pretty clearly to protect our security with guns.

Unfortunately, I talk to a lot of progressives on what "Common sense" means, and get a whole bunch of different answers. So, if they're sense, then they're not common ones. Otherwise, even they would be able to agree on them.

Well, in the case of homicidal maniacs, I believe the problem is they ignore the gun laws. None of the ones on the books seem to stop them getting their hands on guns.

No, the second amendment isn't going anywhere. I'd like the archaic language to be updated a bit, but even that's probably not going to happen. Hell, they could just abridge it to "The right to bear arms shall not be infringed apon" without preamble, and I'd be happy.

With the current regime, there is no road. It's basically a salt flat, tends to happen when you drain a swamp. We'll have to wait for the mid-term election to see where we're headded...

Lives are never a small price to pay. Anyone who would trade liberty for security deserves neither, and those are mostly American Children, not soldiers paying your "Small price." Kinda awkward wording there.

Whether you like it or not human life is one of the cheapest commodities on this planet. Neither your life, nor any other save my own progeny and loved ones, are "precious" to me. 99.9% of the human race could disappear from the face of the earth tomorrow with now great loss and, according to many, to great benefit to the ecosystem. Most will be born, grow up, reproduce, then die, without ever having contributed any particular service to humanity...........or any service at all.

You bemoan and seemingly anguish over the loss of a few lives at the hands of criminals while espousing a governmental/economic systems that are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions.

I suggest to you that your concerns are severely misplaced.
Whether you like it or not human life is one of the cheapest commodities on this planet. Neither your life, nor any other save my own progeny and loved ones, are "precious" to me. 99.9% of the human race could disappear from the face of the earth tomorrow with now great loss and, according to many, to great benefit to the ecosystem. Most will be born, grow up, reproduce, then die, without ever having contributed any particular service to humanity...........or any service at all.

You bemoan and seemingly anguish over the loss of a few lives at the hands of criminals while espousing a governmental/economic systems that are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions.

I suggest to you that your concerns are severely misplaced.

This is the most pro-abortion post written in the history of life. You make Ireland proud today!
This is the most pro-abortion post written in the history of life. You make Ireland proud today!

While you are completely off topic I'll respond anyway.

I have been pro-choice since I first joined this board. That is a matter of historical fact. It doen't change the fact that I also think abortion is murder, plain and simple. It merely is my acknowledgement that women have practiced birth control and abortion throughout all of recorded history and I see no point in criminalizing those practices.
While you are completely off topic I'll respond anyway.

I have been pro-choice since I first joined this board. That is a matter of historical fact. It doen't change the fact that I also think abortion is murder, plain and simple. It merely is my acknowledgement that women have practiced birth control and abortion throughout all of recorded history and I see no point in criminalizing those practices.

It's a good thing for true Americans who enjoy individual rights and liberties that we won that battle and the court agreed with us.
The mantra of the "Progressives" seems to be, "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too." They further want to, by any means, deny you the means of preventing them from sticking their grubby little hands in your wallet.

The second amendment is there precisely to be the ultimate firewall to prevent them from doing that. And that fact pisses them off to no end. The elite neo-communists that is, the rabble in the streets are inundated with fear mongering. Predictably they react with emotions, not reason.

We are constantly told they only want "common sense" gun laws. While they continually ignore the laws already on the books, and the inability or unwillingness, of the government to enforce said laws. When asked exactly what "common sense" laws should be enacted they invariably spout ideas that are in contradiction to the second amendment. At least former Justice Stephens had the balls to voice what they actually want, the full repeal of the second in its entirety.

And that day may come. But the results of that are already road mapped out for us. We need look no further than the UK for guidance. They stripped their citizens of virtually any right to 'bear arms' decades ago. They are now stripping their citizens of the right of free speech (1st amendment). We are slowly doing the same by creating a situation whereby the citizen is criminalized for daring to practice their religion according to their conscience.

At risk is liberty itself and the few lives lost to the criminal and/or criminally insane is a small price to pay for the reservation of those rights.

Name one example. I very much look forward to your answer.
The irrelevant argument that progressives want ‘gun control’ (which they only understand as eventual confiscation of all firearms) to ‘protect the children’ is laughable purely on the basis of their insane support of mass killings of said same children by other prior means, that being ‘birth control’ at the behest of Planned Parenthood. Notice the word control appears in most everything of importance to Progressives, and they want to be sure it’s THEM, not you, in control.
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At risk is liberty itself and the few lives lost to the criminal and/or criminally insane is a small price to pay for the reservation of those rights.

So, if it's you and yours that are lost and obliterated forever in that process towards keeping "liberty" intact for the rest of us still living (who probably wouldn't give a fuck about you or yours anyway, same as you're doing here) then that's all good, right?

Collateral damage from the scattershot and all that shit, 'ey!


I'll give Ismale marks for having the temerity to admit there's an exchange between life and liberty on the issue of gun regulation. But how many family members is he personally willing to sacrifice so that vetteman can keep his artificial manhood?
Whether you like it or not human life is one of the cheapest commodities on this planet. Neither your life, nor any other save my own progeny and loved ones, are "precious" to me. 99.9% of the human race could disappear from the face of the earth tomorrow with now great loss and, according to many, to great benefit to the ecosystem. Most will be born, grow up, reproduce, then die, without ever having contributed any particular service to humanity...........or any service at all.

You bemoan and seemingly anguish over the loss of a few lives at the hands of criminals while espousing a governmental/economic systems that are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions.

I suggest to you that your concerns are severely misplaced.

While you are completely off topic I'll respond anyway.

I have been pro-choice since I first joined this board. That is a matter of historical fact. It doen't change the fact that I also think abortion is murder, plain and simple. It merely is my acknowledgement that women have practiced birth control and abortion throughout all of recorded history and I see no point in criminalizing those practices.

Maybe schools could be renamed ‘vaginas’, then those kids slaughtered by easily accessed firearms could be murder victims, like foetuses, and not just cheap commodities’?