KillerMuffin licks Nekkie.

Of course we are my sweet. We're notorious lascivious thread hijackers!
*Running... straight into Nekkie* Whoops, I was sposed to run away from you! Oh well. *licks nek's neck again.*
I am........!!! Right now you're riding my face and Muff's on my dick and you two are face to face swapping tongues!! Mmmmmmmm.......nummy!
KillerMuffin said:
KillerMuffin licks Nekkie.

Of course we are my sweet. We're notorious lascivious thread hijackers!

Well, we certainly gathered a large audience for you anyhoo! I want more luscious tongue work between Muffin and Hunny!!!!

[Edited by womanlover on 09-08-2000 at 04:50 PM]
Heh heh

Eh, WomanlovAIRE........she forget dat it is 4 to 2 eh?? Whad a funny Hunny is dat one.....heh heh!
Yes theres 4 mentalities but only one body!! I could wear the 4 of you out with energy to spare!!
Helmut Krauss

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm............ziss........ziss........Hunny creatchure finds it iss easy to say zees sings but provides no address to back up zees boasts......
Beverley Lee Davis

Y'all could be mistayken ladies..........these fellers up har.....fuck sow grizzlies on trips back 'n' forth from the Igloo t' the outhouse!
Marty, inventor of the Stalking Characters, finally speaks out!

Naked Hunny said:
Yes theres 4 mentalities but only one body!! I could wear the 4 of you out with energy to spare!!

REMEMBER! This is pwetendy pwetendy! You are a ravenous Nymphomaniac............and I get to have lots of "personalities" each with a foot long, never tiring, 3 inch diameter woody, capable of shooting a quart of cum with every pump!!!

New Verd studee from Vagina, Saskatchewan, Ukranian/Canadian verdbook, by Walter Stoyanovich.

verd is kvestion: PENNSYLVANIA

Pennsylvania: dat is ver coming from is Dracula an dat blud trinking bastud hass many dotters livingk there too!
Walter is not surprised

I thinkso dat hunny maybe dotter of dat Dracula? Manny Vampire in dat Pennsylvania...........but be varned.......Walter Stoyanovich eat much GARLIC sausage Hunny Vamp!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm..............nummy...........I like Female Vampires!!! Kiss me Hunny!
Naked Hunny said:
hun you couldnt handle much more than a kiss from me!!

Uh oh, we're back to THAT again.........Okay okay,I know that I'm 5'10, 215 lbs........ have a 48 inch chest and can bench press 300, but unfortunately am impotent, but remember, this is PRETENDY PRETENDY.........and we are just PWAYING Hunny, unwess Hunny want to give her address, then Womanlover could see for selfy welfy how much is Twuoo what Hunny Bunny SAY........! Otherwise, yes I can handle what ever you have!

New verd studee from Vagina, Saskatchewan: Walter Stoyanovich to teach Muffin high tech terms:

verds in kvestion:

log on: dat is vat you put on fire in Vinter.

log off: dat is ven fire is hot enuff.

monitor: dat is vatching dat fire so it not go out!

Download: dat is getting firewood off truck.

Megahertz: dat is venn droppink heavy piece of firewood on toe

Floppy disk: dat is back problem from lifting firewood.

Hard drive: dat is in vinter with not 4x4 truck.

Windows: dat is vut to be shuttingk in Vinter.

Screen: dat is keepingk out black fly.

Byte: dat is vut black fly do!

Dot Matrix: dat is wife of Mr. Matrix

Lap top: dat is verr cat sleepingk

Software: plastic fork and knife for picnic

Double click: dat is sound vut double barrel shotgun make.

Reboot: dat is to kick cat twice in ass to put outside.

More interestink verd studee soon to cum for Muffin from Walter.
LMAO, that is almost as funny as the HiTech Redneck list!!

HEeeheeheheheheheheheheheh snort hahahahahahahahahaha
Must give the guy points for being funny i do believe but my address dear now you really are dreaming!!