You did not have sex with bobtoad on Siren's 1000th post thread! Its toadless.
Damn nek, what the hell were ya thinkin? A sessation of hostilies, sure, but didja have to fuck the guy?
WHOoooHOOOOOOOOOoooooo I am there, lemme check the greyhound schedule.

Can I bring the mutts? The dalmation is gay and suicidal. He refuses to eat when I'm not around to make his dinner to his exacting specifications. Oh yeah, the kid and the cat too, might as well tote them.
Lol, I think the StudMuffin would be irretreivably shocked. Then he'd wanna join in, he's a hands on kinda guy, heheheheheh.
Just be forewarned, cause of a few surgical procedures for a bout of cancer (they got it all out), my StudMuffin now has a problem cumming. It takes him hours and hours to get around to it.

And people wonder why I won't leave him...

Eh, Muffeen.....please ignore dat Subject dat WomanlovAIRE wrote eh, I sware I did not pulverise dis poem, okay? I cumpose dat for YOU Chere MuffEEN!

Keelaire Muffeen I'd say is no fakaire,
to McDonald I offer to take hair.
She tol' me "Be quiet,
cuz I be on a diet!!!"
In a tone dat I could not mistake hair.

I say, "Lass you have got to be bluffEEN,
such a diet too ard you are ruffEEN!
Come wid J.C., be bold!
To da Archees of Gold,
for a sausage an egg.....


ha ha ha ha ha ha! Jean Claude a funny basard, eh MuffEEN?
Jean Claude

womanlover said:
womanlover said:
womanlover said:
womanlover said:
Naked Hunny said:
Sorry but i have a rule about dating men with multiple personalities!!

Why not?

How Cum?

Hoo's tha' lass?

Vut iss ziss....ziss.....ziss.....Hunny Kreatcher's reesson!


[Edited by womanlover on 09-08-2000 at 10:07 AM]
Limericks beat the hell out of iambic pentameter

HEEEEEEHEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEE hhhhhahhahahahahahah snort

That was an adorable poem Jean Claude paddy o'limerick

My own limerickal efforts resulted in a lengthy poem I christened a limerickal epic. It involved an ungainly set of creatures into rock n roll known as Zilbri. The hero was Xix the Zilbrix. Please be aware that in many cases the X at the beginning of a word is pronounced with a Z sound.

Xix the Zilbrix was in a fix
His body just wouldn't rix
So he searched out the Glax
Instead he found Max
Who taught him some rock n roll trix.

It has like fifty stanzas. All of similar bent telling a story of Xix's catapaultic rise to fame in Zilbrix circles. Is copyrighted and published so don't get any ideas there Jean Claude. I own Xix and his zilbrix pals.
*Womanlover puts fingers to lips and twangs them while making a humming sound*
Re: Limericks beat the hell out of iambic pentameter

KillerMuffin said:
HEEEEEEHEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEE hhhhhahhahahahahahah snort

That was an adorable poem Jean Claude paddy o'limerick

My own limerickal efforts resulted in a lengthy poem I christened a limerickal epic. It involved an ungainly set of creatures into rock n roll known as Zilbri. The hero was Xix the Zilbrix. Please be aware that in many cases the X at the beginning of a word is pronounced with a Z sound.

Xix the Zilbrix was in a fix
His body just wouldn't rix
So he searched out the Glax
Instead he found Max
Who taught him some rock n roll trix.

It has like fifty stanzas. All of similar bent telling a story of Xix's catapaultic rise to fame in Zilbrix circles. Is copyrighted and published so don't get any ideas there Jean Claude. I own Xix and his zilbrix pals.

Eh, MuffEEN dat was tres funnEE! Dat WomanlovAIRE he rolling all over da floor wid da Brakedance......heh heh!

Eh, wuz dat X pronounce like a Zee or a Zed???? Ha ha! Jean Claude a funny bassard eh?
Lol Nekkie, your muff will protect you. No, not your own person muff muff, Me, your Muffin Muff.

C'mon girl, keep up, we registered at the same time we need to hit 1,000 at the same time. You know how hard it was to catch up with your nekkid lil ass in the first place?
HEHE Muff It will be all good especially with Jeffie back ill go back to make stupid posts that noone really cares about well that and of course trying to get DCL to notice im alive!!