I know what ya mean Nekkie...

DCL threatened to spank my ass with his utility belt once. I almost came right then and there. OOooooooooooooohhhh...
Something about that man is a complete turnon and i havent figured out what yet!! Hes probably older than my father but oh well!!
Why is DCL such a freakin turnon???

Thats a good question Nek, I wonder why he's such a sexysmutgod kinda guy. Maybe its because he never emailed me pics of his "equipment." (I keep getting those, especially now that I did that audio). Huhhmmmm, any ideas?
Welllllllllll, not anyone that you know, just anonymous guys with a webcam and no modesty. If DCL ever did lose his common sense long enough to send me such a pic I definately wouldn't share. Sorry, I'd have to be stingy with that one! Lol.
HEHE i dont know Muff i can think of some pretty good ways of convincing you to share a pic of DCL!! HEll id be happy if it wasnt even nude!!
Oh really Nek? Do tell, I want details girl, details. By the way, you have mail.
Womanlover, this is your only warning.

This thread has been officially hijacked by the two bulletin board terrorists known only as A Couple of Nasty Girls.
HEHE A coupla nasty girls yup that would be us!! *sticks her tongue out at Muff and wiggles it around* Imagine what i can do with this hehe... *goes giggling to another thread*
Looks lasciviously at Nekkie...

Crazy bellringer was right. There's money to be made in a place like this.

-The Man With No Name
Fistful of Dollars
Muff, darlin at the rate we are going we may have 1000 posts by Monday but we wont have new titles for a week after that hehe!!
LMAO Nek, we'll still be the perpetual newbies though, its our crazy posting. You ever click the member icon and have it rearrange by number of posts? I'm shocked, really.
Oh yes i got that nice picture of Tiny Todd this is what happens when i sleep with so many black men anyone under 9 inches is tiny hehe its a good thing my current sweetie is white and we shall keep his umm penis size a secret why because hes mine damnit!!
Holy SHitter Muff we are numbers 18 and 19 we are in the top 20 posters hehe oh well!! Too late to go back now!!
Oohhhh c'mon Nek!!!!! Tell tell tell, I promise I won't tell you told!!!

You should see the ones I got rid of Nek. Todd's was decent enough looking.
lets just say hes 10 inches on a bad day!! And considering im a pert little 5'2" it doesnt take much to make me full!!
Last time I checked the StudMuffin came in about 9 n 1/2 inches but I gotta use both hands to hold it... heheheheh
I'm a perfectly heighted 5'1" okay so its a 1/2" but the Navy was convinced it was 1. My StudMuffin keeps telling me I'm built like a brick shithouse and my butt is squeezably soft like Charmin. This kinda has me worried...
I know what is the male obsession withthe words squeezably soft no offense to them but i dont feel like a toliet tissue!!
KillerMuffin said:
Womanlover, this is your only warning.

This thread has been officially hijacked by the two bulletin board terrorists known only as A Couple of Nasty Girls.

All good things come to an end :) It was a helluva lota fun though, while it lasted! (at least for all of US, heh heh)
I have no idea Nekkie, maybe multiple personality boy and his various incarnations has an idea....?

What makes you think this thread is coming to an end darlin? We just shamelessly made off with it :D
Oh hell, I didn't mean the thread silly Muffin!!! May it entertain and bring laughs to many!
womanlover let you in on a little secret!! Muff and I are notorious thread hijackers and this thread has been hijacked so have fun and enjoy the ride sweetheart!!