The Suddenly Companion

oh you are too sweet, thank you! I am going to try to let anna stay, it is crazy but I think I am afraid of her!!!!!


now give me your pie.

no, don't.
I am eating my daily steel cut oatmeal with apricots and sugar free maple syrup.


Oh he's gorgeous! (And you cut you hair! Eh, I cut mine when my kids were little, too. Long hair can be painful around little kids.)

He looks a little like young Julian Lennon does to me. :)
oh you are too sweet, thank you! I am going to try to let anna stay, it is crazy but I think I am afraid of her!!!!!


now give me your pie.

no, don't.
I am eating my daily steel cut oatmeal with apricots and sugar free maple syrup.

My god, how old is the baby? He's like, what, nine-years-old? lol
Freaky how quickly they grow. You look adorable with the short doo.
We miss you around here. We really do.
Oh he's gorgeous! (And you cut you hair! Eh, I cut mine when my kids were little, too. Long hair can be painful around little kids.)

He looks a little like young Julian Lennon does to me. :)

Hey, he does look like Julian! Makes sense, his father looks an awful lot like John. Oh my god, I don't remember Julian's mother's name! Where is my Beatles handbook! I used to know all of the trivia!!!
No silly, he is just eight years old.


I miss it here too.

Let's write poetry or something.

I heard you are writing up a wonderful storm. I promise to get on the new poems and read and comment. I miss that interaction. Not just the butt kissing, but the tough comments too. I remember one time you and sp both rammed one of my poems, it hurt for 2 hours, but you were right.

of course!

Girl, puhlease put a link to your poem page in your sig line please! I will too.

My god, how old is the baby? He's like, what, nine-years-old? lol
Freaky how quickly they grow. You look adorable with the short doo.
We miss you around here. We really do.
With a shimmy that’s sublime
Her undulation jives with mine
Hair flys like a halo
Over a sinful bod

Girl gots the full on groove
Hips give a hot erotic move
Tits in full syncopation
With a class act ass

Ludacris sweat cooled by a Sexual Healing
Dancing with a “ride the thigh” feeling
Heart beats faster
On a firm down beat

Hot breath caresses while hands roam
No words spoke except take me home
Leading the willing dancer
To an a cappella duet

You've been peeking! Ron and I are known throughout the land (and that's no exaggeration!) for the way we used to do dirty dancin'! I think I have a pic somewhere will try and find it!
You've been peeking! Ron and I are known throughout the land (and that's no exaggeration!) for the way we used to do dirty dancin'! I think I have a pic somewhere will try and find it!

Ummmm, "Her undulation jives with mine"

Maybe if you said Ronda and I... :D
yeah yeah working up to the challenge baby
go go go

I love the "balletic grace" because it has the feel of ballet AND ballistics, like Tony...

now make it a villanelle and call it a week



Tony wears humanity
like black leather
that skims his height,
sometimes reveals a slump
in his shoulders.
Still he moves
with balletic grace,
an urban glide
in rhythm with the street.
He's a bird of prey.
There's something dark,
taut wound behind his eyes.
There's something seedy
to him, a whisper of troubles,
a waft of old pain. I've seen him
hold a spoon like a weapon,
offer his resignation like a gift
wrapped in a weary smile
that feels utterly familiar
to me.
yeah yeah working up to the challenge baby
go go go

I love the "balletic grace" because it has the feel of ballet AND ballistics, like Tony...

now make it a villanelle and call it a week



Or a sestina. Ew.

I was writing about Tony Bourdain. Can you tell? I wrote it after I watched No Reservations. I love him. He's like a Lou Reed who cooks lol. And he really reminds me of home. I know you get that.
lost my voice in a race horse side track
calling the numbers down
calling the numbers down we ride
upfrom the stands we ride

I want a room with a door
no view necessary
it is all here behind closed eyes

the rain
the race track
the promise that I would not curse your footprints
only your grave
yet still you walk
surely you do, I would have heard
the caller cry
torn ticket fallen

I won't wait.
Your ghost has the same chance of hearingthe lies
as your thick lens glasses do of reading
son of a bitch
no, yuo never loved me
or anyone but that soft sad space you press
when you are feeling sorry for yourself
you love us for putting it there
and the memory of your cock
still pressing hard into anyplace it would fit or force
chasing the flag
my drink spills on the seat
cranky old man mutters his curse
and moves down

Love "the promise that I would not curse your footprints" and the entire last strophe is gorgeous.

It comes back. Yes, it does. :)
A cancer grows without surcease
until with excision comes relief
of pressure from unchecked growth
and pain of dying cells left mouldering
as they wither. We rot within, without
each titration of the solution
moderated with a sure and steady hand.

Your poem made me wander off in odd places! If Buddhists don't kill a single thing do they not take whatever treatment is necessary for major illnesses and what about such mundane jobs as cleaning their teeth which kills micronisms of one sort or another?
Agreed. Lovely start, Anna. Quite moving. And "You've Already Lost Me" is more so.

Yes it is. For someone who has not been much involved with poetry for more than a year it's quite a startup. But Swirly is very talented. Lol, it's a compliment yeah but it's also so so true.
Originally Posted by PandoraGlitters View Post
Agreed. Lovely start, Anna. Quite moving. And "You've Already Lost Me" is more so.
Yes it is. For someone who has not been much involved with poetry for more than a year it's quite a startup. But Swirly is very talented. Lol, it's a compliment yeah but it's also so so true.

boy if you two keep it up, I might just start writing again full time :) Seriously, it is hard getting back on the damn horse. But it feels good. Thank you for the encouragement. I think I might still be riding backwards. Anyone seen my chaps and spurs?
Originally Posted by PandoraGlitters View Post

boy if you two keep it up, I might just start writing again full time :) Seriously, it is hard getting back on the damn horse. But it feels good. Thank you for the encouragement. I think I might still be riding backwards. Anyone seen my chaps and spurs?

I know. I have half a poem sitting on my desktop in Word. I'm second-guessing every phrase and line break and tripping myself up. That's why I'm excited about Survivor. I think the push to write daily will be good for me.
I've been writing down everything ressembling a poem that comes into my head ...... there's bit and bobs all over the place
I've been writing down everything ressembling a poem that comes into my head ...... there's bit and bobs all over the place

*Gives you a hug*

You really are just a lovely human being. I hope you realize many people here (and elsewhere, I'm sure) think that.

I've been notcing that lots of people do what you do. I've noticed that Vampiredust often uses the ten word thread for poetic phrases that I bet he saves up for poems.
bits and bobs, I like that!

Your thigh, by the way, resembles my college roommates. You are not Alicia, are you?

I've been writing down everything ressembling a poem that comes into my head ...... there's bit and bobs all over the place
*Gives you a hug*

You really are just a lovely human being. I hope you realize many people here (and elsewhere, I'm sure) think that.

I've been notcing that lots of people do what you do. I've noticed that Vampiredust often uses the ten word thread for poetic phrases that I bet he saves up for poems.

Awwwww thankyou at the moment my butterflies have butterflies about this contest I have so many damn questions I daren't ask I am sure to make a balls up of it ohh well good job I can laugh at myself cos I sure as hell will make a few folks grin

bits and bobs, I like that!

Your thigh, by the way, resembles my college roommates. You are not Alicia, are you?

Ummm no nice name tho and I should think when I was in college you were a mere twinkle in your daddies eye ........ errr did you often study her legs in detail?
Awwwww thankyou at the moment my butterflies have butterflies about this contest I have so many damn questions I daren't ask I am sure to make a balls up of it ohh well good job I can laugh at myself cos I sure as hell will make a few folks grin

Ummm no nice name tho and I should think when I was in college you were a mere twinkle in your daddies eye ........ errr did you often study her legs in detail?

When I was a twinkle in my Daddies eye, college was not yet invented. Although I like that you think I am that young ;)

Alicia had nice legs. She was a redhead and had very pale, soft, hairless legs which were wasted on a short troll-like boyfriend who always smelled like camel butt. Both the cigarette and the animal. He smelled like a cigarette butt that had been stored for a few days in the butt of a camel. Her legs deserved much more.
My hair goes auburn when I wash it I always thought if I wasn't blonde I'd like to be auburn the nice shade of Jane Asher

Passing the charity collectors
on the high street
reminded me of the time
a boy approached me
in school, collecting money
for a cause we were doing
at the time. I had none
and he still pressed me,
pointing out the kid who
gave a fiver. How I wanted
to slam him against the lockers
and tell him how hunger
scuttled across our bodies
when we slept, how our clothes
were thin like watered-down
broth, how our lips resembled
frostbitten butterflies in winter.
How I wanted to say that when you
are poor, you have given since
the day you were born.

Wonderful ...... as always
Anna, you're doing it again. How, how, how do you do that? HOW?!
Simple, but so not simple at all, in any sense of the word. Just, right there- simmering. I understand it, can dip my finger in and taste it. It falls down my throat and coats my heart.
Really excellent, pimp mama.