The Suddenly Companion

Anna, you're doing it again. How, how, how do you do that? HOW?!
Simple, but so not simple at all, in any sense of the word. Just, right there- simmering. I understand it, can dip my finger in and taste it. It falls down my throat and coats my heart.
Really excellent, pimp mama.

oh blush.

I have been writing the poem in my subconscious for the past 5 months since that phone call happened. It took that long to stop hurting enough to write it, and still enough... to write it.

Thank you for noticing, you are very kind, really.
And thanks UYS for your Amen :)

I still can't really look the woman in the eye when I see her in the hallway. Poor thing did not even mean anything by it. She just did not know. Like most of us who hurt people, we just do not know. It is what life is all about, to me, the learning from our mistakes, the forgiving people who have not experienced our brand of pain yet. We don't understand theirs either, and it does not hurt to get angry. It does help to write poems.

oh blush.

I have been writing the poem in my subconscious for the past 5 months since that phone call happened. It took that long to stop hurting enough to write it, and still enough... to write it.

Thank you for noticing, you are very kind, really.
And thanks UYS for your Amen :)

I still can't really look the woman in the eye when I see her in the hallway. Poor thing did not even mean anything by it. She just did not know. Like most of us who hurt people, we just do not know. It is what life is all about, to me, the learning from our mistakes, the forgiving people who have not experienced our brand of pain yet. We don't understand theirs either, and it does not hurt to get angry. It does help to write poems.

So true. :heart:
Bluebs - that last poem of yours was WAY good! Specially liked the first two stropes:

The point
is for the raw
to thicken into
the shape carved out for it.

This is how the world works-
form births form and
the rest grows into the edges.

maybe in the caves
where Basho was born
there are hidden pains
and labours of love
long forgotten,

for one hundred years
before Basho,
he built the language
in which we lie,
in which we toddle by
within his ink stains
and birth pangs.

Today I was thinking about how Basho has his own BardLike monuments all over Japan and how different the two are. One expanded the language, made it respectable. The other simplified a language. I'm already worried that I don't get to change what I wrote.

good boy leaving it as it falls
excellent word choice: toddle.
semi-confident, forward motion between the stumbles
Bluebs - that last poem of yours was WAY good! Specially liked the first two stropes:

The point
is for the raw
to thicken into
the shape carved out for it.

This is how the world works-
form births form and
the rest grows into the edges.

You are much too kind, Sue-darling. Thank you. :rose:
Lots appreciated.
Welcome back 2d

Hello darkerdreamer,

I see you're being poetical. It's excellent to see you sharing here.
Commenting in the all of a sudden thread? Some of you should know better.

Anyway, Champagne1982--are there poets who in 2009 submit work to the New Yorker and Paris Review in hopes of gaining fame and acclaim and a book deal? That embarrasses me, to think there's a poet sitting at their desk putting stamps on multiple envelopes meant for the poetry editor at the New Yorker(if such a position exists.) I've read most of the poems in the Complete New Yorker, you'd have to go back to the 1920s to find good poetry, mostly Dorothy Parker.

It kind of shows your age, when you equate acclaim with print magazines and most likely, academic journals. I aim to take the entire dead art and put it in my pocket. I can direct you where to find more of my poems if you want proof of my initial movements. I post poems here because I've read and posted dirty stories on this site since high school. Frankly, I like everything about this site, including the drama and arguing. I don't think I'm pandering to the dozen or so regular message board users when I submit something. I'm pandering to those whose poems I actually enjoy and want to read because they make me want to write.
Commenting in the all of a sudden thread? Some of you should know better.

Anyway, Champagne1982--are there poets who in 2009 submit work to the New Yorker and Paris Review in hopes of gaining fame and acclaim and a book deal? That embarrasses me, to think there's a poet sitting at their desk putting stamps on multiple envelopes meant for the poetry editor at the New Yorker(if such a position exists.) I've read most of the poems in the Complete New Yorker, you'd have to go back to the 1920s to find good poetry, mostly Dorothy Parker.

It kind of shows your age, when you equate acclaim with print magazines and most likely, academic journals. I aim to take the entire dead art and put it in my pocket. I can direct you where to find more of my poems if you want proof of my initial movements. I post poems here because I've read and posted dirty stories on this site since high school. Frankly, I like everything about this site, including the drama and arguing. I don't think I'm pandering to the dozen or so regular message board users when I submit something. I'm pandering to those whose poems I actually enjoy and want to read because they make me want to write.

Well, here you have it. There was some guy out there blabbering about how pathetic online zines and blogs are to have poems published on. I was blurting in reaction to Tzed and that situation.


BTW. I read, too. I just don't go on about it.
Well, here you have it. There was some guy out there blabbering about how pathetic online zines and blogs are to have poems published on. I was blurting in reaction to Tzed and that situation.


BTW. I read, too. I just don't go on about it.

Maybe I didn't read your poem closely enough. I'm sorry for insulting you, but I am sort of an ageist and as some have found out diciphering meaning via text alone can lead to nastiness. I hope people who read and write poetry in a serious way accept that the only reward they're ever going to get is in having other poets read their work for free. Publishing poetry and the whole send in money to read your MS, Poem, chapbook is part of the academic last gasp which unfortunately won't ever die because the academics are funding each other's tenure through it.

I go on about certain things because I want people to go and look up whatever I'm referencing. Someone can laugh at me for continually referring to Sonnets from the Portuguese, one of the most famous books of poetry ever written, but then having never read it maybe they'll go and read it. Henry Constable--you can read his poems for free, why would I expect people to pay money for mine?
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