The "We Love the Lit Ladies" Lounge

I ought to be up at 10 for class, but.. *whine* In these days, being able to watch my classes online makes it a lot easier to wait and watch it later. I love it. :)

Bah, if I have to do manual labor on 4 hours of sleep you can go to class. Buck up my man, adversity is the whetstone upon which the blade of a man is sharpened. Speaking of which, this old soldier is going to go slink into his king sized bed and pass out. GOODNIGHT ALBUQUERQUE WE LOVE YOU!
Also going to sleep! Night Constantine, night Rawr! Much <3 for ya both. Been nice familiarizing with you both this night. :)

Hopefully this thread will be revived tomorrow, or the next day.
Ah isn't this place just lovely. Though I think me and rawr should have a fan club lounge tee hee, seems our fans overlap so consistently, and we're always in each other's threads :p.
maybe I'll try it once I get a litte buzz going...are you trying to get me drunk???
it's kind of tuff down here when you have this skirt on.....hikes it up over your hips....there better now
yes it does come in handy....grabs you by the inside of your thighs and I slowly place my tonguewhere you want it