The weird facts thread

shereads said:
I beg to differ. My brain was pristine until I began reading dirty stories at Literotica. Is it my fault I succombed to a corrupting influence?

Funny Literotica's cleaned mine up some, you should see the sites I used to frequent:devil: :D
Mysteryjj said:
Funny Literotica's cleaned mine up some, you should see the sites I used to frequent:devil: :D

Yes - would like to know those free sites - LOL - how much did you fucking spend?
Colleen Thomas said:
Actually, the other man was Westinghouse. Edison invented DC which will not harm you, while Westinghouse invented AC. Edison went around eletrocuting animals to show how dangerous Ac was when he and Westinghouse were competing to see which type would become the standard.

It so happened that the State of NY was looking for a more humane way to do away with people and asked if it would work on a man. Edison said yes.

I am not sure whom invented the chair, but Edison invented electrocution as a means of exceuting people, inadvertantly. He also lost out to Westinghouse and Ac became the standard.


Thank you. It was beginning to bug me and I was about to google the whole thing when I saw your post. I couldn't remember the other guy for the life of me.
Not a penny, I've never paid for porn or sex in my life, and never will, it aint worth that:D

My fav old site was compeletely free, and totally depraved.
kellycummings said:
Thank you. It was beginning to bug me and I was about to google the whole thing when I saw your post. I couldn't remember the other guy for the life of me.


Glad I could be of service. My head is absoluely stuffed with what my teachers used to call trash trivia. Little facts that would NEVER be useful :)

Mysteryjj said:
Not a penny, I've never paid for porn or sex in my life, and never will, it aint worth that:D

My fav old site was compeletely free, and totally depraved.

I'll be the judge of that.

The url, please.

>>holds out a hand, taps foot impatiently, with the "hand it over" attitude of an elementary school teacher who's just caught you passing notes in class<<
Colleen Thomas said:

Glad I could be of service. My head is absoluely stuffed with what my teachers used to call trash trivia. Little facts that would NEVER be useful :)


Same here. How do you think I knew that shit about matches and lighters and the electric chair? Just totally full of useless knowledge. LOL
kellycummings said:
Same here. How do you think I knew that shit about matches and lighters and the electric chair? Just totally full of useless knowledge. LOL

it isn't useless, I used to pay my bills in college by whipping the snot out of the guys my roomies were dating at jeapardy. You would be surprised how much a guy will bet after three beers and being embarassed in the first round ;)
Colleen Thomas said:
it isn't useless, I used to pay my bills in college by whipping the snot out of the guys my roomies were dating at jeapardy. You would be surprised how much a guy will bet after three beers and being embarassed in the first round ;)

Ah, men, beer, pride, and Jeopardy. A classic combo. It just doesn't get any better. :D
PierceStreet said:
Could be faulty memory. It was something I read years ago. And I didn't read as critically as I should have when I was a child in my teens.

Everyone knows that planes fly because they flap their wings faster than the human eye can perceive. Never, EVER stand directly under the wing of a plane in flight.
minsue said:
Ah, men, beer, pride, and Jeopardy. A classic combo. It just doesn't get any better. :D

At one penny to the dollar it sure does get better. Double Jeopardy! :)

shereads said:
Everyone knows that planes fly because they flap their wings faster than the human eye can perceive. Never, EVER stand directly under the wing of a plane in flight.
Same thing with the bumblebees. Extra set of invisible wings. Or course.

Actually, scientists did figure out the bumblebee problem mentioned in the beginning of this thread. They flap differently than the other insects.

Liar said:
Same thing with the bumblebees. Extra set of invisible wings. Or course.

Actually, scientists did figure out the bumblebee problem mentioned in the beginning of this thread. They flap differently than the other insects.


Leave it to the bees to go and be different than everyone else. Do they think they are better than the other insects just because they can make honey? Little bastards. I bet they're all communists.
kellycummings said:
Leave it to the bees to go and be different than everyone else. Do they think they are better than the other insects just because they can make honey? Little bastards. I bet they're all communists.
Let's see.
-They live in big-ass collectives.
-They put the hive always before the individual.
-Their society is split into distinctive classes.
-Somewhere, hidden deep within the system, a huge woman produces an endless stream of babies.

Now, I haven''t studied communism that intently, but at least the first three seems to match.

a giraffe's neck has 7 vertabre just like humans and their brain is as big as their eye ball
DevilBoy79 said:
a giraffe's neck has 7 vertabre just like humans and their brain is as big as their eye ball

Giraffe usually sleep less than an hour per day.
kellycummings said:
Leave it to the bees to go and be different than everyone else. Do they think they are better than the other insects just because they can make honey? Little bastards. I bet they're all communists.

A safe bet.

Colleen Thomas said:
it isn't useless, I used to pay my bills in college by whipping the snot out of the guys my roomies were dating at jeapardy. You would be surprised how much a guy will bet after three beers and being embarassed in the first round ;)

"Whipping the snot out"?

That's what I do on a date too. It never fails to amuse.
UK researchers have been studying the paths birds fly - particularly whether they fly in straight lines using their inbuilt radar - or something similar. They found to their complete shock that birds were pretty lazy (my summary of their results, not their scientific conclusion!) and followed main roads, including roundabouts and turnoffs, to get to their destination, even if it meant going miles out of their way.
wishfulthinking said:
UK researchers have been studying the paths birds fly - particularly whether they fly in straight lines using their inbuilt radar - or something similar. They found to their complete shock that birds were pretty lazy (my summary of their results, not their scientific conclusion!) and followed main roads, including roundabouts and turnoffs, to get to their destination, even if it meant going miles out of their way.

I saw that story! Laughed my ass off!
English Lady said:
A snail can sleep for three years..

All polar bears are left-handed.

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

Who the hell figured these three out?