The Worst Thread Ever - just for Svenska to pollute

Perd's AV

Dear Perd,
Does that AV have something to do with the dia de la muerte? My Spanish spelling is terrible.
Re: Perd's AV

MathGirl said:
Dear Perd, Does that AV have something to do with the dia de la muerte? My Spanish spelling is terrible. Buck
Buck, yes, I explained it for Ogg just a few posts above this. Now I'll never have a big butt.

Hey, I said I'd have 4000 posts by the 9th of June, I never said that they woud all be intelligent!:mad:
Originally posted by perdita
Really, it's a cultural thing. On Nov. 1 (el día de los muertos) Mexican children receive little skull candies and toys (muertitos). Everyone meets in the cemetaries with food for all including the dearly departed. It's a festival of remembrance.
Probably unsurprisingly, this coincides with Celtic new year, Oct 31st which was also a festival of the dead (and, essentially, new years eve) - remembrance and honouring of what has gone before on the eve of the new year. Unfortunately, it has become somewhat transmoggrified into what we now know as Hallowe'en.

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Gabriel_Lee said:
Probably unsurprisingly, this coincides with Celtic new year, Oct 31st which was also a festival of the dead (and, essentially, new years eve) - remembrance and honouring of what has gone before on the eve of the new year. Unfortunately, it has become somewhat transmoggrified into what we now know as Hallowe'en. GL
GL: that's an astute observation. It seems the Celts and orig. 'mexicans' (Aztecs, Maya, Omec, Toltec, etc.) both ended up adapting to Xianity and its part in conquests of other cultures, so there are archetypal pagan rites and festivals that end up having the same dates or season. Nov. 2 is the Day of the Dead in Mexico and also All Soul's Day in the RC church. Nov. 1 is All Saints Day so Oct. 31 became All Hallow's Eve, i.e., Halloween. At any rate, I like that "we" have such stuff in common. Best, Perdita
Svenskaflicka said:
3800. You guys are beginning to look forward to me going on vacation, huh?:(

No. We're looking forward to the day you get laid and have other priorities than 4000 posts.


Just don't overwork the poor chap.

You'll need him for the second day, and the next ...

If he doesn't need it Svenskaflicka, may the force be with you.

the force

oggbashan said:
If he doesn't need it Svenskaflicka, may the force be with you.
Flicka: is there an equivalent in HP for "May the force be with you"?
"Don't forget your wand"..?:confused:

No, not really. The force is ALWAYS with witches and wizards. Unless they're squibs.
A little more than 100 posts left to my Big Goal. I'm tired as a bag now, however, so I'll come back tomorrow night, after being to my cousin's youngest son's Confirmation.

Svenskaflicka said:
Does anyone but me think that this rose :rose: looks more like a tulip?

Yes, it does; but also like a closed rose so it's OK. I love getting any kinds of flowers and I like giving them. I love tulips, gardenias, and orchid plants; also cacti.

Laleh is a Persian friend's name; it means tulip in Farsi. Do you speak Farsi too?

Flicka, I'm a gura now and I think I owe much of it to responding to your always inspirational posts. Thank you, sweet Svenska!

I will put up my new AV today, that way I will not distract from your celebration tomorrow.

XO's from Perditatata :heart:
Purple Perdita

Svenskaflicka said:
You look cute! But I must confess, I hadn't imagined you being so... purple!;)
Ha ha ha. Actually, I get that way when I'm horny. It's so hard to get a good 'natural' photo of me. :devil:
I've heard about having "blue balls", but this is ridiculous!:p

Seriously... I once had my aura photographed. It looked like a giant, bright yellow cloud. The woman who interpreted the photo for me said that this shows that I like to think a lot, and that my aura reaches out very far.

Right on.
Svenskaflicka said:
I've heard about having "blue balls", but this is ridiculous!
Actually, it's very convenient; I don't need to bother w/silly come-on lines or playing footsy under tables.
This thread was funny, and it served a great purpose. Now, however, we must say good bye to it, and let it drop out of sight.

But don't worry! We'll be sure to revive it one year from now, when I celebrate TWO years at Lit, and need to try to reach 8000 posts!!!:)