Things that piss you off?

Cathleen said:
That sounds wonderful, thank you. I'll be having roasted beets tomorrow.

I have used beets to dye things, they're just such a good thing.; )

You're quite welcome.

I've always like them, but it's one of those foods that you forget about.
pleasteasme said:
I hope you are able to get the bp under control Gil & Bandit :rose:

Hiya DGO! :rose:

WPMO? My gladiolus are so top heavy with flowers they are snapping :(

On a positive note, they do make lovely cut flower arrangements.

She would be impressed.
I like this topic.. :)

I have too many to list though.. hmmm

1. People who believe everything they read in the paper or watch in the news

2. People who tow a party line without thinking for themselves

3. Lemmings (the human type)

4. People who give opinions on topics that they obviously have no clue about (not talking about the boards here)

5. People who take the easy way out when they see it so as to avoid conflict, as opposed to doing what they know deep down to be right.

... on second thought maybe I should just say:

1. People (with some exceptions)


2. cell phones

gotta hate cell phones.

- VE
Dial-up and no affordable option, unless you consider 6 grand for satellite affordable.
Actually I would settle for dial-up, stable consistent dial-up, not this shit that I've got.
Cathleen said:
Hi Bandit, I hope Gil can lower his BP. Does he drink a lot of water by any chance? I've read it can help -- it helps everything actually.

With the kidney failure his fluids are restricted to 1.5 litres a day, for everything. I've cut out a lot of added table salt but it's impossible to get it down what with it being added to just about everything you eat :rolleyes:
quoll said:
Dial-up and no affordable option, unless you consider 6 grand for satellite affordable.
Actually I would settle for dial-up, stable consistent dial-up, not this shit that I've got.

Actually, I have a similar situation. I solved it by going with, paying the $699.00 for the satellite dish and receiver and the standard charge is about $69.00 a month. Seems a little steep when compared to DSL, Cable or dial up, but when you have no other options, you pay the price.
I find that dial up where I live is so slow that to surf the web, click on a link, go mow the yard, then come back in an hour or so and the page might be displayed if I wasn't disconnected. I don't have that problem with satellite. :)
Dropping something very heavy on my toes today while I was lowering my bed. Man, that pissed me off something good. Fortunately I think my feet have pretty much gotten used to it, as it only took about a half hour to start feeling much better.
My blog site's one-minute window in which to edit comments. I fucking hate to see little mistakes of mine that I can't edit!
IMHO, what's worse is when you edit your comment, the window closes, and you see something else you wanna change but it's too late.

it really pisses me off when a "friend" starts acting like a complete ass hole and then still expects me to be happy go lucky towards him and continue doing things for him.
People who have nothing better to do with their time than sit around and think up viruses to invade other people's computers! It is amazing to me that they can't find something better to do with all that knowledge.

If I didn't have a son who knows how to reformat a computer it would have cost us a lot more time and money. Hubby googled a site that was given to him by a coworker and it completely took over our hard drive. It was a "trojan" (?) virus which apparently is really bad. He wasn't able to get rid of the files it put on the computer so everything had to be reinstalled after he reformatted.

GET A LIFE! Become a member of LIT and do something constructive with your time.
Why should the prescriptions for two of the trio of HRTs that I take go through, but the 3rd one has to wait on the doctor? They were all prescribed the same time!
Anyone who judges someone solely on looks and takes no time to get to know the person

ppl who try to force their beliefs on you

Those sex chat, sexy local ppl, perfect match sms things that are like every 2nd ad late at night
what really pisses me off?

my boss.

people who make serious medication errors and don't get reprimanded, disciplined or FIRED for it.

People who are sick and don't get better

people who are lazy

People who dont understand that i like a messy house (cluttered that is and a little unorganized)

Not having a car and a liscense to drive one ( pure stupidity on my part)

Having to pay a taxi everyday to get to work
Having to give up 1/2 my paycheck to said taxi just to do stuff with my family

Having some one i love being blind So they dont have a car....
My hubby not being able to see my face

NOT Having eye contact during sex or sensual encounters

must i go on? :mad: :mad: :mad:
`when the ends of the toilet paper scrunch up
`close talkers
`crumbs in the bed
`uber conservatives
`ann coulter
`the war
`holes in my fishnets
`when I swallow my tongue ring
`my achy breaky heart
`when my guitar strings break
`light bulbs burning out
`mosquitos and flies
`people who scream
`food bars
`people who don't wash their hands
`boxers that stick out of jeans
`"gangsta" kids
`people that don't drive properly
`people that cut you off in conversations
Happened to me today

Primarily people who speed up to cut you off, proceed to cut you off, and then a hundred feet off the road, slam on brakes to suddenly turn.

Oh - people who ride the fucking brake pedal. Ever heard of FRICTION, people? Take your foot of the gas....the three thousand pound piece of steel you're poorly commanding will - WHOA! - actually slow the hell down...

Sorry - normally I'm a pretty nice, calm person...
i Want to be fucked. Hard. By my CO worker. I am sooooooooo attracted to him that i just wanna get down on my knees and..... OH fuck. its starting to get in the way of my work ethic. Thank god for lit is RIGHT.... what should I do?