Thinkings, feelings and...doings ~ 2013

LT ~ Oh hello Friday, I've been expecting you!

Feeling ~ Excited. Today should be a good day. Long but fun.

Doing ~ Coffee. Lots of coffee.
Always feels comforting to return here, especially after an intense, stressful few days.

Sighs extensively, wondering where all her tea bags have disappeared to.
Thinking: What kind of idiot doesn't check for closures before driving through a snowstorm to pick someone up from the airport?

Feeling: Like said idiot, but grateful that we were able to make it back home without incident.

Doing: Pouring a stiff drink while the kids are preoccupied with Minecraft.
Thinking ~ How is it Sunday morning already? Where did the other half of my weekend go?

Feeling ~ another hour in bed would have been awesome.

Doing ~ Tea and trying to shake off the bleh. There's writing to be done.
Thinking: It feels good to post again :) Hopefully I can continue, there's so much more I want to get out.
Feeling: Blinky, bedtime I think, although it is 4 in the morning.
Doing: Going to bed, there's reading to be done when I wake up ;)
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My plans for the evening.
Thinking ~ February 2015. Not the best month I've ever known. Kinda ready for it to be over.

Just a few more days...

Also. I will write today. I will.

Feeling ~ Determined.

Doing ~ Playing zoo keeper and ring master like I usually am at this time of the morning.
I think I need to scrounge up another story to write with someone...

I feel like that won't likely happen...

I'm procrastinating reading through the seeking thread...
LT ~ I need to figure out a challenge piece, still time to get one written.

Feeling ~ Hopeful...and tired, but we'll focus on the hopeful thing. :D

Doing ~ Plotting
LT ~ I need to figure out a challenge piece, still time to get one written.

Feeling ~ Hopeful...and tired, but we'll focus on the hopeful thing. :D

Doing ~ Plotting

Plotting, you say? This is good *steeples fingertips together* Very good! *laughs maniacally*

Wait, you didn't mean that kind of plotting did you? Ooopsie.
I have been, and always will be, your friend.
Boldly go, Leonard.


Farewell Leonard

The needs of the many may outweigh the needs of the one, but it doesn't mean we aren't diminished without you. You have will always be my friend.
T: I am an insane person, especially when it comes to my son.

F: Trembly-exhausted, anxious, but relatively confident that I'll have it all under control...and that it'll be worth it.

D: Falling into bed, and setting an alarm for five hours from now! Ha! So glad I decided not to make such a fuss, this year! :rolleyes:
Thinking: Damn! I really need to get tumblr!
Feeling: Bit lazy and sad. I need gummy worms!
Doing: Watching Sherlock.
Oooo Ginny Gin Gin. Why do I drink you? Remember what happened last time? Cause I still do.