This thread is going to the dogs...

I like dogs okay. But I don't want them in the house, or outside terrorizing the cats. My stepdaughter knows this, and still asked if she can bring her dogs with her on Thanksgiving. Now I feel like a jerk. Goddammit.
I’ve had a lot of dogs in my lifetime. This one was special. It’s the big one I’m talking about here.

And don’t think, “Oh, how cute.” He was a genuinely dangerous animal. Affectionate to his people, tolerant within well defined limits with others.

It was an enlarged heart that killed him. I asked the vet what the end would look like and he said he’ll become an old dog very quickly. He’ll slow down but he won’t have pain. And when he goes it will be quick, in seconds.

This was an animal who, there was no doubt, would lay down his life for me and mine and probably take lives in the process.

We honored that commitment by taking care of him, cooking him special meals when he lost interest in his usual food, taking him to the vet every couple of weeks to have fluid drained from his abdomen. That sounds painful, but not for him. He felt no pain and he knew no fear. I often wondered what it would be like... to be him.

And in the end I was fortunate enough to be there, holding his head when he left this world.

I don’t know if this fits whatever this thread is about, but I felt like remembering, so here it is.
Been there... Not everyone is lucky enough to have had a canine companion who would die to protect you... All you can do is honour their memory... My current German Shepherd is 10 years old now and he would still throw his 120lb arse in front of a bullet for me... I am dreading the day that we will have to part... But like my other dogs, he will always be with me...