*thread etiquette...?*

its Leslie said:
I have in plenty of cases, started off thinking one way and then changed my slant if the person can convince me that my view wasn't worth supporting.
This comes very close to something that always bugs me.

People who refuse to let you change your opinion.

I've been in mid discussion on a forum and suddenly found myself flamed by a participant over something said five or more years previously in another forum, mailing list, or newsgroup.

Something I myself don't even remember.

I've had people chase me across the net like stalkers, hounding my opinions and making sure I am within 'canon' for what I'm supposed to say based on what I said years ago.

I've had people refuse to forgive a slight no matter how minor or how long ago or how many times I said I was wrong or expressed a view different than that in the past.

Some people seem to forget that I am a living creature which changes over time. My opinions today are not those I held in 1971 while sucking on my mother's breast...

My point is... cut people some slack, give them a chance to change their opinions on a topic.
My point is... cut people some slack, give them a chance to change their opinions on a topic.

And when you run into people who won't, tell 'em to go to hell.


After all, we must cling to the dream that those poor, uninformed souls who now believe Emoticons are just happy cyber-serfs will see the error of their ways.



I use three non-words on this board.

NEOM, which I generally explain in thread as follows:

GGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ignore all the rest of them. I don't know what they mean, don't care to know what they mean, and I figure that if the writer wanted me to know what he or she was speaking of the writer would put some effort into clarity. If one can be a lazy writer, by all means, however, one should not expect lazy readers to put any effort into figuring out what the lazy writer means.

So the burden rests on the writer to maintain clarity, not the reader to figure it out. The possible exception being a math test.
Re: Free the Emoticon Slaves!

Coolville said:
What sick, facist individual decided to round up the good, quiet people of Emotica and force them into slavery in Cyberspace?

Defenceless creatures, without arms or legs, unable to defend themselves from the injustice of serving in our written correspondance. It just isn't right!

Because of our own inadequate abilities to express our own emotions, we have subjected a whole race of Emoticons to a life of slavery, without pay, unions, pension plans, holidays or even coffee machines in the Cybercanteen.

Haven't we learned anything in the course of history?

Look at this quiet little fellow: :)

How can you look yourself in the mirror each day knowing that you have clicked on him in order to selfishly express your emotion, when you have over 2,000,000 million words in the English language - all designed to do the same thing.

:( This is the emotion lying deep beneath every smiley.


ohmygolly there is a rebel in the ranks!

:cattail: <--- indeed, no arms or legs, but does a tail count?

:p <--- i have a feeling the frog would look mighty weird with arms and legs...

and the trouble with having 2,000,000 million words in the english language is that way to many of them have more than one meaning and when put together in phrases can also be taken many different ways.

i use the smilies to 'show not tell'... even those who know me very well often misunderstand me as i may say something meant in dry humour then get disconnected. left in the air a dry humoured joke or remark can sound pretty nasty. i trust that my friends know me well enough to believe i don't do the nasty stuff.

however, i am always up to a challenge. i will endeavour to leave out emoticons for the future of this one thread and see what happens. how about that for a risk?

ohh and i'm not so sure it's fair because i've just discovered that the little smilies box stays on the desktop until i close it. what a neat gadget!
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KillerMuffin said:
GGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the burden rests on the writer to maintain clarity, not the reader to figure it out. The possible exception being a math test.

wow that NEOM sounds awesome! i'm impressed KM. mind if i copy and paste it? i'm having trouble counting all the letters. lol

i know exactly what you mean about the maths test. two of my students showed me algebra tests given to them by another teacher. far out, it had me running ask my daughter to explain to me what the heck the basics were. yet another case of me wishing i'd paid more attention in the classroom back in the dark ages.
Netiquette I think it's contagious:)

I am going to try a Netitquette thread on my favourite wargaming board (I have a FlammPzIII all lined up to deal with a troll though, oh by the way a FlammPz is a nastly little fire breathing tank, I don't have any dragons handy, and trolls hate fire).
i have a feeling the frog would look mighty weird with arms and legs...

It's snowballing out of control! Are you saying, mildsweetone, that frogs don't have the right to possess arms and legs? What kind of race are we? Ripping arms and legs off of innocent creatures and slapping their cheeky faces on our computers.

Did anyone ask the frogs first?

And who do those lips belong to? Is someone walking around right this minute finding it very difficult to order a cafe au lait?
Did anyone ask the frogs first?

Oh, yes. And it grieves me to report that the poor little green-skinned amphibians were so brainwashed by the Emotiperialists, they happily replied, "Rippit. Rippit."

Rumple Foreskin

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Sigh. What's this world coming to.

I read that the Emotimperialists use a Emote Control device to brainwash.

Frogging hell, that's scary.
Netiquette I think it's contagious
good luck with the wargaming board thread dear. i have to admit i enjoy the peace and giggles i'm getting from this one.

i discovered something when i tried copy and pasting that smilie of yours Leslie. when i highlighted it, the look on it's face changed. have a try yourself, you'll see what i mean. i think it liked being where it was and didn't want to be moved eh.

It's snowballing out of control! Are you saying, mildsweetone, that frogs don't have the right to possess arms and legs? What kind of race are we? Ripping arms and legs off of innocent creatures and slapping their cheeky faces on our computers.

Did anyone ask the frogs first?

And who do those lips belong to? Is someone walking around right this minute finding it very difficult to order a cafe au lait?
oh no dear! i think frogs should have the right to as much as we humans have the right to... even more in fact. i was just imagining what Kermit would look like if he didn't have those skinny little green twigs for legs and if he had human legs and arms instead. and yes, for thinking those thoughts, i had a wicked nightmare last night, thank you very much for that.

now, this little slip of the fingertips with my name... you know, there are some people who i will allow to play with my nickname. but i'm not sure i should be taking it in such a manner from you, Sir. have i ever mixed up your nickname? i'm not sure that's a fair thing to do you know. mind you, i guess all you've managed to see so far is the 'mild'ness. oh how i want to wink right now.

can one even say 'cafe au lait' without moving one's lips? i don't think so eh. oh unless they come equipped with pen and paper or some form of digital communication gadget.

Oh, yes. And it grieves me to report that the poor little green-skinned amphibians were so brainwashed by the Emotiperialists, they happily replied, "Rippit. Rippit."
(i wish i knew if the [ QUOTE ] word itself could be done in lower case.)

Rippit, Rumple? I think it's almost time to get the EmotipoliceTaskForce out and about.

not being able to wink and smile is kinda like having one's arms tied and mouth gagged. i have to say it's wretchedly frustrating.

As for an Emote Control device, well, i'm not so sure about that... Mind you, I see that Weird Harold is playing around with remotes, it might be worth borrowing his for a while to get you lot back in some kind of manageable order again. We can't have the riff raff loose on the streets for too long. people might get the wrong idea.

hmm i just had a thought (hence the 'edit'), Rumple Foreskin dear, how do you know the green is only skin deep on frogs?

okay i'm off for the weekend, have a nice friday all and a great weekend. catch ya my monday, frogs 'n all.
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KM's COPA thread gave me food for thought


I have a very definate, responsible, 14 (going on 24 year old) teenager who absolutely loathes me keeping an eye on her from time to time when she's online. I have let her know in no uncertain terms what I will allow her to do and not to do while she is using the computer. I give her a great deal of freedom (can imagine my mother's face when she discovers that much eh) but I still have certain boundaries I expect her to not go beyond (as yet).

While I can clearly see christo's viewpoint of the last paragraph in which he/she brought forth the parental responsibilities issue in KM's thread, I am also fully aware how much of my own opinions I foist upon my children. Yes, they need guidance, but sooner or later they also need to fend for themselves. Steering them to know what is right and what is wrong is my job as a parent. Helping them to decide for themselves is also my job. Learning from their mistakes, is their job.
Re: Re: Free the Emoticon Slaves!

I'm joining this quite entertaining thread quite late... :( was a li'l busy with a LOT going on in life!! Lovely thread WSO :)

wildsweetone said:

however, i am always up to a challenge. i will endeavour to leave out emoticons for the future of this one thread and see what happens. how about that for a risk?

When I read this, I was like "Oh Nooo".

Err... Rumple... :kiss: there you go. You can take those lips back.

:D the chinese will stay here...

oh wow!

there is still some life out there in the ether!!

hiya Damppanties, loooong time no see, it's good to see you around and about.

the thread has been fun. at least it was until everybody did a bunk on me and took off. i have an instinctive feeling they all went frog hunting. oh, i just realised, that's a French thing, yes?

*packing my bags, taking taxi to airport, arriving in France*

okay you little rascals, look out! I'VE ARRIVED!
Re: oh wow!

wildsweetone said:
there is still some life out there in the ether!!

hiya Damppanties, loooong time no see, it's good to see you around and about.

the thread has been fun. at least it was until everybody did a bunk on me and took off. i have an instinctive feeling they all went frog hunting. oh, i just realised, that's a French thing, yes?

*packing my bags, taking taxi to airport, arriving in France*



Nice to be back too!!! :) (what would we do without these smileys!!!)

Um... one interesting thing in your post - 'taking taxi to airport, arriving in France'??? lol
Looooooong taxi ride indeed. ;)

what can i say in my defence? i was stressed! 'twas the thought of all those frogs you know.

*wishing i could push a button on this wretched laptop and make the keyboard about twice the size it is*
darn i could do with a good wink right about now. rofl
what can i say in my defence? i was stressed! 'twas the thought of all those frogs you know.


What you need is an order of hot, sizzling, chicken fried frog legs.

IMHO, they're good and good for you.


and the trouble with having 2,000,000 million words in the english language is that way to many of them have more than one meaning and when put together in phrases can also be taken many different ways.

I could not have said this better myself. Me, I'm a little Aussie. I live in a country where a 'bastard' is the worst thing you can call someone, and an 'old bastard' is a term of endearment, so the smiley faces and other little emoticons come in really handy.:)

'Non words' or internet jargon ? Well I guess they're a habit people who chat or communicate on the net pick up. It just makes it all faster and easier. Personally I don't find them offensive at all. I didn't understand a couple when I first came to Lit... but it was just a matter asking. :) People in here are mostly very friendly and helpful.

As for these non words being difficult for non-American authors, well like I said I'm an Aussie and it hasn't been difficult for me to pick up on them. It's really just part of the net isn't it... :) The www ...and not the aww. :)

Rumpled, you keep giving us YHO :) and I'll keep sending you mine and everything will be Aok. *gg*

Well have a great day friends,

Re: *ss*...

the_bragis said:

As for these non words being difficult for non-American authors, well like I said I'm an Aussie and it hasn't been difficult for me to pick up on them. It's really just part of the net isn't it... :) The www ...and not the aww. :)

I was referring to those of us who have English as our second language... :)
While this "debate" concerning smiley's and legless frogs verses esoteric abbreviations has been fun, IMHO, there's a place for both. To the best of my limited knowledge, no word, short phrase or abbreviation exists which can perfectly replace a :) when it comes to communicating that something was written with tongue-in-cheek and meant as a joke.

On the other hand, I don't know of any smiley that can properly communicate concepts such as "for your information", "laugh out loud", my personal favorite, "in my humble opinion," much less KillerMuffin's "never ending orgasmic moment" (although the idea of a NEOM smiley is intriguing ).

Now back to chapter 16 of my WIP.

Rumple Foreskin
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I was referring to those of us who have English as our second language...

Yes, that's a good point. I'm sure there is no list of emoticons in any foreign dictionary. So I guess it could be difficult to figure them out. :)

It's a little like learning a new language, or at any rate a new slang isn't it? :)

The web is wonderful meeting place. I know I've learnt all kinds of new expressions since getting hooked on it. I think one of my favourites is... from Canada - all that and a bag of chips. :)
Have a great day,

Alex (fem)
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May a swarm of grumpy emoticons infest your armpits for trying to defend enslaving them!
But seriously, I am the first to hop up and down to celebrate the advent of a new form of communication. SMS slang, emoticons, email-style writing.

Damned cool, all of it. Language must evolve.

I think that in an earilier post on this thread I said that it was strange that in an author's hangout, where everybody writes/aspires to write, the use of emoticons was necessary.

I use emoticons often, but I prefer them in their original form, you know, using the symbols available to us on the keyboard. I just find the ones on the left to be tacky. The originals are cool, graphic, symbolic, cryptic.
oh now we're playing with words/pictures! i guess it's okay for me to use
: )

Coolville, i thought it was
'may the fleas from a thousand camels infest your armpits'

or maybe

'may the maggets of the dead bile of little green frogs infest your nostrils...'

emoticons aren't essential to those of us who have a good grasp of the english language. trouble is, there's a lot of us who haven't that knowledge. some because english is not their first language and some because they didn't get through all the english classes in school.

i reckon emoticons are a very handy tool and should be used freely, especially when in situations where comments or opinions can be misunderstood.

hey didn't i say that before? oh man the stress is getting to me now.
