*thread etiquette...?*

Boringgg... *wringing nose*

I liked Coolville's better.

How about "Ogling Mathilda's Drooping Breasts Tom's Interest Withered, Ultimately Died."


Good Morning all from another simply stunning frosty beginning here in Auckland. I have to say this has got to be one of the most beautiful spots in the world right now. I'm sure glad I'm around to see it.

DVS: (hoping this creates a visual of a svelte middle aged man keeping his cool in a crisis).

oh yeah, right, svelte. got that image dear, thanks. well i think i have. actually, i lie. all i can see is a pile of bones in a crumpled heap at the bottom of a set of concrete stairs in a pitch black room with wet seeping walls. man the urge to write is driving me nuts.

and toe jam doesn't fit in anywhere either.

now Svenskaflicka (Swedish Girl - i read that somewhere), i thought i was close (*sigh* yes the unregistered was moi).
maybe i should print out your OMDBTIWUD and stick it to the front of my fridge. no harm in reminding my kids to sidestep the Druggie Revolution.

hey damppanties, if Tom were indeed ogling Mathilda's breasts then doesn't that mean his eyes were popping out of his head in eager revere?

Coolville, today i intend being 'daring'. just a little bit. nothing quite like feeling good. (btw i miss the blue eye).

okay the phrase for the day is


good luck with it!
wildsweetone said:

okay the phrase for the day is


good luck with it!
Jeeezzzz, that was a shotgun post. From one set of fingers to many eyes and minds!

And, for clarifications, the steps were wooden (thank God), and the lighting was fine. You can visualise it in any way you like, though. Go for it! The toe is much better, thank you.

In that same vein, I submit:
Dumb Little Toe, B-B-Broke!

Or, maybe it could be:
Delicate Light Touch Brings Better Bones
Svenskaflicka said:
OK, here's another one for you:

Oh, my God! So many letters!

Flopping Da Legs, Flopping Da Arms, Taking Her Um, Medication

For Delicious Loving Fun Dip Another Tingly Hand Under Many

Now I am mentally drained!

Damn! Let's Try Barbara's Bobbing Breasts.

(why do all my interpretations turn out to be about sex..?? and DVS' about his big toe :p )

Do Lets Try Being Bloody Bad.

DVS Loves Toes, Big Bad 'n' Broke. :D


damppanties said:
Damn! Let's Try Barbara's Bobbing Breasts.

(why do all my interpretations turn out to be about sex..?? and DVS' about his big toe :p )

Do Lets Try Being Bloody Bad.

DVS Loves Toes, Big Bad 'n' Broke. :D


My big toe hurts, so it is prominent in my mind. what about your sex?

Fight Da Lot, Fight Dem All, They Hurt Us Mercilessly!!!

(no sex, no sex!!!)

Forever, Dear Lovely Fairy, Deeply And Truly, He Understands Me.

For Days Lena Fidgeted Daily And Tomorrow Has Ultimate Man!!:D

I'm thinking of embroidering this one on a pillow...

You guys need to vivid-ate your imagination!

FDLFDATHUM = Friends Don't Let Friends Drink And Take Home Ugly Men!!!

Now, wasn't that obvious??? ;)
Re: I'm thinking of embroidering this one on a pillow...

Svenskaflicka said:
You guys need to vivid-ate your imagination!

FDLFDATHUM = Friends Don't Let Friends Drink And Take Home Ugly Men!!!

Now, wasn't that obvious??? ;)

Well, not being an ugly man (personal observation only), I wouldn't have thought of that one.

Friends, Don't Laugh. Friends, Don't Assume This Head (is) Undisputably Mad.

OK, where's the next one?


interesting thoughts today


what is it?

when should it be used?

or indeed...

should it be used at all?

bearing in mind our (generalisation there) need for honesty, how can one learn how to be tactful without having to learn that particular lesson the hard way?

i see it happening here on the threads at times. we get so carried away with our own points of view that we act or speak in a thoughtless tactless way to others.

any suggestions?
interesting thoughts today

Yes, they are interesting thoughts.

I believe 'tact' is diplomacy. I think it should be used always.

It's often the art of being defensive without being offensive, especially in here.

In this forum of so many aspiring authors, it amazes me how some people choose to express themselves. The English language is incredible. There are so many ways of saying virtually the same thing.

Others may disagree, and that brings me to your final 'interesting thought.' Even if you don't understand someone else's point of view, isn't it polite to respect it regardless?

:) Mmm... That's good advice I should take myself.

Have a great day,

Oh do you mean 'respect each other's differences'?

Yes I agree. I guess there's only so many times one can bang one's own head against the proverbial brick wall.
Oh do you mean 'respect each other's differences'?

Yes, I guess so. :)

I think it's being agreeable to differ, without being disagreeable, again, especially in here. ;)

Have a great day now,

Alex (fem)
oh wait up... why 'especially in here' though?

is 'here' so different from the rest of life? i would have a guess and say that this website is a basic representation of a complete 'world'... why should people in here be treated any differently to how we each treat others in our lives?
I think "especially in here" because you can't tell emotions with just words. A poster's meaning can be totally misunderstood because there is no emotion. No, the smilies don't make up for it. I have been a victim of it, and I am sure many others have, too.

A dry sense of humor in a post, and a vindictive wrath comes back at you. And, if you try to explain, it only gets worse. People wear their hearts and emotions on their sleeve. Life is too short, people! CHILL!

why should people in here be treated any differently to how we each treat others in our lives?

Yes. That's very true. :)


I think "especially in here" because you can't tell emotions with just words. A poster's meaning can be totally misunderstood because there is no emotion. No, the smilies don't make up for it. I have been a victim of it, and I am sure many others have, too.

I wish I'd said that. But really, you explained it better than I could have. ;)

Have a great day now,

so then, which is better...

to have an opinion?


to voice it?

is it wrong to voice it if it cannot be voiced with respect?
is it wrong to voice it if it cannot be voiced with respect?

I think sometimes the problem is, we are unable to literallyvoice our views in this formum. We must rely on the type words on our screens to convey everything we mean. So, yes, extra care choosing words is important. And that, my sweet Kiwi friend, is my final choosing of words on the matter. ;)

Oh, 'one door closes because another is about to open'... I like that. It's a good positive thought.

Well have a great day now,

Alex (fem)
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wildsweetone said:
so then, which is better...

to have an opinion?


to voice it?

Both are ok. But having an opinion should not be confused with being rigid about it.

wildsweetone said:
is it wrong to voice it if it cannot be voiced with respect?

Voicing it is fine, even welcome, but shouldn't expect people to fall in with it. And, most of all, give people the benefit of the doubt. Don't judge their statements according to what YOU think they mean.

I really don't think people come here to be vindictive and to fight... so why does it happen really?

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wildsweetone said:
so then, which is better...

to have an opinion?


to voice it?

Don't you mean is it better to have an opinion and not voice it, or to have an opinion and voice it? Because I always have an opinion.

wildsweetone said:

is it wrong to voice it if it cannot be voiced with respect?

As long as others are respectful, you should be, too. And, if others get pithy, you should get even more respectful. It shows you have more integrity (whether you do or not).
Everything you say or do in life has consequences.

And so does everything you DON'T say or do.