To keep the review thread clean...

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Eve, that new New Poetry thread idea was great.

I'll try not to post there at all unless it is to review a poem. I'll thank any mentions of my poems either over here or in PM. ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
Eve, that new New Poetry thread idea was great.

I'll try not to post there at all unless it is to review a poem. I'll thank any mentions of my poems either over here or in PM. ;)

not to be a fascist or anything.....power to the people and all that

could the new poem review thread be one of those locked moderator sticky things---
in order to actually get it on that thread, you would have to send "The Poets" a PM with the review enclosed, so the moderators could post Just the Reviews and nothing but?

When I was occasionally lurking a few weeks ago, eh hem
I would get so annoyed at having to scroll through page after page of things that were important and valuable

BUT had Nothing to do at all with New Poems at all--- All I really wanted to see were the reviews and gave up looking on several occasions

Moderators, can this be done?

humbly yours,

Seattle Rain
SeattleRain said:
not to be a fascist or anything.....power to the people and all that

could the new poem review thread be one of those locked moderator sticky things---
in order to actually get it on that thread, you would have to send "The Poets" a PM with the review enclosed, so the moderators could post Just the Reviews and nothing but?

When I was occasionally lurking a few weeks ago, eh hem
I would get so annoyed at having to scroll through page after page of things that were important and valuable

BUT had Nothing to do at all with New Poems at all--- All I really wanted to see were the reviews and gave up looking on several occasions

Moderators, can this be done?

humbly yours,

Seattle Rain
I suppose we could do that, but we can also let everyone post their reviews freely, and move any eventual posts that don't contain any reviews to this thread...

How do you feel about that? More democratic, I think. ;)
YES--good idea

your website is outstanding Lauren--truly award-winning design--I have not seen better and am thinking of international museum and art sites I've visited as comparisons

I never noticed the link before--it's so muted--so understated--like Miles' trumpet

it's a revelation to me

Thank you, Carl. I really appreciate that. :rose:

Hope you had an opportunity to read some of the poetry there, especially some of the illustrated poems by Linbido that can't be found anywhere else and really add a lot to the site. :)
Lauren Hynde said:
I suppose we could do that, but we can also let everyone post their reviews freely, and move any eventual posts that don't contain any reviews to this thread...

How do you feel about that? More democratic, I think. ;)

lol yes of course, makes sense! I sweat I am not a dictator, unless asked.... nicely.... on knees....

eh hem

I did not realize the new thread thinggie was already started

power to the people!
Re: Re: normal jean has kinda

Tathagata said:
speak english fer christsake

ok not english

over and out brother

hey Tath, he is speaking english, its a really sexy kind of sexual/mental/visual neurotransmitter sexy stuff...dopamine!! yay!!!,.umm, love that word!!! I never heard of an acetycholine boat, thats bringing to mind the river Styx, for some reason..thanks you guys for making me feel special...

JC, I thought you knew, I live in Maria's frontal lobe and I escape on occasion when she's off her meds, LOL :D
By the way, poets, when I said let's keep this thread "slender" it is okay to post a thank you to the reviewer, suggest a poem that may have been missed, or to comment on a mentioned poem. I'd just like to keep the talk on this thread geared toward the new poems. So, give me what I want and we'll all be happy. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
Eve, that new New Poetry thread idea was great.

I'll try not to post there at all unless it is to review a poem. I'll thank any mentions of my poems either over here or in PM. ;)
Oh, now I read this after I told everyone on the new poem thread, "hey, you can stop by and mention a poem or say thanks." lol
I just want to have a thread geared toward new poetry and not a lot of mindless chat. Yes, I added my mindless chat to the old thread. I feel dirty about it. :eek:
Re: 6-14 Part 2

WickedEve said:


the letter
by tarablackwood22 ©

he is inside her now,
from the corners
of her dreams.
night after night,
he occupies those hidden reaches,
has set up shop
in their folds.

Turn on the lights, lock the doors and read the letter.


Thank, Eve. :heart: (slender in size, but not in sincerity!)
Re: Re: Re: normal jean has kinda

normal jean said:
hey Tath, he is speaking english, its a really sexy kind of sexual/mental/visual neurotransmitter sexy stuff...dopamine!! yay!!!,.umm, love that word!!! I never heard of an acetycholine boat, thats bringing to mind the river Styx, for some reason..thanks you guys for making me feel special...

JC, I thought you knew, I live in Maria's frontal lobe and I escape on occasion when she's off her meds, LOL :D

Hi jean - there's a gap between the nerve endings dendrites (and ultimately synapses) and the nerve receptors--axons--otherwise we would always be shaking and shimmying as miscellaneous impulses just kept firin'\ and firin'

when the impulse reaches the dendrites--acetylcholine is released which lets the impulse propagate across the synaptic cleft

and then acetylcholine esterase is released to get rid of that little burst of acetylcholine and restore the integrity of the cleft.

otherwise we'd be jerkin' around like puppets as though we'd had a little too much "white lady" at the breakfast table

DOOMED to die anonymous

Although I seem to get as much feedback as any other poet in here I get very few votes and even fewer comments

my most-ever votes on a poem is nine and most ever comments = 7 - and that can be with hundreds of views

thus I won't ever qualify for any literotica recognition and will likely die alone in a cold-water walkup

Re: 6-14-2004 PART 1

WickedEve said:

I am California
by Syndra Lynn ©

Syn gives us California in two very different parts:
Kiss me yellow-green
with sunlight dappled forest floor.

Tie asphalt ribbons
to concrete cities

Excellent poem. Read and vote.


Many thanks for the mention. Lets all do our part and pick up one piece of litter today!
New thread is a wonderful idea, thank you. Hope we can keep it slender.:heart:

Syn :kiss:
Re: bob Finds Love 2004

WickedEve said:
from bob Finds Love 2002:
yet she's pretty,
with pink smeared upward--
a careless smile for him.
he'll keep this one
till they carry her away.

a drawer stained
in sticky shades
of bare tubes

lids slowly replaced
need to show care
to the collection

vermilion now required,
vivid like terror eyes

though only coral
twists in palm

it is moderate,
calm between bittersweet
and titian

a girl below his window
is vermilion lipped,
crashing her man's air
with words

but he needs quiet,
unaware colors of kiss

he'd settle for
cerise, claret,
damask, even russet,
especially sanguine

pleasure's in the process
of acquiring,
in the love that glistens
when she's at last silent

(still rough, but hoping to submit it tonight. I was inspired to expand on my bob character after reading tara's frightening "the letter.")

You and Tara are TALENTED, WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL poetry sisters.
I'm going to hide under my bed

Syn :kiss:
Re: bob Finds Love 2004

WickedEve said:

(still rough, but hoping to submit it tonight. I was inspired to expand on my bob character after reading tara's frightening "the letter.")

Now that, Sweet Eve, warms my heart :heart: to be an inspiration to you!

Keep the pictures. :D

the letter - new poem....please read.

Daniel's brushes - new poem....please read.
Re: 6-14-2004 PART 1

WickedEve said:
by Liar ©
Audio Poem

nobody told me
that sometimes you fall
through a liquorice dream

It's difficult to share only a few lines of this poem. I couldn't decide which ones. The entire poem works together nicely, and no line is better than the next--it's all good.

Oh! I just clicked on the audio--I never listen to audio. Go listen. Oh my goodness. I have shivers. Liar, will you call me tonight and do that lullaby for me before I go to sleep? :)
For that review, I'll sing you a personal one. :rose:

Thank you so much, this was actually the first time I've been really nervous to see the reactions on a poem. I wasn't sure how well a recorded half-assed acapella would be recieved. Plus, I had a really sucky cold when I recorded it. :D

Re: Re: bob Finds Love 2004

tarablackwood22 said:
Now that, Sweet Eve, warms my heart :heart: to be an inspiration to you!

Keep the pictures. :D

the letter - new poem....please read.

Daniel's brushes - new poem....please read.
Warms your cold bloody heart that you inspired me with terror!!! lol

Oh, about those pics... well, I was offered a lot of money for them! (they will soon be appearing at site near somewhere)
Re: DOOMED to die anonymous

Although I seem to get as much feedback as any other poet in here I get very few votes and even fewer comments

my most-ever votes on a poem is nine and most ever comments = 7 - and that can be with hundreds of views

thus I won't ever qualify for any literotica recognition and will likely die alone in a cold-water walkup


lemme get my violin and some crepe to hang.....
just fuckin vote

it's easier than lookin' around for props

(though you have left useful and appreciated comments in the past)

Re: just fuckin vote

it's easier than lookin' around for props

(though you have left useful and appreciated comments in the past)


Good point

I hate it when you are right

good thing it doesn't happen often
Re: Re: Re: Re: normal jean has kinda

Hi jean - there's a gap between the nerve endings dendrites (and ultimately synapses) and the nerve receptors--axons--otherwise we would always be shaking and shimmying as miscellaneous impulses just kept firin'\ and firin'

when the impulse reaches the dendrites--acetylcholine is released which lets the impulse propagate across the synaptic cleft

and then acetylcholine esterase is released to get rid of that little burst of acetylcholine and restore the integrity of the cleft.

otherwise we'd be jerkin' around like puppets as though we'd had a little too much "white lady" at the breakfast table


Hi Carl :)

now youre really talking sexy, I mean it!! When I had my first psych class and we got to the chapter on neurotransmitters, I fell in love with my professor because he was so exubernt about what he was teaching..We live and breathe and think and feel because of these chemicals ( he said) and yet we do our best to tame them, tie them down, rope them and dope them with chemicals we know even less about...
its too bad he pased at such an early age, he truly inspred Jean..yes, he did and now you are doing it!!!

I can see it now, that little acetycholine boat, aswim in the rivers of synapses, blind ferryman at the stern, or whatever it is and were all trying to decide..which dendrite was that? ohh, take a left at the ragged one with the really bad hangover..ohh yess, baby, thats the one...ohhh yess...

talk science to me JC, I will be your word slave forever :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: normal jean has kinda

Maria2394 said:
Hi Carl :)

now youre really talking sexy, I mean it!! When I had my first psych class and we got to the chapter on neurotransmitters, I fell in love with my professor because he was so exubernt about what he was teaching..We live and breathe and think and feel because of these chemicals ( he said) and yet we do our best to tame them, tie them down, rope them and dope them with chemicals we know even less about...
its too bad he pased at such an early age, he truly inspred Jean..yes, he did and now you are doing it!!!

I can see it now, that little acetycholine boat, aswim in the rivers of synapses, blind ferryman at the stern, or whatever it is and were all trying to decide..which dendrite was that? ohh, take a left at the ragged one with the really bad hangover..ohh yess, baby, thats the one...ohhh yess...

talk science to me JC, I will be your word slave forever :rose:

It's not the kind of offer I'm overly inclined to refuse dear heart

squirm in my bed and I'll talk neurotransmitters all night long and rustle up a few endorphins for you
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: normal jean has kinda

It's not the kind of offer I'm overly inclined to refuse dear heart

squirm in my bed and I'll talk neurotransmitters all night long and rustle up a few endorphins for you get funnier by the hour! :D

And it was a sin that your "Prose Poem Prolix" from today did not have multiple green E's next to it. :confused:
Re: 6-14-2004 PART 1

WickedEve said:


in his yard
by OT ©
seasoned blue smoke lingers
only yesterday
I held the fork while he poked with
endless curious-boy questions
the blue smoke wafts skyward

I just cry too easily. This is has me all weepy. Now I'm looking at my kids and realizing... Anyway, wonderful poem. Big kiss to the OT poet.


mention *and* a kiss -- I'm honored. Thank you. :rose:
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