To keep the review thread clean...

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An' another thing, Du Lac

I can't find, in my dictionary, the Chinese character that you signed off with . Four strokes, right? What is it? Simplified or classical?
Me? I'm simplified.
duckiesmut said:
Thank you, Art, for the mention, and thank you to all those who commented.


you welcome duckie~
love that AV~

Thanks Du~
for all you Do
When a dew drop falls ... (dedicated to the Du~)
would have never come about if not for your encouraging
and inspirational ways, and good conversations, TY,

bows humble (~_~)
My Erotic Tale said:
you welcome duckie~
love that AV~

Thanks Du~
for all you Do
When a dew drop falls ... (dedicated to the Du~)
would have never come about if not for your encouraging
and inspirational ways, and good conversations, TY,

bows humble (~_~)

Your welcome she says as she bows right we better watch it ART.. we may compliment each other right out of ZEN thinking lol...
Du Lac said:
Your welcome she says as she bows right we better watch it ART.. we may compliment each other right out of ZEN thinking lol...

chasin chickens and
home made ice cream...

damn still some zen in that too...<grin>
Thanks to Art, Du Lac and ishtat for the mentions and of my latest poems. And to all that read. That's what they're there for. :) :rose:
To those that have commented on my latest poems, a :rose: for you. Your comments are very much appreciated.

Thank you!
Fflow said:
There is a great new poem posted by an exciting up-and-coming young writer. The poem, How To Bury A Quaker delves deeply into the creative process, its challenges and rewards. The author paints with a bold linguistic and metaphorical pallet that evokes Keats, Yeats, and maybe even Yates. (Certainly not Proust, however (thank God!))

Also, it holds a special dedication to Wicked Eve!


y'know, i can't ever remember anyone plugging their own poem on the review thread before,

but what the hell. go 'head. :cool:
Fflow said:
There is a great new poem posted by an exciting up-and-coming young writer. The poem, How To Bury A Quaker delves deeply into the creative process, its challenges and rewards. The author paints with a bold linguistic and metaphorical pallet that evokes Keats, Yeats, and maybe even Yates. (Certainly not Proust, however (thank God!))

Also, it holds a special dedication to Wicked Eve!

Subtle ;)
PatCarrington said:
y'know, i can't ever remember anyone plugging their own poem on the review thread before,

but what the hell. go 'head. :cool:
Brinnie's smarter than we give her credit for!
flyguy69 said:
Brinnie's smarter than we give her credit for!

I'm sure you're right, it's calculated stupid. She's setting us up for a full-frontal attack, mark my graffitti.

Brinnie wuz hear
Tristesse said:
I'm sure you're right, it's calculated stupid. She's setting us up for a full-frontal attack, mark my graffitti.

Brinnie wuz hear
Isn't it supposed to be pink? :D
PatCarrington said:
y'know, i can't ever remember anyone plugging their own poem on the review thread before,

but what the hell. go 'head. :cool:

I did it once, by calling my own poem shit (it was shit... I wrote and submitted it drunk), and it happened to appear on the day I did reviews... Worked too. Got some good feedback. Self deprecation seems to go down quite well.
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I have never failed to do it. Every time I had poems posted on my review days, I mentioned them. I'm shameless that way. :rolleyes:
Lauren Hynde said:
I have never failed to do it. Every time I had poems posted on my review days, I mentioned them. I'm shameless that way. :rolleyes:
That doesn't strike me quite the same as posting a stand alone review of your own poem written as though it was someone else's poem altogether. Not that I'm knocking it. Creative. Made me laugh. :)
Lauren Hynde said:
I have never failed to do it. Every time I had poems posted on my review days, I mentioned them. I'm shameless that way. :rolleyes:
In what way are you not shameless, dearheart? :D

I normally do not promote my own work on the review thread but, because of the 'humorous' nature of my missive, and the dedication to Wicked Eve, I wanted to make sure that everyone was up to speed, as it were...

I considered a more restrained presentation... Something like:

"Hi all... I posted a non-erotic poem using euphemisms for taking a dump and its really funny. go check it out!"​

but opted, instead, for the more wacky, self aggrandizing route that, in many ways, is far more appropriate (and funny!)

Thanks, as always, for everything!
Fflow said:
I normally do not promote my own work on the review thread but, because of the 'humorous' nature of my missive, and the dedication to Wicked Eve, I wanted to make sure that everyone was up to speed, as it were...

I considered a more restrained presentation... Something like:

"Hi all... I posted a non-erotic poem using euphemisms for taking a dump and its really funny. go check it out!"​

but opted, instead, for the more wacky, self aggrandizing route that, in many ways, is far more appropriate (and funny!)

Thanks, as always, for everything!
I really didn't get your euphemisms until you pointed it out. I guess I'm not fixated on poop, fortunately. So, why did you dedicate it to me? Just to be a shit?
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PatCarrington said:
i was waiting all day for you to ask that. :cool:
I made a comment on the poem to be polite before I realized it was a shitty poem. :rolleyes: Damn my politeness. I either did something to piss him off or he thought sticking the Wicked Eve name in the poem would get it more reads/votes. :confused: I have no idea.
WickedEve said:
I made a comment on the poem to be polite before I realized it was a shitty poem. :rolleyes: Damn my politeness. I either did something to piss him off or he thought sticking the Wicked Eve name in the poem would get it more reads/votes. :confused: I have no idea.
Or maybe he just really, really likes you. Kinda like pulling your hair on the playground. ;)
WickedEve said:
I made a comment on the poem to be polite before I realized it was a shitty poem. :rolleyes: Damn my politeness. I either did something to piss him off or he thought sticking the Wicked Eve name in the poem would get it more reads/votes. :confused: I have no idea.

sometimes, love is just a mystery. :kiss:
*sigh* wicked eve... Sorry!

No, I dedicated it to you as an homage to the thread you started some time ago about words and phrases one should never use in poems. I wasn't trying to be mean, or anything, other than funny. Sorry it didn't go that way.

If you're ever wondering if something I said was meant to be mean or funny, you can usually assume that I was going for funny, even though I failed miserably.

I try not to be a mean person.

Sincerely sorry for the mixup.

I'll delete the dedication.


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