To keep the review thread clean...

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Scott N. Leavitt said:
Are you so smart? What have you written!! How dare you ignor a writer who posts good stuff nearly everyday! When you post nothing you had ever written your self! – Those who can do: Those who can’t write critisize!
I guess we know what you are!!
...says the guy while critisizing Rybka. :rolleyes:

Chill out and contribute in a constructive way instead, bro.
I must be a Water sign!

Thank you Rybka for mentioning my little mind orgy poem. :rolleyes:
I don't remember the last time I had so much fun writing a poem. I like it when they just spill onto the page that way.

And pretty "thank yous" to all who took the time to read and vote.


Syn :kiss:
Rybka said:
I counted 13 new submissions on this the first Thursday of April

Here are some of the poems I found of most interest today:

wordwytch has been a Literer for almost a month and Where’s the Glue? is her second submission. This poem is listed in the non-erotic category, but it is a love poem that asks the question, “What keeps us together when our daily worlds are so different?”
The question and examples are nicely written, and then the poet answers in what most who have had such relationships will consider a romantic voice. This poem could, like all, be tightened/tweaked a bit, but I find it a very good offering by a new contributor.

I won’t quote from it because I want you to go read it and encounter the best lines with a fresh eye.
After you read this one, go look at her other poem. It too is very readable. – Keep an aye (Sic) out for this writer. This is my favorite of the day. :rose:

****** Rybka
Thank you! What a great compliment. I hope it will inspire others to read and leave constructive feedback.

ww :rose:
Scott N. Leavitt said:
The ones your mentioning are ok. But I don’t even think they are the best.
It’s true! Everbody has favorite styles and poets. But sad how can you not see great writing when it is there in front of you by such an excellent author?? Why do you not recommend A French Rose 'Midnight Maiden' by My Erotic Tale! This is even part of a series!
Is everybody so jealous? Can you not even say “Here is another excellent poem by a very good poet?”

Are you so smart? What have you written!! How dare you ignor a writer who posts good stuff nearly everyday! When you post nothing you had ever written your self! – Those who can do: Those who can’t write critisize!
I guess we know what you are!!

Please go read: and tell My Erotic Tale how good it is! :nana: :nana: :nana:

Here's a good point >>>

first off thanks Scott for the mention that's what this thread is for,
second: Rybka has promised to not mention or read anything I write,
this is his own doings to himself, I excpet that so do a lot here, same with ..
a few.

BUT ... we don't write to get reviewed, or I don't!
I wrote because I really enjoyed this series, the review thread is
not a stage and people fighting to get on it, if so have at it.
I don't write for votes although they're nice but then the aunty muse bombs
would bother me, we should write for ourselves first then share
with those who enjoy what we do. If there is one thing I have learned
here, we all seem to have different tastes, but share our enjoyment
of poetry with each other.

I saw a poem the other day by a poet with scott in the name
would this be the same poet? Scott, thanks, the poets bark are worse
than their nips and you didn't know Rybka black lists, now you do!
hang in there you'll catch on, let the flame light your sight for poetry
not burn in anger for not understanding the fish smells!
My Erotic Tale said:
Scott, thanks, the poets bark are worse
than their nips and you didn't know Rybka black lists, now you do!
I don't think there is a black list. I was pretty sure you two had an agreement. I remember reading on the board that you didn't want him bothering with your poems and he said he wouldn't read them. Something like that, right?
And I think Scott missed the last part of the review:
Rybka said:
Taste is always an individual thing so there may very well be other poems out there today that you will thoroughly enjoy. Go find the ones you really like on the New Poems board and then come back and tell us about them!

As always, please remember that our poets need your support, so RVCF. It won’t come back around if you don’t send it out! ;)

Regards, Rybka
We all need to remember that ANYONE can review. We simply have "regulars" to make sure a day doesn't get skipped. Scott can do his own review and mention any poem he wants, and he can do it every day of the week. So there is no point in all this.
WickedEve said:
I don't think there is a black list. I was pretty sure you two had an agreement. I remember reading on the board that you didn't want him bothering with your poems and he said he wouldn't read them. Something like that, right?
And I think Scott missed the last part of the review:

We all need to remember that ANYONE can review. We simply have "regulars" to make sure a day doesn't get skipped. Scott can do his own review and mention any poem he wants, and he can do it every day of the week. So there is no point in all this.

"I remember reading on the board that you didn't want him bothering with your poems and he said he wouldn't read them. Something like that, right?"

Well 'he' chose on his own accord not to, I never tell people not
to read ANYTHING, thats like telling you not to wear a dress <grin>
and black list was my own words not rybkas, it is more like his choice
not to, <there better?> smile ... that is old water under a bridge!
My Erotic Tale said:
"I remember reading on the board that you didn't want him bothering with your poems and he said he wouldn't read them. Something like that, right?"

Well 'he' chose on his own accord not to, I never tell people not
to read ANYTHING, thats like telling you not to wear a dress <grin>
and black list was my own words not rybkas, it is more like his choice
not to, <there better?> smile ... that is old water under a bridge!
Well, all these posts are about to become water under the bridge, where they will flow to that other thread. :)
Originally posted by Scott N. Leavitt

Stupid Fish!!!
The ones your mentioning are ok. But I don’t even think they are the best.
It’s true! Everbody has favorite styles and poets. But sad how can you not see great writing when it is there in front of you by such an excellent author?? Why do you not recommend A French Rose 'Midnight Maiden' by My Erotic Tale! This is even part of a series!
Is everybody so jealous? Can you not even say “Here is another excellent poem by a very good poet?”

Are you so smart? What have you written!! How dare you ignor a writer who posts good stuff nearly everyday! When you post nothing you had ever written your self! – Those who can do: Those who can’t write critisize!
I guess we know what you are!!
Moved from the new poems review thread.
Originally posted by Scott N. Leavitt
Stupid Fish!!!
The ones your mentioning are ok. But I don’t even think they are the best.

At least when Rybka mentioned those he liked, he did not down grade other poems/poets in the same breath.

Originally posted by Scott N. Leavitt
Those who can’t write critisize!

You've made that clear.

flyguy69 said:
I'm sorry, Scott, I can't seem to find anything you have written, either. Does that tell us what you are?



On Lit??

No shit. :rolleyes: :D

BTW- nice come back <wink>
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Art maybe you can ask your fan club to recommend your work in a slightly less annoying and more dignified manner.
Originally posted by Scott N. Leavitt

Stupid Fish!!!
The ones your mentioning are ok. But I don’t even think they are the best.
It’s true! Everbody has favorite styles and poets. But sad how can you not see great writing when it is there in front of you by such an excellent author?? Why do you not recommend A French Rose 'Midnight Maiden' by My Erotic Tale! This is even part of a series!
Is everybody so jealous? Can you not even say “Here is another excellent poem by a very good poet?”

Are you so smart? What have you written!! How dare you ignor a writer who posts good stuff nearly everyday! When you post nothing you had ever written your self! – Those who can do: Those who can’t write critisize!
I guess we know what you are!!

You're new here (possibly), so let me try to explain the new poem review process for you.

Anyone can comment. The people who review comment on the poems they personally like and want to recommend, and their comments will not necessarily be undiluted praise. Everyone here deals with that as part of learning to be a better writer--and if they can't that's rather telling, isn't it? Not commenting on a poem doesn't mean anything other than it's not one of that reviewer's favorites that day. As you point out,

Everbody has favorite styles and poets.

So why then is it ok for you to not comment on every poem posted on a given day, but not Rybka or any other reviewer? How does their lack of doing so constitute jealousy, but not yours? You contradict yourself.

Rybka by the way is a wonderful poet in my opinion, and unlike you I've written a lot here and I've read new poems here almost every day for the past three years.

Art is a nice guy, but you're making it sound like he's paying you to rave about his poems or something. Personally, I think you'd help him more if you simply make a recommendation if you want and chill out on the indignance. Trust me, you'll be doing him a favor.
PatCarrington said:
what, did you watch Casablanca last night? :)

I came to Literotica for the waters

But this is a website, There are no waters

I was misinformed
Tathagata said:
I came to Literotica for the waters

But this is a website, There are no waters

I was misinformed

....and i'm shocked to learn there's gambling going on here.
PatCarrington said:
what, did you watch Casablanca last night? :)

No, I watched ee sleep and wrote poems, lol. But we slept through the alarm this morning and woke up late. I was a little cranky. Did it show? :D

I want your opinion on my poem in the progress thread. Pretty please?
Tathagata said:
I came to Literotica for the waters

But this is a website, There are no waters

I was misinformed

I didn't know water was on your approved libation list. :p
Angeline said:
No, I watched ee sleep and wrote poems, lol. But we slept through the alarm this morning and woke up late. I was a little cranky. Did it show? :D

I want your opinion on my poem in the progress thread. Pretty please?

yes, it showed. :cool:

it'll be done today, only you better promise to curse at me when i'm done.
Tathagata said:
I came to Literotica for the waters

But this is a website, There are no waters

I was misinformed

I beg your pardon! My last 2 poems were waters.

If you need more, I can always take you to Harbin and get you a Watsu. :D

Syn :kiss:
Syndra Lynn said:
I beg your pardon! My last 2 poems were waters.

If you need more, I can always take you to Harbin and get you a Watsu. :D

Syn :kiss:

do you mind if i eat you for breakfast?
Syndra Lynn said:
I beg your pardon! My last 2 poems were waters.

If you need more, I can always take you to Harbin and get you a Watsu. :D

Syn :kiss:
This is sounding more like "A Night in Casablanca" :D
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