To keep the review thread clean...

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flyguy69 said:
This is sounding more like "A Night in Casablanca" :D

I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world.

Do you really?

No, but I don't mind lying if I think it will get me some where.

Don't get me started on the Marx Brothers
Syndra Lynn said:
I beg your pardon! My last 2 poems were waters.

If you need more, I can always take you to Harbin and get you a Watsu. :D

Syn :kiss:

Just reading about it exhausted me
Tathagata said:
I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world.

Do you really?

No, but I don't mind lying if I think it will get me some where.

Don't get me started on the Marx Brothers
How do you feel about nudity in films?
PatCarrington said:
do you mind if i eat you for breakfast?

breakfast, brunch, lunch, supper, dinner, mid-morning snack, late-afternoon snack, midnight snack, dessert...

did I miss anything? :rolleyes:

Syn :kiss:
Syndra Lynn said:
breakfast, brunch, lunch, supper, dinner, mid-morning snack, late-afternoon snack, midnight snack, dessert...

did I miss anything? :rolleyes:

Syn :kiss:

if you did, we can work it out at the feast. :kiss:
annaswirls said:
I was thinking the same thing!

Grumpy old wench

Are you throttling Dandelions in your AV?? Wicked old Wench!

Sorry... just adding more shit to the thread... so it'll maybe get cleaned sooner.
Trent_Dutch said:
Are you throttling Dandelions in your AV?? Wicked old Wench!

Sorry... just adding more shit to the thread... so it'll maybe get cleaned sooner.

I am trying to make dandelion wine.

You better be careful who you call old!

My toes are trained. They can pinch the hell out of you, especially the hair on the back of the calf or skin on the abdomen. They are almost as dangerous as my chin.

And ... that Submission pome was right, right, right up my street. Fantastic!

But ...

Put yourself under my control
I promise you’ll be fine,
Lay down on the satin sheets
I’ll pour us both some wine.

should have been

Put yourself under my control
I promise you’ll be fine,
Lay down upon the satin sheets
I’ll pour us both some wine.

One syllable out. How do you give this advice politely, without looking like a pedant?
evelyn_carroll said:
And ... that Submission pome was right, right, right up my street. Fantastic!

But ...

Put yourself under my control
I promise you’ll be fine,
Lay down on the satin sheets
I’ll pour us both some wine.

should have been

Put yourself under my control
I promise you’ll be fine,
Lay down upon the satin sheets
I’ll pour us both some wine.

One syllable out. How do you give this advice politely, without looking like a pedant?

Actually, the first line was one syllable too long. It should read :

"Put yourself in my control"

The third line is ungrammatical but that might be either a play on words or poetic license.
Thanks for your kind notice and reference to my new poem, "Why Children Sing," My Erotic Tale. I'm pleased to be noticed!

I'm not sure why that is the poem's title except that the poem's observations seemed to me to possibly explain some of the mysterious goings-on behind the faces of the little ones.

A couple of readers asked about the poem's form: it's a variation on a French form called a vilanelle if anyone else is curious.


Thank you, Du Lac, for the mention.
I'm a little puzzled about the " mistakes" the only one I see is "of" for "off" in the final stanza.

If you mean " boyos" that's a slang term used for a group of men or " boys" who hang around a pub.
Tathagata said:
Thank you, Du Lac, for the mention.
I'm a little puzzled about the " mistakes" the only one I see is "of" for "off" in the final stanza.

If you mean " boyos" that's a slang term used for a group of men or " boys" who hang around a pub.

thank you for the clarity.. yes those were the two I was speaking of.. and hence.. the boyos.. is what I meant by purposeful mistake... is a mistake a mistake when it has a purpose? HA.. and all I had was coffee no nectar of the grain lol
ty and your welcome always love your writes
Du~ :catroar:
Thanks, Du Lac

(Or can I call you Lance?) for your kind comment on Haiku Boy. At least one voter hated it, according to my arithmetic. I wonder about two things.
1. Did you guys realise that it's meant to be read as a pair (with the Girl one)?
2. Did anyone not understand that both these people were from east of Kabul?
If the answer to 2 is no, I've failed.
e. (or E., if a yes)
PS Pretty sure there were 17! :nana:
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