To keep the review thread clean...

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Angeline said:
I once dated a mormon. really. well his parents were--he was in major rebellion as was I. The only difference is he got over it.

young love.....and now he's in utah and you're in maine.....

....ahhh....the splendor in the grass.
WickedEve said:
Is that you in the av? You look sexy and possibly criminal.
Yes, it is me.. always thought I looked nerdy, but thanks :)

Maybe that's why they don't let me across the American border *ponder*

(I've also been told I look like Keanu Reeves in that photo.. it's the shades and hair though)
tolyk said:
Yes, it is me.. always thought I looked nerdy, but thanks :)

Maybe that's why they don't let me across the American border *ponder*

(I've also been told I look like Keanu Reeves in that photo.. it's the shades and hair though)
Yes! That's who you look like.
Tathagata said:
everything eve wants in a man
Not everything. I want a little monkey in my man, too. Wait. That could be interpreted as something extremely sick.
tolyk, you changed your face. Well, I like that too. You're just adorable.
WickedEve said:
tolyk, you changed your face. Well, I like that too. You're just adorable.
Why thank you.. this picture is much more recent.. the sunglasses one was taken christmas of 2003.. not sure of the date on this one though, but I know it is newer
WickedEve said:
Not everything. I want a little monkey in my man, too. Wait. That could be interpreted as something extremely sick.

i'm all for " novelties" but I draw the line at gerbils and little monkeys
Oh, I have to add this.. great thighs Eve.. still prefer that picture of your ass though *grin*
tolyk said:
Oh, I have to add this.. great thighs Eve.. still prefer that picture of your ass though *grin*
You're naked. I notice things like that.
Scott N. Leavitt said:
How come no body said to go read A Cherokee Rose: 'Dream Catch-her' ??? It is REALLY good and you should go read and vote a 5 on it!!!

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Probably because Tuesdays where my department. And I'm a lazy/apathetic braggard, drunkard and a cad.
I still intend to do the reviews for Tue 12th.... Maybe even just now..... One last spin and all that.... better late than never.... Or so my Grandfather told his men at the Somme, when they missed the Big Push by a day or two.
Thank You 'Sabin' for the mention of Rhyming-itis
some poems like this one come out faster than I can type

and Thank You Trent_Dutch for the mention of
a Cherokee Rose, a bit more indepth and perfection
strived with HELP! <grin> thanks

thanks scott~

okay now I am caught up on my reading and my
writing comitments, now what to do, write a wicked poem <grin>
For Tathagata

Gerbil & The Monkey Man
By Sander Roscoe Wolff

Gerbil was a handsome lad,
With dark and wavy hair
Orphaned with no mom or dad
And still a happy aire

Helped the young and old alike
A more than half-full glass
Until he met the Monkey Man
Got stuffed up his red ass.
No posts and wondering why the email

:confused: Okay not once but twice I've been sent a thread saying there is a post for me, or someone answered a very old post, thanks for giving me the link anyway, but nothing here that pertains to moi :kiss:
fabmax said:
:confused: Okay not once but twice I've been sent a thread saying there is a post for me, or someone answered a very old post, thanks for giving me the link anyway, but nothing here that pertains to moi :kiss:

does it sign off with ...

thanks for the journey~ ...???
I sent three today but not to a fabmax
just curious if they crossed?
My Erotic Tale said:
New Poem Reviews

There are two poems on the list today (noon)
I found favor in this Illustrated poem, Day Dream The coralation of words and pic make a nice visit to this page, easy to smile or lighten the heart with natures beauty and passionate letters.

The other poem is a dedication, nice picture in another illustrated poem. I could go dig up an old poem but then that wouldn't exactly be a 'New Poem'. <grin> I am leaving for awhile so if more poems surface, please feel free to read and review freely. Have a great day!
thank you for the mention. :)
Mon April 18th

Duckie is a little under the weather so she asked if I'd fill in for her with the reviews.
I will get to them as soon as work permits
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