To keep the review thread clean...

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Evelyn, for you!

I have to admit that I felt a little left out...

I don't have the skill and artistry that you do, but here is my humble self-described epitaph...

Divine, sublime, but mostly supine
From drinking too deeply of whiskey and wine.
Always the artist, and much in demand,
Fflow died while "writing," his "pen" in his hand.

Thank you. Thank you very much.
For thee Fflow

Sorry about the patent omission, but I couldn't include everyone. I just looked at the most recent contributors to the thread.

Here it is (and I'm making this up as I type)

Here lies neglected Fflow
Who (it was said) would not go
Until a man with tackle massive
Finally proved a little too aggressive.

Now, this project was inspired when I read a post that said something like 'none of my poems has ever got ten votes'. OK, I thought, insult ten of the regulars and you'll get ten votes. They might be low votes, but you'll get ten. It's because I'm a mathematician.

Ho hum.
E. :devil:
Oh, and another thing

In reply to a public comment by Tathagata, I would just like to point out that the CTO of our company wears both a goatee and and (very lacy) garter; it's just that he doesn't wear either to work.

I really wanna take the 'finally' out of that last flashpome.

Hey, there are noises at the window. It's very late. I'm scared. I hear a 'crunch' - like someone biting into an apple. Perhaps it's only an applet.
WickedEve[url= said:
an illustrated poem by BooMerengue

I want to own this photo! You really must go take a peek at it. :) And it's paired with a gentle poem.

Eve! Check your mail- you can have anything I have, darlin'! Thanks for this mention; yes that was me starting the Wild Horse thread. And thats me in the picture at or near Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota in 1957 or 8. This is my 1st illustrated poem, and I hope not the last.
Rybka said:
I count 20 new submissions on this the third Thursday of April, but as always I also bring you one non-erotic "spinner" from the archives.

Today's golden oldie:
The poem I spun-up is from November of last year. It seemed appropriate given the recent tribute contest. If you enjoy it, click on the name and go read some more of this longtime Lit. member’s work. It took me only 4 spins to find this poem by HomerPindar.


Here are a few of today’s new poems that I enjoyed reading.

BooMerengue has four poems today, all worth reading as I have come to expect. My favorites are a wonderful letter to a child from Santa, Dear Tristan, and one called Simpler Days:A note to the wise: Simpler Days are fine until you have to live them! ;)


With a title like this how can you not read, The Day My Cock Fell Off by Chimney Sweep. Quite humorous and unpretentious though rather long, there are a few lines that are forced for the rhyme. But overall this adult Seussistic is a fun and easy read with a bit more perception into the male ego than you might at first think.


A two month member, catmajica, has my personal choice of the day titled child with no future. This poem is very strong and the word images are fresh. It starts like this:
And it just gets better.
Well done! :rose:


Taste is always an individual thing so there may very well be other poems out there today that you will thoroughly enjoy. Go find the ones you really like on the New Poems board and then come back and tell us about them!

As always, please remember that our poets need your support, so RVCF. It won’t come back around if you don’t send it out! ;)

Regards, Rybka

Rybka, thanks so much for the mentions of my work. You made me feel again that it's worth pushing on- sometimes I lose that feeling. :rose:
WickedEve said:
The poem that evelyn apologized for:
Literotica Poet’s Corner
by evelyn_carroll

Here are some proposed headstone inscriptions.

Wicked Eve had thighs as well;
They used to make my penis swell.
If she still lived, I’d be her pimp;
But she’s long gone, so now I’m limp.

Listen, evelyn! Hear it? It's a creepy, screechy sound outside your window. If you don't make it through the night, then I'll write a little eulogy just for you. No. No. Really. My pleasure. :D


American Vignette #1
by twelveoone

The arroyo runs dry, Señor,
you have a peso for atonement
for my sins, for the poor box,
it groans with spiders, and dust
in my belly, makes me
want a drink.Just one drink .
Señor, just one drink?

I love this poem. It's wonderfully original, and it was written by some guy. So, go read and leave the best feedback you can and vote all 6s.


Faire Allusion
by neonurotic

Tonight, the lady
is a demure gamin tease.

There are no bungee cords or spatulas in this poem. No backdoor banging. No yanking pubic hairs with your teeth. Nope. This is a delicate poem. A lovely erotic poem!


I'm still reading Friday poems. I'll try, try, try to mention more!
twelveoone wishes to say that coming from someone who he regards as one of the most wonderfully original poets he has ever read, he offers his humble thanks. He also thinks you are one of the best reviewers here, and the funniest.
He wanted me to tell you this, as he took his own advice and went off to the desert for fourty.

Personally, I found his American Vignette#1 sophomoric; excessively concerned with social injustice, man’s relationship with god, the decline of the English Language, and the environment.

Portentous :rolleyes: , and porcine.
and the subject matter was handled so much better in Lee Van Cleef’s magnificent ode Per qualche dollaro in piu

¡Arriba! - anonamouse
Before the non review comments are moved by a moderator (probably a sexy moderator) I want to suggest that you check out more of Friday's good poems. I fell asleep last night before I could finish mentioning more.
Evelyn Adds Up

A mathematician, eh? Somehow it all adds up!


Now, as for my demise... This massive tackle was my undoing? Am I to imagine some sort of anal sex gone terribly wrong or, perhaps, choking? Although I'm very open minded, and have had my time of experimentation as a youth, I'm pretty much committed to the heterosexual lifestyle at this point and, as a man, don't think that I'd be ended in such a way... Perhaps, thusly, though:

Here lies Fflow, with broken neck
Who burns in endless fires of heck
He did not die of drugs or booze
But fell into a massive cooze!

[ok, that's just way too silly. Still, you get the idea...]
Ho, ho ho!

Yeah, that's far better than my one; I'll call the stonemason right away.
Of course I knew you was a bloke, but the innuendo you deserved, because you only gave me a 3. BTW, I got my ten votes; theorem proved. QED.
To the moderator

Somehow, I've ended up on the wrong thread again - just by clicking on the email link. Is there a tutorial?

Sorry, though.
My Erotic Tale said:
Trying to read poetry to basalt by liar

I agree with liar, "a man no a man ..." unless he builds a house.
interesting poem with far more meaning than I can grasp I'm sure,
like who is basalt? If I read poetry while building a house I
guarantee some one's gonna throw a hammer ...hehehe
but the poem is sprinkled with 'liars' master of poetry literary spice!

Basalt is a type of glassy rock. It's commonly used to make gravestones.

Thanks for the mention and comment. I won't throw hammers as you. :)
A Three???

I never give threes! Are you sure you're not confusing me with someone else? Either that, or I simply forgot to click on the voting thingy... If I did that I'm very sorry! I loved your poem, and thought the idea was great! Sorry for being so careless!


I should apologise

The confusion arose because someone else suggested an inscription for Fflow in the public comments. I assumed it was a pseudonym. Assumptions are often dangerous things; viz Weapons of Mass Destruction.
I abase myself at your feet. and will ask for three extra flagellations tonight.
thank you

My Erotic Tale said:

New Poems Reviews

for Saturday 23, 2005
. . .

liver spots by Rybka

I never would have thought of 'liver spots' that is a vision from behind
anothers eyes, Rybka has a masterful zen master poem going here, that
I found very much worthy of mention, my interpritation of liver spots
would be the beauty of snow melting away, so don't let the title throw ya
this poem id filled with serenity extreme if read by the blanket of white
across a bright blue horizon. Very good poetry Rybka...

. . .

Thank you My Erotic Tale for your kind and generous review.
And thank you to those of you who have left kind words and positive comments on my poem Liver Spots. It is a rewrite of an earlier version that I was inspired to revisit after reading SeattleRain’s beside the red barn door, and recently undergoing snowmelt.
Where Anna saw the expanding green of a new growing season and wonderfully likened it to the spreading effect of a poet’s words upon the world, when I looked out my window I saw not green but spots of brown. The harbinger of mud and the end of a season. – When you grow old enough you may begin to understand why the elderly dislike change and hold onto things without which they would be better off. Change means loss means death, and the old know they are no longer immortal and there is no season of rebirth for them. The redbird sings for himself not to me. My ‘glory days’ are spent and gone well bye. Winter is an old man and I too have spots on my hands. I know that time when there the grass will grow. :rolleyes:

A Basement Beneath You

No, alas... Tis I that must abase myself at your glorious and well pedicured feet, my dear. I, the lowest of the low, the filth that clings tenaciously to dirt, the scum that clogs my fish's filter, that which you must scrape, occasionally, from your shoe. :eek:

I, in a moment of high spirits, posted my comment without first changing my vote to a 5, which was my intention. :confused:

I don't know if I can ever make this up to you. I'd be willing to rub your bottom with lotion or a scented oil, or gnaw the rough spots off your heals, if it would ease your justified consternation. :rose:

I know that I have no reason to ever hope for your forgiveness, but I beg for it none the less. :nana:

Your humble servant,

How the Bard might have replied to Fflow

Dearest Fflow, I note with grave concern,
Though it is not my intention to spurn,
Here on Keep the Review Thread CLEAN,
The words thou writ’st are less than quite pristine.
“The filth that clings tenaciously to dirt,”
Words sure to cause the moderator hurt;
Or yet: “the scum that clogs my fish's filter”,
Three words whereof any one could tilt her.
From her noble purpose, it’s fine and pure,
Let’s pray she will not thou or me immure.
duckiesmut said:
Monday's reviews...

Stones of Penance
by Sabina_Tolchovsky

Some of the punctuation/line breaks rubbed me the wrong way, but I really enjoyed the descriptions used in this poem and the mental pictures they create.

a vagabond for forsaken pretense

The last two lines of the poem seem weak in comparison to the rest, but overall, a lovely read. :)

thank you for your submission
by SeattleRain

I love the almost snow-balling pace of this. Wonderful rhythm and timing.

325 at 6:00AM
by FuckDoll

This made me laugh. Something about trash men as gypsies just hit me the right way. Go read and listen for a smile. I think I would prefer it without the last line.


As always, please feel free to post those New Poems of the day that you particularly enjoyed. :)

thank you for the mention... :)
Thanks to Du Lac for mentioning "Tying Knots." Another poem of questionable standards and dubious morals that sprang to life for that den of iniquity, Literotica. Thanks to all that left comments. Especially to Art who always sees the best parts of my poems. Okay, the dirtiest parts at least..... :D

thank you

Thank you duckiesmut for doing the reviews, I know it is certainly not an easy job. Thank you also for mentioning my ranting.


Thanks to Fflow for mentioning my new poem. Fflow, you ROCK!!!


Sander Roscoe Wolff
Reporting for duty - returning with a basket full of poems on this sunny, sunny day.

Later. :kiss:
Tristesse said:
There are twenty-one new poems this Tuesday, April 26th. Here are a few that took my fancy.


Angeline – gives us a breath of fresh air with The End of Rain……evocative as always.


And it's closing time for me too. I'm sure there are poems I've neglected or that you feel I should have mentioned. Bear with this neophyte, please and say your piece.

Thank you dear PoeTess for mentioning my poem. It was really just an observation of the morning, but then I decided it was also very metaphorical (well to me anyway), so I submitted it. :D

And I didn't know you were doing reviews. All I can say is Yay!

(move post)

SeattleRain said:
keep doin it tolky
sorry for the mis
spell tis passion cannot correct
you keep doin it tolyk
it does not suck or suck it is the process baby the process that matters here
the string that pulls loose the knots
from mind
the boot that kicks down the filters
is it good enough is it smart enough did I spell it right did I say fuck too many times and was that a gerund
di I leave extra words at the
end of the line and


kick down those filters and just pour it out
that is what this thread is about

take off your shirt and stay awile sexy man


please tell mistress anna her mailbox is full.

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