To keep the review thread clean...

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Tathagata said:
Duckie is a little under the weather so she asked if I'd fill in for her with the reviews.
I will get to them as soon as work permits

what a prince. :cool:
Arriving - bogusbrig

I liked the first 4 stanzas especially this one

~She reads poetry and makes sculpture
Smokes your cigarettes and drinks your beer
And collects the taste of lovers~

The last stanza feels like someone else came in and added it when no one was looking.
It went from almost beatnik/ stream of consciousness to metal goth porn.
not that there's anything wrong with either..they just don't fit together.

bogusbrig also gives usthe errand

which is a very interesting read, a bit surreal, but the mood and style are consistent and I love the last line.
Worth a look for sure.


I'm not sure if I am allowed to make a comment here on a review of one's own poem but if I am out of turn please swipe me down.

I think you make a fair comment on the last stanza which you say sounds like someone else sneaked in and wrote it. I remember particularly struggling over that line to say what I actually wanted to say. Maybe it should be 'And takes you as her lover'. I think I was too involved in the accuracy of the account which like all my poems are based on real experience, rather than concentrating on the artistry of the poem. After all is said and done, the poem is put out there as something entirely of itself and its background is meaningless to the strangers who one hopes will read it.

The Errand is also based on real experience but to explain the background, I think, would nullify its surreal nature but I'm glad you like it. I should also thank you for reviewing it. It's encouraging to know someone has noticed it enough to make comments on it. Thank you.
Rybka said:

Once again if I am not allowed to post a comment here, please swipe me down.

Cars is based on a real gaggle of a conversation on a campsite in St. Pierre Quebron in the summer of 72. Hence the nostalgic models of the cars, the Citroen 2CV, the Renault 4 and the British Leyland Mini. The names of the French girls are fact too. I flew a flag for the beautiful Dominique and spent many a nostalgic moment yearning for her, until I met her again by accident in Paris many years later when the spell was broken.

I'm glad you found it interesting enough to mention it. Thank you.
am sure Andrew

Tathagata said:
Duckie is a little under the weather so she asked if I'd fill in for her with the reviews.
I will get to them as soon as work permits

would be greatful for the nice mention...he is now traveling with his message of the great wind that his ancestors have given visions of by sure is he...that he left his home in canada to travel over the country with his was a very moving story as well..thanks much..take care/blue
WickedEve said:
bogusbrig, in the future you may leave comments on this thread: to keep the review thread clean
And welcome to the board. :)

or, you can leave it here and piss eve off, because then she has to move it. :cool:

eve......i sh-udder to many legs do you have (fly would have asked how many "teats', but he's from Wisconsin)?
I needed to say lots more and have been more that lax.....

Thanks for the review last week from Duckiesmut for Nasty.....

Thanks for the review yesterday from Du Lac on Seeing Solitude....

Thanks Tath and being gracious and not slamming me for writing a sestina about sex...... :D

Since I was corredted by Ange, thanks to Eve for the title of sextina.... :kiss:

And thanks to all that took the time to read.....Hugs and kisses to all that commented....Okay, almost all....Handshakes and backslaps for a few, you know who you are.......
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PatCarrington said: many legs do you have (fly would have asked how many "teats', but he's from Wisconsin)?
Where we say "Four teats and four legs: you're either double datin' or you slept in the barn again!"
Do we have a tuesday reviewer? Syndra, Tristesse? Tuesday? Who?

I don't have teats.
Scott, since no one seems to be doing the reviews today, why don't you mention some other poems you like that were posted this tuesday. :)
WickedEve said:
Scott, since no one seems to be doing the reviews today, why don't you mention some other poems you like that were posted this tuesday. :)

Thanks wicked goddess...hehehe
I PM scott and suggested the very same thing <great minds> "where?"

Sabina, thanks for doing the review. :)

fFlow, sorry you had to plug your own ass... I'm working on getting Tuesday covered.

Art, I PMed Tristesse about taking Tuesday. I was only suggesting that Scott do it that one Tuesday. I'm sure Scott is too busy to mention any other poems than yours. ;) (I want a fan who loves me that much!)

Does anyone know anything about deepasleep continuing Fridays? I don't believe he has been. If Friday is open then how about it Syndra? You wanted a day and I want you to have one! :D
WickedEve said:
Sweet Tristesse is doing Tuesdays!

Monkey, get back in your cage.

Pat was looking for you earlier
something like " what the fuck...strap one on"
thank you Sabina

Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
good morning to all, here are the wednesday reviews...

Next, to switch to another direction I have picked a haku by Kaishaku
the simplicity of this struck me this morning, thank you for this wonderful poem. :D
thousand cranes

"thousand cranes
flutter in the breeze--
paper wings"

Sabina :heart:

for the mention. The basis of the haiku was:

In the years following the bombing of Hiroshima, a young girl growing up in the city developed leukemia due to the high levels of radiation in the area. Her friends, in an effort to save her, folded 1,000 origami cranes, hoping their show of support could help. Even though the young girl died, her friends continued folding the cranes in tribute. Each year now, school children send origami cranes for display in the park near ground zero. There is a statue of the young girl there and over her head flutters an origami crane.

And thank you Tathagata

for the mention of my haiku "eighteenth hole", written after watching the Master's in Augusta, Ga. I carefully bow my head for your other recognition.


This time, I think I better apologise in advance for the submission coming down the line in a couple of days (if approved, of course): Literotica Poet’s Corner. You’ll see why when it gets there. Sorry guys, I had no choice; I had to name names while getting down and dirty. I’m already steeling myself for the hate mail. It’s bad enough that all those heavies from the House of Windsor and the Swiss Guard have been making enquiries down my street. Luckily, none of you know where I live. Whew!

I thought that 'the day my cock dropped off' had insight too. Well worth a look.
WickedEve said:
by Lauren Hynde

I :heart: the photos in this illustrated poetry series, and her poetry is great as always. I'm surprised that I'm the only comment at the moment. Where are the readers who love to comment? Gracious! Go read and comment!
I checked the New Poems list just some hour ago, and today's stuff wasn't up yet then.


(and thanks for the nod. :) )
Liar said:
I checked the New Poems list just some hour ago, and today's stuff wasn't up yet then.


(and thanks for the nod. :) )
Oh darn. Well, I was doing Friday poems and I didn't realize they already had Saturday poems up. lol MET, I did the illustrated ones for you and I'll stop there. :D
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