To keep the review thread clean...

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The_Fool said:
Tath, you are such a lust magnet.....

even if you do need a bra.... :rolleyes:

Would that require a Bro or maybe a Mansiere?


heh,...he's a lust magnet in spite of himself.

Might they may be monkeymams?
oh but what a monkey man...

bra.. beer.. hairy oh pits... girly magz...

what more could a gurl want?

Thanks Tath for being so great, fun lovin hearted~!!! :kiss:
RhymeFairy said:
Tell me a story he said,
wanna hear a good one.
About kings, castles,
big black horsies and mud.

Mud, said I. Please tell me, why?
Son looks into my eyes, lil squinty smile.
Mud, says he, is all gooey and fun.
Oh my, thought I. What a son.

So I went along with my tail.
A king, his son, with a dream
of a horse. The only problem,
what about the mud.

So I pondered... thought ...
Hmm, what a predicament I'm in.
OK says me. Here we go.
So I dive right in ...

The king you see. Had a son.
Who loved horses. Of course,
I told him with long winded
groans, moans, and screams.

The king, gave his son a horse.
Hmm, I said that didn't I. Any who.
The horse well he liked to play,
in the meadow far, far away.

When he came upon a stream, off
the son flew, Oh, how he did scream.
The king hearing the scream got
all his men at arms away they ran.

The boy, well he hit the goo,
splatters all amuck. He was
down on his luck, when he fell
back into poo. Oh my...

The king, his men, hundreds of horses.
Are a witness to this coo. Oh,
what a mess. The kings son did re-dress,
shakin off the doo doo.

All the men did snicker. The horses
noses, they flickered. The king, he
is still a quiet red hue.

The boy got on his horse. Crying,
wailing all the way home. For he
could not get it all off, of course.

My son did laugh, Oh how hee-hawed.
He loved the horse, the poo, and doo.
He wants to go there, he says. On
a horse just like the kings' son.

I asked him, tongue in cheek.
Son what happens, when you
are the one. To fall into and land.
In the land, of the doo doo.


This is a teriffic poem! You should look into submitting it at Literary Mama
Thank you very much MET for the mention of my poem in the reviews. For those who don't know, Dvorak was a composer (Czech in origin... I regularly holiday in Prague, its one of the most beautiful 'cities' in the world... the home of western alchemy, the home of bohemia, the home of beer, the home of some of the best modern European Jazz/blues, the home of Absynthium and all things Thujone related, and the home of some of the best food ever, check out Upinsku's Sabarite menu if you ever feel like indulgence - fatted pig knees, 2lb steaks, beer-cheese, and a little dark haired waitress with the most gorgeous spotted owl I have ever seen...).

Dvoraks most famous 'choon' was "From the New World" (sampled on the Hovis adverts with the kid and the bike and the hill, for all those in the UK), but the one that scared me so was the Slavonic dance "Op 46, no 1". That crashing culmination of the strings and the cymbals is just so.........

I need to finish my naked poem so I can add a stanza or two about the drums.....

Once again, thanks MET....

P.S. now that I'm back, is there a free day for the reviews going?

P.P.S. To Tess, whoever you are... thanks for the comment. The reason you can't vote is that I, personally, place little stead in numbers. I prefer to have comments made... and for yours, I thank you once again.
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Man Ray~

I love your poem. Old or new. Your right, passion is so clear. It never matters when one wrote, what they wrote. The message, painting, behind the poem. Tis all that matters. Your a wonderful poet. I love your wording, and your strong desire to write. Keep it up. It's great.... :rose:
cheers luv!!!

thanks for the mention water sister...your words always make me sigh...

here is something to cheer your day....btw..thanks to each one who commented on
the four winds of freebird...really meant a much talent on this site...thank you all...*blue*

tides of time passes
life grants expression
spheres separate
as souls grow
moon waxes and
wanes to lovers
and hearts break
fortunes rise and fall
careers end
and colleagues forget favors
on fair weather winds

BUT Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A Sister is never farther away than needing her can reach. When you have to walk that lonesome valley, and you have to walk it for yourself, your Sisters will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end. Sometimes, they will even break the rules and
walk beside you. Or come in and carry you out.

so here's to the sisterhood... :rose:
Come Join Da Fun~ Twist on Todays Poetry Submissions~

Come join the fun.
Da party has just begun.
Grab some coffee.
Snuggle in close,
to a bag full,
of poetry prose.

Some mystical
knights of the realm.
Fighting with soul,
together they might
beat the foe.

Classic ... Sad
Oh, how I love thee
Together forever,
they wanna be.

A muse who
whispers to clouds,
of moonlit walks
upon the moors.

Some women who
make their men sing.
Wayyyy out Loud.

Hunger dominates
these lusty gurls,
as her whip snaps
uncurls ...

A young lad
on a horse ride.
Fallin' into poo
and doo.

Mythical lights,
across the sky.
So beautiful,
makes the heart cry.

Broken hearted
maidens of peace.
Whose heart is torn,
as if by disease.

I heard the monster,
in the cellar.
Screaming through,
that young mans mind.
Please I ask ... Beg....
Do Not open that door,
nope not even one time...

A cute gurl
with boobies so big.
Leanin over the counter,
givin' rise to
a young mans prig.

Oh a serpent
in our midst.
Hell warmed over
the earth.
With the release
of pain ... misery.
Tell me,
how much
is that worth?

Tales of hunger.
A tingling so bad.
Without her love,
the maiden
shall forever,
be sad.

Tongues lapping,
succulent juices.
As the dogs
are waggling,
the paws
of their muses.

Can you feel
the excitement,
in the air,
Passion ...
Greed ...
Hatred ...
Lust ...

All to be had here,
filling one so full,
of a poets tricks.
Filling as if
they will bust.

So come,
join the fun,
had by all, here
at Lits' Poetry Hall...

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RhymeFairy said:
Come join the fun.
Da party has just begun.
Grab some coffee.
Snuggle in close,
to a bag full,
of poetry prose.

Some mystical
knights of the realm.
Fighting with soul,
together they might
beat the foe.

Classic ... Sad
Oh, how I love thee
Together forever,
they wanna be.

A muse who
whispers to clouds,
of moonlit walks
upon the moors.

Some women who
make their men sing.
Wayyyy out Loud.

Hunger dominates
these lusty gurls,
as her whip snaps
uncurls ...

A young lad
on a horse ride.
Fallin' into poo
and doo.

Mythical lights,
across the sky.
So beautiful,
makes the heart cry.

Broken hearted
maidens of peace.
Whose heart is torn,
as if by disease.

I heard the monster,
in the cellar.
Screaming through,
that young mans mind.
Please I ask ... Beg....
Do Not open that door,
nope not even one time...

A cute gurl
with boobies so big.
Leanin over the counter,
givin' rise to
a young mans prig.

Oh a serpent
in our midst.
Hell warmed over
the earth.
With the release
of pain ... misery.
Tell me,
how much
is that worth?

Tales of hunger.
A tingling so bad.
Without her love,
the maiden
shall forever,
be sad.

Tongues lapping,
succulent juices.
As the dogs
are waggling,
the paws
of their muses.

Can you feel
the excitement,
in the air,
Passion ...
Greed ...
Hatred ...
Lust ...

All to be had here,
filling one so full,
of a poets tricks.
Filling as if
they will bust.

So come,
join the fun,
had by all, here
at Lits' Poetry Hall...

rhyming critique pen with please the crew...nice... :eek:
heaps of thanks and praise!

Where do i start.... DULAC! Thanks for the comment on my little poem! Sometimes we don't give as much appreciation as we should to those whose muse enlightens and inspires. That was the inspiration for "Gentle Strokes".
RHYMEFAIRY: What a great treat for all. Your creativity in pulling all these various threads together is awesome.
BLUERAINS: Your poem is wonderful, and you always seem to appreciate and credit all of the greatness around us.

love you all!!!

I almost forgot Trent-Dutch... I am a big Dvorak fan. I first heard the Cello Concerto in the late 70's... (ugh, dating myself) and it is still one of my favorite pieces of music. He may not have written much, but it is powerful!!!


PatCarrington said:
damn, this poet needs to be read. Willow Rain

i don't know why she put up some 20 new poems at once. i suggest you do not let that overwhelm you.

she has things to say, and a way of saying them.

I agree about 20 at once overwhelming me and e-mailed her so. I would have much rather have had something to really look forward to for the next 19 days. - If these were published (and most are good enough as they stand) I would not have to read them all at once. I could put the book down and think about the poem before reading the next one. It doesn't work that way on Literotica.
Tomorrow there will be newer poems to read and Willow Rain's poems will begin to sink from sight - By having to read all of them in one sitting I find that my senses begin to dull. It is something like pigging out on a whole box of chocolates at one sitting. Do you really like/appreciate the last one as well as the first? - I wish all poet posters would consider this. :(

Still, there is some mighty fine candy in Willow Rain's box! :rose:
Tathagata said:
what will you do
with these pages of thoughts and tributes
that i've laid at your feet, or trapped you in, or hurled like
stone acusations?
will you tell anyone about them?
Or will you tuck them next to
the memory of us
and on silent days
unpack all of me
onto your bumpy bed
and lie with me
curled up
grasping paper,
speaking in whispers
and cry
as i do?

Oh I think she'd smile.

Tathagata said:
did you love her and pet her and call her george?
But never late for dinner! :D

Oops-- missed the steinbeck reference. Or was it bugs bunny?
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PatCarrington said:
damn, this poet needs to be read. Willow Rain

i don't know why she put up some 20 new poems at once. i suggest you do not let that overwhelm you.

she has things to say, and a way of saying them.


I was a bit hesitant at first, but this Miami series is fantastic. Catching pieces of life....
Rybka said:
Gaia_Lorraine is a Lit. member of not quite three months. Her presentation of today is the first that has really caught my eye. If you like word games than you must read Spine of a Penis!

It’s been bugging me all day! I know the term that means “words formed from the same letters”, but I can’t remember it! :(
Anyway, whatever the word is, this poem deserves a 5 for creativity in the use of language. It doesn’t makes as much sense as it might, or flow smoothly all the time, but when you realize that the important words in a line are of the same letters rearranged, you can forgive some of its weaknesses. This is more a tour-de-force of linguistic skills, starting with the title, than a poem of meaning. Being a sucker for word-play, it is my favorite of the day. :rose:

Well played, Not so sweet, Earth Mother (Apologies to Joe McDonald.). Thank you for a fun read that makes you think and read closely!

I wonder how long it takes most readers to realize what you are doing in this poem?

Are you looking for the word 'conundrum'?
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Rybka said:
It’s been bugging me all day! I know the term that means “words formed from the same letters”, but I can’t remember it! :(....
The word is "anagram."

Damn, how did she slip in on top of me?
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