To keep the review thread clean...

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Dear Ms Du~


Hi ya peeps.

I just had to Thank Du for the mention of my new poem *Battle Cry*

I also want to Thank all the poets who take the time to read, comment and vote. I do appreciate it~ BUNCHES~!!!

I have told a few of ya'll... I am trying to go in a new direction with my poetry. I have no clue how it looks to you all, I just feel, write... then I pull my hair out.
I love the feelings of everything that goes through the mind in the middle of writing. What a rush huh... My opinion, of course..


Thank You all again for the encouragement, and support~!!

Oh Lord Tath....

That is so cute, heart-rendering.
I love this look into *miracles*
Had to be said~
RhymeFairy said:
Oh Lord Tath....

That is so cute, heart-rendering.
I love this look into *miracles*
Had to be said~

thank you
he opens my eyes everytime he's over
to things i take for granted
Thank you all!

I just wanted to thank the poets yesterday who read and then recommended a poet or poem that I did not include in the reviews. Sundays are hard because there are usually at least 30 poems and I can not recommend all the poems that are wonderful. I have tried to keep the list below 10 and only recommend one poem per poet. Hence when they put up more than one I review the one that speaks to me the most. I again thank you for the wonderful support.

Finally I would like to thank the readers who commented on my poem Choice yesterday. Thank you for the comments and feedback.

du lac~
Thanks DuLac!

for commenting on my little poem "A Touch" The more time I spend on the site, the more I realize what a great group of people we have here!!! Slowly but surely I am updating my backlog of poems for inclusion here... So much garbage that just needs a Glade freshener!

The Chinati Foundation

Thanks, du lac (fondly), for your time and words on 100 Works in Mill Aluminum. Perhaps the dense stanza comment stems from the fact that there is a typo in the poem. It should be four stanzas of five lines each. Don't know how that got through since I am a stickler for form. And yes, the anonymous commenter was dead on. Donald Judd was the force behind the Chinati Foundation (named for the Chinati Mountains in the town of Marfa, Texas. Think "Giant," James Dean, Liz Taylor, Rock Hudson), and the poem is a reflection of his centerpiece installation there. It's an incredible experience and if you ever get the chance go check it out.

"It takes a great deal of time and thought to install work carefully. This should not always be thrown away. Most art is fragile and some should be placed and never moved again. Somewhere a portion of contemporary art has to exist as an example of what the art and its context were meant to be."

-Donald Judd

100 Works in Mill Aluminum

always you make one glad to write...thanks ..hugs. and all that mushy :rose:
WickedEve said:
we tore our ghost asunder,
sunk back into shadows
of us.

i claimed blood and rattle,
lay in the thick
of what beat the heart,

bones that moved him.
polished each one
against my cheek
while she ripped his meat,
swallowed down the dead breath.

nice, evie.

38 one-syllable words. 7 multi-syllable words.

.....just sayin'. :)

(and only 2 adjectives.)

PatCarrington said:
nice, evie.

38 one-syllable words. 7 multi-syllable words.

.....just sayin'. :)

(and only 2 adjectives.)

It's just some head junk I threw up. lol Really bad junk. I didn't count syllables, though. :D
RhymeFairy said:
Where did he go, when will he come back.
This mythical man, pulls at my soul.
Somber nights spent spinning tails, of spectacular
suspense. Shaking me to the ground. Trembling
terror takes over titillating my senses with rhythmical
rhymes serenading my soul, again.

He breaths wantonness into a willing body of want.
Whirling words whispered in the night, welcoming.
Whitewashes the need with lustful brush of mouth
upon lips, tongue. Hot heavenly haven ... hatches.
Hills he climbs, my valleys he parts. Pathways open
to him. Pulsating pulp trickles, as he tickles my fancy.

Arrival of my phantom love is imminent. Interesting
my interior of innocence, incomplete ... without him.
Aches of alley cat forming in my nether region.
Nectars formulate. Fantasy or phantom, either is
welcome, into this dreamland, of devout dwelling,
for him. He alone can ease this accused, ache.


The descriptive imagery of desire is compelling.


....very nice,
The descriptive imagery of desire is compelling.

....very nice,

Well Thank You...
I just ramble around.
Trying new things, or so it seems to me...
Hoping to learn something. *Grins*

Thanks again. :)
RhymeFairy said:
The descriptive imagery of desire is compelling.

....very nice,

Well Thank You...
I just ramble around.
Trying new things, or so it seems to me...
Hoping to learn something. *Grins*

Thanks again. :)

Hey!....people can really see me!


I've been in several threads lately and thought my invisible status went too far.

I have a passion for adventure so I know what you mean.

Keep doing it.
ruminator said:
Hey!....people can really see me!


I've been in several threads lately and thought my invisible status went too far.

I have a passion for adventure so I know what you mean.

Keep doing it.

I flipped the Halibut in your honour.

The music shakes the sheetrock,

champagne1982 said:
Thanks to everyone who has commented and voted on my latest addition to my poetry anthology. I'm thinking I'll have to break my lit submissions into 2 volumes, popular and not so.

;)[plug=shameless] here's a list of some "9 vote wonders" I'm linking to. Please have a look. [/plug]

Beaver Moon
Early Freeze
Love's Stain Upon Me (a ghazal)
Morality In A War Zone
Never Brought To Mind
Temptation's Dance (an epic)
Wind's Fingers



I can take this down now. Thanks again. Self promotion is sometimes worthwhile.
eagleyez said:
I flipped the Halibut in your honour.

The music shakes the sheetrock,


I am once again in my element.

Thank you ee.

I found ASE testing and MSDS sheets for the decibal ranges allowed for standard sheets. ...if the paper starts to peel away from the gypsum...

....tweak the volume up a few notches and plan for replacement. It's worth it.

ruminator said:
I am once again in my element.

Thank you ee.

I found ASE testing and MSDS sheets for the decibal ranges allowed for standard sheets. ...if the paper starts to peel away from the gypsum...

....tweak the volume up a few notches and plan for replacement. It's worth it.


If it gets any louder the deck will fall off. :D
Angeline said:
If it gets any louder the deck will fall off. :D

A random unattatched deck would complement the wayward dyke balls perfectly.

One might even cosider it poetic.

Beautiful poem!

This poem is excellent!!! Sometimes I feel myself slipping away, kind of like your poem echoes! (That is my favorite Pink Floyd song as well)))

echoes_s said:
It has been too long
I have groaned toward the sun,
instead lay here naked,
uninterested in playing
everyday life,
I make my own.

Many say it is insanity
yet still I am a hermit
in a castle of idle dreams,
there is no time here,
just space without thought
and only survival pre-existing

Some say it is egotistic
even sadistic
but you know
here, I taste peace
and slowly find enough love
to share once again.
ruminator said:
Mysterious forces
bounce out loud
pulling some in
chasing others away.

Welcome only
by special invitation
excitedly extended
shared in special ones play.

Don't underestimate
the power
of dyke balls
if they bounce your way.

hey,....echo_s...nice work. I can feel that conflict in reading it.

thanks ruminator, I think it's time I stopped being lazy for a while :)
loved your last one, from that you mesmorize beautifully.
quietpoet said:
This poem is excellent!!! Sometimes I feel myself slipping away, kind of like your poem echoes! (That is my favorite Pink Floyd song as well)))

lol, I should dig out some Pink Floyd, it's been years since I have heard them.
Thanks quietpoet, glad you understand and feel this too sometimes.

Looking at yours, some of our poems are the same, "Do you" is a much better version of one with similar feelings that I wrote once. :rose:
echoes_s said:
thanks ruminator, I think it's time I stopped being lazy for a while :)
loved your last one, from that you mesmorize beautifully.


It's good to meet you if we haven't met before.

If we have, it's good to see you again.

edited to add...

The mention of Pink Floyd brings their Live8 appearance to mind. It was like stepping back in time but staying the age we are now.
ruminator said:

It's good to meet you if we haven't met before.

If we have, it's good to see you again.

Nice meeting you also :)
No we havent met before unless you have changed your name or writing under an alias?
I see we joined the same year but I have stopped writing for about a year now except for a few jerts of inspiration.
I do keep popping in once in a while to say hi to everyone though, remind them I am still stalking around like a stubborn weed :eek:

I talk too much :rolleyes:
echoes_s said:
Nice meeting you also :)
No we havent met before unless you have changed your name or writing under an alias?
I see we joined the same year but I have stopped writing for about a year now except for a few jerts of inspiration.
I do keep popping in once in a while to say hi to everyone though, remind them I am still stalking around like a stubborn weed :eek:

I talk too much :rolleyes:

No, I'd say folks in Washington talk too much....

No alias or alt here. Not yet anyway. If I may ask, did you stop writing from boredom, frustration, burnout or any particular reason?

I've always enjoyed the fresh perspective in reawahening the art.
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