To keep the review thread clean...

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Angeline said:
I just read it, fishie, and you are right--it is really really good. It's tightly written and precise but nutty creative. She nailed it.

So to speak.

(((Hugggsss))) Thank you for your comments :)
I have one other of a similar ilk in the pipeline, though this will be the last because I don't want to overdo it and they are damned hard work.

Scrolling back.....

I saw this.................

Tathagata said:
what will you do
with these pages of thoughts and tributes
that i've laid at your feet, or trapped you in, or hurled like
stone acusations?
will you tell anyone about them?
Or will you tuck them next to
the memory of us
and on silent days
unpack all of me
onto your bumpy bed
and lie with me
curled up
grasping paper,
speaking in whispers
and cry
as i do?

Maybe it's hormones or mis-matched bio-rythmns - or maybe your just a great poet - but this made me cry.

Tristesse said:
I saw this.................

Maybe it's hormones or mis-matched bio-rythmns - or maybe your just a great poet - but this made me cry.


hormones baby
but thank you
and sorry for the tears
champagne1982 said:

Meet me on Yahoo baby.
You know I long to sit
and click my passion's
lyric out in time signatures
of lust and longing.

First a playful three-four waltz
across the flirting hello
I've missed your conversation
make me smile for just this hour
I can find for you.

Your politics and my love poems
make strange bedfellows
until we samba to a two four
staccato accent on each word
I love you so.

Meet me on Yahoo baby
and I promise that the cha-cha
of those impossible stretches
of six-eight bars
will slow down and drag
me into politics
and love poetry
until you catch your breath.

werd, champ. good one.
The girl can't help it!

annaswirls said:
With a pair of scissors
go about a ¼ inch behind the eyes
and snip off eyes and mouth.

Pull up shell from shoulder and
remove gills on both sides.

Lift up belly flap
and clean or remove belly flap completely.

she does not seem to mind
being snipped and lifted
you do not hear any complainnts
of being Blinded
as fingers dig down in
removing feathered gills
wishing he could remember to take her heart as well...

clean, crisp, eaten

She will find her way
through artery and vein
trailing pieces along the path
to his
beats harder to pump through hardened pathways

she does not seem to mind being cleaned and eaten whole
or in bites

you do not see regret for coming out of hiding too soon
before the shell had a chance to grow
they never seem to take us
hard, invulnerable
JEEEZ, Anna! Don't you ever stop! A soft-shelled crab poem? :rose:
Now go write me an escargot sonnet! ;)
Thank you all for your votes and kind comments on my newest work Living the Shooting Star.. it has deep meaning for me ... and I realized that I posted the version with the spelling corrections not complete but you all saw the meaning of the work and still left such beautiful words... thank you
du lac~
I just want to thank the people who commented on my poem Letter To K, I always take on board any critique and find them valueable.

I'm trying to hone my vitriol to controled perfection. :D

Monday's New Poems Reviews:

Don't eat cookies in bed
by neonurotic

The feel of this is soft, sweet, and playful--> go, read, and enjoy a daydream or two.

Another Fucking Love Poem
by Tathagata

Never a toe-stepper, Jennifer, especially when a poem of this sort. :) I was ragging Tath earlier today for words, and voila, here they are. From the title to the end, I love this. The apostrophe in the third section nags me, but that's just because I'm a nut. From 'salient bandages' to 'fickle children', the words in this just click for me.

It transforms a halting phrase
into a symphony,
an indiscernible gesture
into a petition for comfort.

promise of seven
by annaswirls

This is thick with reasons to enjoy it, from the sliding speed of that first strophe to the unbelievably distinctive expression of being on one's knees.

And another by anna...
ease the transition
I won't describe this one- just go and read it.

Sexual Seasons
by Curiouswife

An interesting series of parallels. Well worth the read.

Petit mort

This has none of the forced, constrained feeling that sometimes haunts form poetry. Structure aside, this is intoxicating. Thank you.


And the rest of the New Poems. :) Happy reading.
Thank you

Jenn and Duckie for the mention of my poem.
And Blue ,yes, the title was a slap at myself for writing yet another one.
Thanks to all who voted and commented
Tathagata said:
Jenn and Duckie for the mention of my poem.
And Blue ,yes, the title was a slap at myself for writing yet another one.
Thanks to all who voted and commented

It's a pleasure tath :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
see the ship
sailing for dry land
all aboard, know
there is hope

better future
for all who dare
cotton fluff fields
planted patiently

personalized boarders
of billowing thistles
crystal ball drops
to the filthy floor

no answer

share the crops
of times tight fist
raking in all
from the ship

show the meek
mercy my friend
drop the crops
within winds dusty hand

share what you can
for we fight, this fight
we meaningful few
for the young lives
that sail, on the morrow ...

*appluad* lovely poem RF :rose:
much thanks to du lac and duckie smut for mentioning my poems the last couple of days...also thanks to all the nice poets/readers for the public comments.

neonurotic said:
much thanks to du lac and duckie smut for mentioning my poems the last couple of days...also thanks to all the nice poets/readers for the public comments.


you earned it neo you know I love your work... you help me see differently... thank you for your inspiration!
thanks Tess

for the mention..

this was just a fun thing for me to prove a point of raw words over metaphor...I don't think it worked much a new heated pen in my e-mail again...ouch it was to old for this heat...thanks
Thank you Jennifer, for your kind words. The comment you left made my day and the poem did what I hoped it would. :)
* Honored *

I am blown away. I seriously mean that ~! :eek:

I cannot express my Thanks enough to Tristesse , Wicked Eve , My Erotic Tale ( Art ), Angeline , The Fool , Tathagata , Neo , Jennifer C. , Blue , Don ...
I know I have left some out (will kick myself later ... sorry if I have forgotten you ...) . :confused:

All my friends. I can never express enough how much I Really Appreciate your kind words, encouragement, support, and all your help. I have been known to PM someone and say~ Err can ya help me?

I can say without a doubt, I have never had a more wonderful group of friends. I have and still do have (grins) a lotta friends, but you all ...

You leave this ole gurl ... speechless ~

All my Thanks ... Huggs ... Happy Writing ~!!!

err I forgot, (so goofy am I)

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting on my new poems ...
Bows and blushes to be in the presence of such talent ...
that's why I had come on,
to Thank you all for the support, and reading my poems.
I truly am Honored...
Thank You all from the bottom of my heart for all this and more .... :heart:
RhymeFairy said:
I am blown away. I seriously mean that ~! :eek:

I cannot express my Thanks enough to Tristesse , Wicked Eve , My Erotic Tale ( Art ), Angeline , The Fool , Tathagata , Neo , Jennifer C. , Blue , Don ...
I know I have left some out (will kick myself later ... sorry if I have forgotten you ...) . :confused:

All my friends. I can never express enough how much I Really Appreciate your kind words, encouragement, support, and all your help. I have been known to PM someone and say~ Err can ya help me?

I can say without a doubt, I have never had a more wonderful group of friends. I have and still do have (grins) a lotta friends, but you all ...

You leave this ole gurl ... speechless ~

All my Thanks ... Huggs ... Happy Writing ~!!!

err I forgot, (so goofy am I)

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting on my new poems ...
Bows and blushes to be in the presence of such talent ...
that's why I had come on,
to Thank you all for the support, and reading my poems.
I truly am Honored...
Thank You all from the bottom of my heart for all this and more .... :heart:

AAwww RF, your alot of things gurl but speechless aint one of them lol, :D you're a wonderful poet and lovely person. Also don't forget all the support and encouragement you have given others, such as myself so I would like to thank you for that :rose:

Keep writing gurl, you have a gift
Don't club me like a baby seal!

Some of the writing on literotica is a bit... well.. unfinished shall we say in the story sections. There is a writer I very much like who is natively poetic but who writes in fiction format. She posted something today that simply must be shared. I'm bad, I know, it's not a poem. I'll hold still for the spankings.

She's very much worth a read. So forgive me this once, recomending something besides a poem. She has a way with emotion and language. I hope you enjoy her as much as I do.

Willow Rain said:
Some of the writing on literotica is a bit... well.. unfinished shall we say in the story sections. There is a writer I very much like who is natively poetic but who writes in fiction format. She posted something today that simply must be shared. I'm bad, I know, it's not a poem. I'll hold still for the spankings.

She's very much worth a read. So forgive me this once, recomending something besides a poem. She has a way with emotion and language. I hope you enjoy her as much as I do.

baby seal? well, I can't club you now.
WickedEve said:
i envy an old woman who dies
with an apron full of bread
and tears, face like flour
that won't brush away. her hands
were gentle, pushing in the cutter,
filling another sheet
with ginger boys. she knew cookies
came out crisp
and with snap that would leave mama
to cool on the sill. she was warm
for supper, and now beside the coffin,
they slice into her like berry pie and taste
the lady, with sweet recall.

Oh my, this made me cry.
I love your imagery.
The whole picture is warm ... sweet.
Then the slicing ...
Just so sad ...
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