To keep the review thread clean...

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Angeline said:
I put this in the roll call thread, so here it is in its rightful place. Was it a fiendish plot to recommend it twice? Nah, I'm ditzy when I'm tired. :)

Either way, I'm glad you recommened it because I probably wouldn't have read it otherwise, and it's definitely worth a read.

Angeline said:
You're welcome. It would have been even better if I posted the rec in the new poems thread. :D

(Thanks for the heads up, fishy.) :rose:

I'm soooo tired. I need a break from long busy days. And I'm getting one--tomorrow is rest only. Finally. :cool:

It was a good read, thank you. :kiss:
New Poems Reviews
Saturday 30, 2005

"If all you have for a tool in life is a hammer,
then all your problems look like nails."

Four poems out this Saturday so everybody should
be able to read the whole list, today.

Blissfully Floating by Curiouswife

I enjoy most poems about the water or river or lake.
This poems description of a family outting at the lake, written by a curious wife, it was coined in the comment section that this poem 'resembled a photo album'. I thought that, that was the best way to describe her poem. Thanks~


pussy at the cosine by WriterDom

an erotic write, short and tied, to an erotic expression.


Death and stuff by tathagata

Tath has allowed us to see his kindness in spreading the carpet of mortality for some moon faced individuals. On days he feels like dancing.


Night with longfellow by Artificail_I

Take an erotic RIDE with this poems rythyme.
'Saddle up' for a gallop of passionate grasps. 'Gitty up go'


That's it, four poems for this Saturday.
Read, vote, comment and show your support
with inspiration and kindness

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RhymeFairy said:
vibrancy constitutes brilliance.
wrapped around colorful minds.
of spherical endowments.

within the quaint realm, of
mystical madness. propelling
properties of poetic prose.

letter checking metaphorical
morphisis, of psychedelic
contemplations. merry go
round, round ... round.


Wow Rf...Love it...Love it...Love it....

You amaze me sometimes girl.... :rose:
Sunday Reviews

A gray Sunday morn quiet and peaceful. What a wonderful moment to go seek out the poems for the review...

[Nude Listening by Wicked Eve

A haunting work that makes you read it over and over to delve between the lines. This is a poem that will spring back to your mind in the middle of the day and stop you in your tracks exclaiming OH! More please...

Two ZMP poems by Art today both worth a read for the serenity they paint.
ZMP~ the sound of sunshine by My Erotic Tale
I found the second to be more zen-ful lol.. stopping for the tiniest moment and really delving into the millisecond of life.
ZMP~the smallest flower by My Erotic Tale

speaking of finding the beauty and richness of a tiny one...
Little One by Shadowsandflames

Although this form is a mystery to me the flow of the work runs smooth. It most likely is me but I do not like huge stanzas. After reading this one though I found reason for the length and loved that the density of the stanzas reflect the topic.
Wisdom floats from this work and I say go read and learn...

House of the blue gables by bluerains

I love the opening line:
as familiar as tequila mocking birds

I am partial to poetry that stops time and creates a snapshot in one's mind. This work does just that. It grabs you with the first line and whispers read more...

We've Got Crabs by Sandspike

Off to the beach and the tiny moments of joy that we call living. I always enjoy a write by sandspike and once again the poet calls for us to stop breathe and see...

An Urge Sullied by sensuall

This poet has a few very grasping writes today. Although I feel the form could be tightened up the weave the poet writes is well worth the read.

So that is it all.. hope you have a great Sunday... As usual there are a ton of poems for Sunday and I do try to narrow the list down now so .... if you find one that you believe needs mentioning please do so. I love to see when other poets jump in and say... hey! I really liked this...
Almost couldnt find this thread

Thanks Ange for the two mentions
( check is in the mail babe)
And thank to everyone else who mentioned, voted and commented on my poem.
I'm glad when a poem of mine can make someone feel anything.
I may draw the line at want to fuck my wife though
Maybe I should read it again and give her a thrill.

I kept seeing the forehead with a question mark on it
Like a 3 stooges short or a cartoon
so I wrote that sentence and moved on before I actually used that metaphor
trust me, I did it for you

Thanks again
Tathagata said:
Thanks Ange for the two mentions
( check is in the mail babe)
And thank to everyone else who mentioned, voted and commented on my poem.
I'm glad when a poem of mine can make someone feel anything.
I may draw the line at want to fuck my wife though
Maybe I should read it again and give her a thrill.

I kept seeing the forehead with a question mark on it
Like a 3 stooges short or a cartoon
so I wrote that sentence and moved on before I actually used that metaphor
trust me, I did it for you

Thanks again

aye this a shame
Tathagata said:
Thanks Ange for the two mentions
( check is in the mail babe)
And thank to everyone else who mentioned, voted and commented on my poem.
I'm glad when a poem of mine can make someone feel anything.
I may draw the line at want to fuck my wife though
Maybe I should read it again and give her a thrill.

I kept seeing the forehead with a question mark on it
Like a 3 stooges short or a cartoon
so I wrote that sentence and moved on before I actually used that metaphor
trust me, I did it for you

Thanks again

perplexed foreheads that pass for concern
now some hieroglyphic question mark of annoyance,

Tath, a bit further on the explanation "hieroglyphic" is the word I had a main problem with, it is too "dense" for the for the rest of the language, and really has no relationship with anything else except perhaps "perplexed". Thus it becomes the focus, I did not think you wanted that, and frankly it looks like some of the "dumbness" I come up with, (sometimes, I weed 'em out, heh heh)
Sorry for the brevity of the comment, I figured looking at you might come up with a better solution, instead of merely dropping the word. It's not bad, just jumps out at you.
I won't be here for Tuesday reviews - it'll have to be a free-for-all which seems to be happening in the forum anyway.

thanks du~

for the was a fun little write about this sweet ragamuffin guy with shoes covered so completly with tar, speckled paint and other nafarious things...and he was just really interesting..he liked this group in NY ..tequila mocking birds...and he made me I wrote that little thread ...thanks again... :) blue
4degrees said:
there's feeling,
then there's feeling
do not confuse
misuse the two
no groove to slide in
no wave to ride
i still feel
quite real
not for lack of
of this
it aint pretty
but itll do
just a reminder
don't wanna slip behind here
relating these things to you

its but one small stone
tossed in
added to the bucket,
which now overflows
spilling love rocks in and around
the hardwood of my heart
falling between a minute fissure
and piercing that flesh mush
with your intercontinental blowdarts
of that sweet sedation
sappy relation
a devotion thats
soley for u.

4 ,

Ya have to know I dig your poetry.
This is just a small example. It jumps out at me.
I love the flow, and form. Just me ...
I read and watch your postings here.
You just blow my mind with this type of prose.
I knew I had not said much about it before,
just wanted ya to know I do like this ...
for what it's worth *grins*

Me ~
thank you so much, rf. you inspired me with your last post. its been days since i felt a real flow, and sometimes i just hafta fake it and make something happen. it means a lot to me to just put my words here in the first place, but it means more that someone else digs on em too.

i dig you too chicka.
4degrees said:
thank you so much, rf. you inspired me with your last post. its been days since i felt a real flow, and sometimes i just hafta fake it and make something happen. it means a lot to me to just put my words here in the first place, but it means more that someone else digs on em too.

i dig you too chicka.

Your comments bring this to mind.
I wrote it a few weeks ago, had to re-post it.
Thinkin of working on it a lil and submitting ... *Grins*

Have a Great One ~


Could you tie me up.
Whip me into submission.
Clout every thought,
with a temperas longing.

I wanna learn it all.
So please tie me up.
Pour it into me.
Mix all your worldly thoughts,
needs, wants into this form,
of me.

I see you watching me, with desire.
To fix me, you say. I will allow it.
If you tie me up, that is.

Chain me to this wall of pleasure.
Cuff me with a featherous palm.
Stick it to me, hard ... strong.
Chaff me up, hanging within sight.

Melt your oils of wordy words,
upon me. Let me be the picture,
to which you paint. Stroke me,
with laughters' lusty limpets.

Breeze me with whispering stanzas,
of passion, adore, desire ... need.
I want to feel your breath of form,
imagine your flow on my body of write.

So tie me up.
Love me, with your words,
of art. The clock ticks.
Sand trickles, through the glass.
I wait for you, to tie me up...

:devil: :nana: :heart:

Just could not resisit ...

Me ~
4degrees said:
there's feeling,
then there's feeling
do not confuse
misuse the two
no groove to slide in
no wave to ride
i still feel
quite real
not for lack of
of this
it aint pretty
but itll do
just a reminder
don't wanna slip behind here
relating these things to you

its but one small stone
tossed in
added to the bucket,
which now overflows
spilling love rocks in and around
the hardwood of my heart
falling between a minute fissure
and piercing that flesh mush
with your intercontinental blowdarts
of that sweet sedation
sappy relation
a devotion thats
soley for u.
The first strophe, in particular, is wonderful here. Great slam material. This warrents some polish, 4d.
yeah? well, thanks fly. just faked it out of necessity.

i'll hafta look and see if i have any po polish around here...
Today, 04:48 PM
Jennifer C
Literotica Guru
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: In my own little world
Posts: 670

Then One Day ... by RhymeFairy ~ I have alot of respect for this poet, not only is she a wonderful poet but she is so willing to learn it's inspirational and her poetry is blossoming.

~ Jennifer C

Just had to say a Big Ole Thank You ~!!!

I posted 2 today. Both a lil sad I think.
I was only gonna post one, then a friend said
"I love this One, ya have to post it ... "
So again, Thanks to all who support and encourage ~!!


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Keep Going

Thank you anna for the mention ~

And to all those who have read, voted and commented it truly is appreciated ~

Thank you :rose:
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Angeline said:
If I am farther away
from god I am closer
than a whisper, closer
than my own hair spilled
past my shoulders, god
curved on my spine in one
thousand strands, the veil
I hide behind is my god
drawn inside me, strung
along my bones, inviolate,
inseparable even from
my molocules, the god
of them subatomic and more
and less. Omniscience
is coded to my being:

I have brown eyes, I hold
a pen in my left hand. I will be
god whether I want to be
or not, alone in my vast
crowded spirit, imperfectly
desirable in the empty
cosmos of my skin.

I think god lives in about a million :kiss: 's and peaceful :heart: 's.

Add those to your collection as a gift from me..
Who is currently reviewing each day?

If nobody else is going to review/mention poems each day, then I will stop doing it also. - I can understand somewhat on days like today, when even Annaswirls is not at her best, but there is always something to mention.

Am I just wasting my time on Thursday?

Should I quit?
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