To keep the review thread clean...

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RhymeFairy ~

Thanks for mentioning my work in the thread, A Poem for All Poets, I missed it when you posted it a couple of days ago. Thanks again.

Red :rose:
First illustrated poem~

I want to thank Jennifer C for mentioning my first illustrated poem, Hat Creek in the New Poem Reviews. And thank you bluerains and 4degrees for leaving feedback. That's why I post here. :)

Please also take a look at my other new poem, water eagle .

I appreciate your feedback!

Bright Blessings

Syn :kiss:
:rose: Thanks Jenn C, Du for the mentions of my two newest illustrated poems, 'Sundog Down' and 'Tied to the Last'. I also thank those who were kind enough to leave words in my public comments. I've been lacking myself in that regard, commenting on poems and I apologize for my laziness.
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No new poems today I will check back later hope all have a great Sunday
du lac~
PS if you missed any poems yesterday... go read Neo's
Tied to the Last
By Neonurotic

worth the read and experience~
ty JC

for the mention of The Cedar Winds ...was greatly inspired by Rhyme Fairy and a dream I had ...and thanks to all who was kind enough to comment and read..all of you are an awesome lot of poets...take

[Thank you for the review, and a condensed version is a thought, I am always up to trying something new, and always appreciative of ideas for improvement.
Thank you also , for the comments to those of you, who have taken time to read any of my writes, I do so appreciate it !!
Have a great night.. , ;) !

To Catch A Dream
by sweet GA peaches

Idealism defined.

Perhaps I'm just having a 'condensed' day, but I'm also curious what this would read like if it were pared down and rearranged to be more concise.
Second second

Tzara said:
Let me first second ("first second"?!) all of the poems duckie mentioned. They are all well worthy of your reading time.

BUT, you're probably wondering something like then why bother seconding everything? She already told us that.

Well, 'cuz, the original recommendations are all good but I want to particularly point out Dustystar's "Spelunking" for your assessment and approval. Find here double entendre played like Mozart, find superb technical construction (whether you think it is erotic poetry or not--the poem reads wonderfully well anyway), and, well, just because it's damn near the best thing I've seen posted lately.

And no, ma'am, Ms. Dusty, I do not track in dirt. Except maybe metaphorically. (God, I hope that wasn't what you meant.)

Of course, I have posted things here lately too. Posted things... poems, you know.

Oh, shit. Yours are better.

Go read it, go read it, go read it and give it all the 5's it deserves.

It is funny, it is serious, it is even, paradoxically, poignant. It is as damn near close to perfect as anything I've read here. Great poem. Read. Vote.

O O O O I'm in love with a poet. :) <-- Blip, bland erotic God is "happy." (But then Blip always is "happy." It is his blessing, his curse)

Am I allowed to vote more that once? :confused:
thanks duckiesmut for your time and attention to the baby poems that were brought out to the public today....

and thanks for the mention of my poem, :rose:

and thanks for the most generous comments, and for pointing out the errors! :rolleyes:

and thanks most of all for the sexiest most talented babe on lit who inspired this poem but doesn't dig chicks.

neonurotic said:
:rose: Thanks Jenn C, Du for the mentions of my two newest illustrated poems, 'Sundog Down' and 'Tied to the Last'. I also thank those who were kind enough to leave words in my public comments. I've been lacking myself in that regard, commenting on poems and I apologize for my laziness.

don't apologize for laziness, just keep puttin out those amazing poems-- and damn it, get your thumbs out of your pants and use them for the z-i-p-p-e-r

what is it with you boys?

I think we need to propose a jean free hour -- or even 10 minutes -- where the boys show it all damn it!
Thanks for the mention, fly. :)

The poem itself was written from a much more...depressing mindset. That came after watching news report after news report of politicians considering not rebuilding New Orleans, and I just couldn't shake the mental picture of a little girl on her Daddy's shoulders, waiting for a parade.

And if they don't rebuild, that picture changes considerably.
Ahhh... the parade. The poem seemed so upbeat to that point that I wondered where the darkness suddenly came from.

Serves me right for skimming!
duckiesmut said:
Thanks for the mention, fly. :)

The poem itself was written from a much more...depressing mindset. That came after watching news report after news report of politicians considering not rebuilding New Orleans, and I just couldn't shake the mental picture of a little girl on her Daddy's shoulders, waiting for a parade.

And if they don't rebuild, that picture changes considerably.
Thank you to My Erotic Tale and LeBroz for your comments on the poems that were the newest ones yesterday. I appreciate it very much and only hope to continue allowing my words to flow. Thanks again.
I thought of making a new thread for this but - well - I hope this will do. Thank you to flyguy for taking over Tuesdays reviews. (Wanna keep on? You did such a good job.)

Thanks, sweetheart.

I think there might yet be one or two poets I haven't offended. :)

But I would rather be in your box of pants, errr... in your box with paints, err... painting your box with, uhh... wherever the hell it is you are!

Welcome back, T!
Tristesse said:
I thought of making a new thread for this but - well - I hope this will do. Thank you to flyguy for taking over Tuesdays reviews. (Wanna keep on? You did such a good job.)

Thanks, sweetheart.

SeattleRain said:
don't apologize for laziness, just keep puttin out those amazing poems-- and damn it, get your thumbs out of your pants and use them for the z-i-p-p-e-r

what is it with you boys?

I think we need to propose a jean free hour -- or even 10 minutes -- where the boys show it all damn it!
I've unzipped my pants plenty already, I'd think you'd be bored by now. ;)
neonurotic said:
I've unzipped my pants plenty already, I'd think you'd be bored by now. ;)
Wasn't long ago Anna wanted you to put on a belt, now Seattle wants you to them off. Those girls have got to learn to get along!
flyguy69 said:
Wasn't long ago Anna wanted you to put on a belt, now Seattle wants you to them off. Those girls have got to learn to get along!
Or at the very least, a great cat fight between the two.
Rbyka...much appreciativeness

for the mention...I can't take a lot of credit for it however, twas that Rhyme Fairy and her cohort Sweet Georgia Peach...little imps they bit of nymph fantasy.. ;)
I don't think I'll be reading posts for the next few minutes.

Just staring at fly's new AV. ;)
Humble thanks to Rybka for helping me uphopld the myth that I still get it on with my muse more than once in a blue moon. Truly aprriciate the kind words.

duckiesmut said:
I don't think I'll be reading posts for the next few minutes.

Just staring at fly's new AV. ;)

am appalled by such a display of wanton lust...slut puppies unite.... :p
neonurotic said:
I've unzipped my pants plenty already, I'd think you'd be bored by now. ;)

ha you thought wrong Mister. keep that metal waxed and ready for the quick zip yeah
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