To keep the review thread clean...

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BooMerengue said:
Sorry, Lauren. I was gonna take that picture out myself; I just wanted to make sure Fly saw it first.
It's OK, but he couldn't see it anyway. doesn't allow hotlinking, it had replaced it with their splash screen. That's why I deleted the post instead of just moving it. :):rose:
Lauren Hynde said:
It's OK, but he couldn't see it anyway. doesn't allow hotlinking, it had replaced it with their splash screen. That's why I deleted the post instead of just moving it. :):rose:
Ohhhhh! I admit I was wondering!

Can you post the address, Boo?
flyguy69 said:
Damn, that place is crafty-- your link takes me to the splash, as well.

How about if you just describe it to me? :)
It's not my fault, it's theirs. And I don't know, I haven't seen it. :D
I Didn't go back and look at it, L. Sorry.

Fly? I clicked the link L put in and saw it- maybe I can mail it to you? I'll PM my addy to you so Lauren won't have to remove that, too! lol
BooMerengue said:
I Didn't go back and look at it, L. Sorry.

Fly? I clicked the link L put in and saw it- maybe I can mail it to you? I'll PM my addy to you so Lauren won't have to remove that, too! lol
I think you probably could see it because the file is stored in your cache... :)
BooMerengue said:
I Didn't go back and look at it, L. Sorry.

Fly? I clicked the link L put in and saw it- maybe I can mail it to you? I'll PM my addy to you so Lauren won't have to remove that, too! lol
Just tell me how hard you laughed. :D
flyguy69 said:
Just tell me how hard you laughed. :D

Well, I didn't spit anything this time! lol You should have it now. If I'd been on my comp I could have fixed it so you could see it, I think. Tripod does the same thing. I wish Lit did so our stories and poems wouldn't get stolen.

Lauren Hynde said:
Hello, poets-

Let me first say that I've been tremendously busy today with backstage work here at the board, so my time for reviews is a bit limited. For that reason, I admit that my mind may not have been entirely on it, when I went through today's new poems, but there was only one that struck me as truly deserving the mention:

by neonurotic ©

I believe the best thing i can say about it is that it immediately reminded me of this other poem, by Billy Collins:

Introduction to Poetry

I ask them to take a poem
and hold it up to the light
like a color slide

or press an ear against its hive.

I say drop a mouse into a poem
and watch him probe his way out,

or walk inside the poem's room
and feel the walls for a light switch.

I want them to waterski
across the surface of a poem
waving at the author's name on the shore.

But all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and torture a confession out of it.

They begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it really means.​
Are you saying you want to have a little BDSM session with my poem? ;)

Thanks for the mention. :rose:
BooMerengue said:
Well, I didn't spit anything this time! lol You should have it now. If I'd been on my comp I could have fixed it so you could see it, I think. Tripod does the same thing. I wish Lit did so our stories and poems wouldn't get stolen.

That technique only prevents people from hotlinking images, Boo, it doesn't keep you from saving them to your computer and posting them elsewhere at will. It wouldn't do much good to our stories and poems...

Although I once did something like that on a friend's site. Instead of regular text for the stories, I used a .gif file hidden under a transparent shield. That means that people couldn't select & copy the text, and couldn't right-click & save the image, but there would be nothing stopping them from typing out the text, or making a screen capture and running the image through a OCR program.
Lauren Hynde said:
The way I interpreted the poem, it was in its very essence to fight back. :D
Haha. It was too. I wrote that cryptic poem a few months back, but only got around to editing/ posting it yesterday. Seems "poem lounging" time makes for better work, or at least I think so.
neonurotic said:
Haha. It was too. I wrote that cryptic poem a few months back, but only got around to editing/ posting it yesterday. Seems "poem lounging" time makes for better work, or at least I think so.
I didn't think it was too cryptic, and not having seen it prior to the lounging time, I can't say if it made it better, but the final result was right on the money. ;)
the blush ..

was so pure and warm,
thank you bluerains.. for the mention in todays review.
'let it rain, No.. on second thought, let it pour'..
peaches.. :heart:
I know I am late ... tha story of my life ~

I just wanted to Thank Du for
the Sunday review mention on my newest poem

Sins Dessert

Huggs and a sincere Thank You.
I know it was not one of my best ... but
I do like it. I wanted to have my cake,
and eat it too. Yumm says me ~

Thank You again Du ... and all those
who read, comment and take the time
to vote.
Waves n huggss ya ~

:rose: :kiss: :heart:
Hi ya AGAIN (her, does she never get offline, lol) ...

I HAVE to Thank Rybka for the warm, comments and great commentary on the new poem reviews, this am ~!!!

I sometimes post two at a time. This was one of those days. I have mixed thoughts on both, just let me say ....

I had 2 people (so far) who remain kinda (J. Doe?) Anonymous, who have commented on my poems today. I just have to make this comment and THAT WILL BE THAT ....

I Do have my comments open for public feedback. ALL public feedback.
OK so some hate my stuff ... no biggie it is public forum and I always leave myself open to these comments... Take the good with the bad so to speak. Also J.Doe has a point, a lotta peeps use similar words me included. Just depends on what context and flow you use, how you paint the picture of what you want to show ... feel ...

just me ... grins ... No harm done ~ winks*

One more thing if I may.

Thank you LeBroz and Jenn :rose:
for stickin up for me, BUT
I know, I DO need to grow
as a poet, in saying that ...

Thank You J. Doe for your honesty and for taking the time, (I know you took some time, you even came back and re-commented, grins*) to read and give me your opinion on what I need to do ... to be a better poet.
*My Heels are off to you. Thank You J. Doe ~ :rose:

See peeps, sometimes being anonymous
works out better then we have all
been lead to believe, IMHO ~

My Warmest Thanks and Highest regards
to those who take the time to read my poetry,
vote and comment.
*Bows* to you ALL ~!! :rose:

why i do believe...

i need to thank someone for some reviews today,
Rybka and RhymeFairy ..

thank you for your words, on my wickedness.
thank you Rybka and RF for both your encouraging and inspirational reviews today. Icon examples I would say...thanks and keep up the good work
Isolated blurt to the forum

:rolleyes: Enough is enough.

Let's move on already, write poetry, feedback and discuss.
neonurotic said:
:rolleyes: Enough is enough.

Let's move on already, write poetry, feedback and discuss.

good advice, neo.

you're a very intelligent guy.

i have said what i want...time to write.

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