To keep the review thread clean...

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I was actually referring to your usual approach, but I shouldn't have expected you to quite grasp that at this hour. :)
BooMerengue said:
I don't know whats happened to everyone here. I would have killed to have SJ review/critique one of my poems when I was posting- or even now if I was still posting.

Lighten up, folks!

holy fuuuuuck.....

Change this to read

I don't know whats happened to almost everyone here. I would have killed to have SJ review/critique one of my poems when I was posting- or even now if I was still posting.

Lighten up, folks!

holy fuuuuuck.....[/quote]

I never deliberately want to offend anyone; I do it enough unwittingly!
BooMerengue said:
Change this to read

I don't know whats happened to almost everyone here. I would have killed to have SJ review/critique one of my poems when I was posting- or even now if I was still posting.

Lighten up, folks!

holy fuuuuuck.....

Senna understands more about how to write poetry than everyone here--myself included, of course--put together and multiplied by about a million. He's brutally honest, which is why it's possible to learn so much from him--but you have to be willing to put aside your ego and really think about what he tells you. His critique and advice is always spot on. He makes me really mad sometimes because he can get quite nasty, and he's smart enough to know exactly how to piss you off. I mean exactly. :)

I still think about and learn from things he told me a few years ago. I read his feedback to everyone avidly and try to fit it to what I write. A critique from him is a rare gift.

He'd probably be surprized to know I feel that about his advice--maybe not, but there are reasons why I can't say or write certain things here that have nothing to do with him or anyone else on this forum. He knows me well enough that he can probably figure out what they are.

And if he can't or doesn't care to, it doesn't really matter...I still learn.
Angeline said:
A critique from him is a rare gift.

That's exactly what I was referring to, Ange. His critiques are most often quite accurate and everyone here would learn a lot from all of them, even the less than accurate. They are always valuable lessons.

It really is a shame that they're so rare. His usual approach of hit-and-run derogatory remarks without any accompanying explanation does as much damage as the blank fluffying he so much hates. And when we see what he is capable of doing when he wants, it makes it that much more irresponsible.
Lauren Hynde said:
That's exactly what I was referring to, Ange. His critiques are most often quite accurate and everyone here would learn a lot from all of them, even the less than accurate. They are always valuable lessons.

It really is a shame that they're so rare. His usual approach of hit-and-run derogatory remarks without any accompanying explanation does as much damage as the blank fluffying he so much hates. And when we see what he is capable of doing when he wants, it makes it that much more irresponsible.

We understand each other, L--you know we always have. Quite honestly though, I prefer Senna's approach, even when he's browbeating people, to the posturing and underhanded digs made under the ruse of "helping" I see coming from some here of late. There are too many agendas that seem to have nothing to do with poetry and everything to do with ego. And I don't buy the disingenuous "what me?" attitude of some for a minute. I see it for what it is. Unfortunately, some people are too naive to recognize that. I'm not singling anyone out, but that's the way I feel. At least with Senna, it's not about him promoting how great he is in a subtextual way (which is all about insecurity when you think about it)--he'll tell you himself he thinks his ideas are great, lol. I can respect that whether or not I agree with it.

Anyway, I read his comments and the others I find helpful here and learn what I can--I don't care anymore to try to one up anyone in these sneaky politics of exclusion. It has been a breath of fresh air to get away from the rest of it and just live my real life with eagleyez. It feels much healthier. ;)

I just want to say I agree with you both about criticism. I'd much rather learn with a harsh teacher than stagnate in a warm glow of indiscriminate praise. It's all too easy to be seduced into self-satisfaction.

In my early days here there was a good mix of the above so that wounds from the harsh approach were salved by gentler words. I have learnt so much about something I knew nothing and I would have had to pay through the nose out here in the real world.

One has to be discriminating and a bit thick skinned but - oh - it's worth it!
Angeline said:
It has been a breath of fresh air to get away from the rest of it and just live my real life with eagleyez. It feels much healthier. ;)


I think you could retire and do nothing but write if you would clone him.
Senna Jawa said: prefer to offend me in a childish way.....

It works, doesn’t it? Tasting your own medicine.

And if insults to your godhead are what it takes for you to be constructive rather than destructive, maybe you should receive them more often.

Even if your critique of Anna’s poem was motivated by nothing more than what you perceived as a threat to your divinity, even if it was nothing more than a show of proof to non-believers and to your own bruised ego, even if one doesn’t agree with the major points of your critique, which I do not, at least your effort was explanatory, and written in a constructive light.

And you managed to carry yourself with more grace than battery acid, which has been the pH of your more standard appearances.

Good for you. It is to your benefit, the improvement in manners, and to everyone else's. So was your critique a benefit to all.

White wishes,

Thank You ,

To : Lauren Hynde

for the mention in the reviews yesterday,
on my poem titled, CONSUMED.

I would also like to thank those of you, who
make comments and vote. I try to get around to
reading everything I can, and find most of the works
here very inspiring.


to each and every one of you who have mentioned and voted on my poetic trials...its always good to have friends who read and comment...thanks again...luvfromtheblue :rose:
No Poems posted yet,

but, I will help art and JC do reviews if they come up..anyone else willing to post opinions ..please let the poets know how we enjoy their safe Art...luvfromblue :rose:
WooHooo, we gotta lotta poems. Hang on to your pants, here they come ~ *Smiles*

Hello My friends. :)

Passes Coffee around to all ~ ;)

I was ask to step in, just in case
Art could not do the reviews for today.
I have not heard from him, but it is still early.
I am ready, willing, and able. Give me a few
and I will shoot my reviews right out to ya ~!!

Have a Great One and Happy Writing ~

:D :nana:
Big Hugs

Thank you RF!

Thank you to Rhyme Fairy and all my friends who are covering me on the next few Sundays of reviews. I greatly appreciate the help as I make my way through the clutter of my past, dispose of it and then hop into the little car to the west of my future! I thank you all~ A wonderful job done and an excellent example of how when we ask for help other rally around to accept the mission!

blessings and peace to all during these times
du lac~
ty~RF !!!


Cravings Of You
by:sweet GA peaches
Ya have to read this. A lil scorcher. Mouthful of sinful stuff ya just cannot pass by !

For the review, :D
and to those of you who voted or commented, or took your time to read,
ty to you toooo! :kiss:

There were some very good poems posted yesterday,
as I went back and read, and voted...
I love this site, for the open-ness it allows,
as I find it rare on other
sites to be able to post any
sensual material without offending someone.
That is the treat of being here.......thank you !
You know, it occured to me that I've never been mentioned in the New Poem reviews thread.. Is this because my poems get overlooked or because they are too amateurish?
tolyk said:
You know, it occured to me that I've never been mentioned in the New Poem reviews thread.. Is this because my poems get overlooked or because they are too amateurish?
Well, never having been an "official" reviewer, though having a couple times dropped recommendations onto the review thread, my guess would be it is probably just coincidence. Different reviewers have different things they like and are probably also affected by how they feel that day, world events, whether they're hungry or not, and so on.

Take today's reviews. I generally find Lauren to be a pretty reliable reviewer for my taste (i.e., if she recommends something, I'll usually like it). And while I liked the poem she picked, as you are sand and I am sea, if I had been doing the reviews, I probably wouldn't have mentioned it. Might have, but probably would not have.

I would have picked out two other poems: Birds of a Feather by cymry, which I liked because it was sweet without, I think, being saccharine and because it rather makes me think of Emily Dickinson, and Reluctant Lovers by McKenna because of the audacity of the metaphor (an explicitly sexual encounter with insomnia, of all things weird).

Were either of these poems perfect? No. But they happened to catch my eye and I enjoyed them. I would think that if 25 different people did the review for today, you'd probably end up with 25 different selections, even though there were only 18 poems posted. For that matter, if you gave me the same set of poems to read tomorrow or a week from now, I would probably pick out different poems.

But, that's just a guess.
ty ribbie...

for the vote of confidence in the land of crash and burn...U
As of almost noon CST there are no new poems. Perhaps the supply of intellectual potential has finally run out and we have all been reduced to blank-eyed mouth breathers, unable to post a coherant thought.

I've got some R/L tasks to attend to-- I'll check back later. If new poems appear any time soon and you want to jump in, go ahead.

Gotta fly.
I just wanted to say thank you to RhymeFairy for the introduction. I raise a humble hand in greeting to all.
Thank you as well to Tzara for your mention of my poem.
Everyone has been most kind in the short time since I joined this site and I've enjoyed myself immensely.
Good Lord ~!!!

OK PEEPS. I have been reading a few
of the new poems for today.
I am not quiet finished .... but,
I am soooo hoping Art will do this one.


All I can really say .. so far I have seen
sooo much Erotica I am needing a VERY COLD shower !!!

* Fans Self*

Ya'll are gonna have to go read these to understand what I am saying.
A playground of Hot, steamy stuff for me to play with ~

I shall be back in a few, and YES,
I am gonna take that shower b4 I read anymore !!

:devil: :kiss: :p :catroar:
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