To keep the review thread clean...

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Angeline said:
Believe me, were I a wise mom, my life would be very different at the moment.

Poetzilla keeps forgetting which name she's posting under. :eek:
I know it's hard to be wise mommy. Life is hard to figure out.
Want to come crush things with poetzilla?
annaswirls said:
Go check out the all of a sudden passion thread

I posted the intention of the threads

we will all get the hang of it,

dizzy indeed!

spring clean
so we dont keep tripping on all the clutter

lovely clutter but clutter nontheless

(if you go to the first page of any thread, you can read the original intent of the thread)
I told anna that it will take awhile, a long while, to clean that thread, but I'm working on it. I'm sure in the process that I will move posts that will upset and devastate and traumatize some of you. I'm sorry. Just tell me and I'll fix it. There are so many post and I have this long list to check off and I may click the wrong thing. I'm only human (pretty much.)
WickedEve said:
Poetzilla keeps forgetting which name she's posting under. :eek:
I know it's hard to be wise mommy. Life is hard to figure out.
Want to come crush things with poetzilla?

:devil: ...maybe if poetzilla placed her fingers on the keyboard she might not be so distracted :heart:
The Poets said:
Shut up, Maria. This is the.... oh, wait, it's the chat thread. Go ahead. :D
I'm moving chat from suddenly thread to this thread. Some of it's already moved. That needed to be done. There was too much to wade through to see the poems. I moved my chat too! I'm as bad as the rest and I should know better and set a better example. We have mod Ange that's the wise mom of the group. There's Lauren, the iron fist of discipline (ohhh!) And then there's the slut, nut aunt Evie no one talks about.... :)

you know what I think? ohh, good that you dont cause I rarely know most of the time, but yes, the chit chat is distracting and to me, the one place its MOST distracting is the passion thread, I for one do go in there to just read poems or write and unless Iam specifically a part of something, or just want to comment on a poem someone has writen, I really try hard not to post anything.

This kind of reminds me of a really large family taking rotation at the dinner table cause there arent enough "big people" chairs.
We all have something to say, and this does feel so much like a family, we evean have our little in fights and stuff ( sorry anna :rose:)

But it is okay to move those chairs around, to different rooms, just no chatting/eating in the room with the white carpet, okay? its so hard to clean...

hmm,. Lauren has an iron fist of discipline? that is such a sexy description, I might be bad just to get her mad at me, I need some good discipline, and eve, I talk about you all the time, ask anyone... :D

damn that Wicked Eve, she is good, too go0d, ahhhhhh!!! how I wish i could write like her!!! :D

and ange, little momma ange, I missed her when she was gone:rose: back to the spankings... where does the line start?
Maria2394 said:
you know what I think? ohh, good that you dont cause I rarely know most of the time, but yes, the chit chat is distracting and to me, the one place its MOST distracting is the passion thread, I for one do go in there to just read poems or write and unless Iam specifically a part of something, or just want to comment on a poem someone has writen, I really try hard not to post anything.

This kind of reminds me of a really large family taking rotation at the dinner table cause there arent enough "big people" chairs.
We all have something to say, and this does feel so much like a family, we evean have our little in fights and stuff ( sorry anna :rose:)

But it is okay to move those chairs around, to different rooms, just no chatting/eating in the room with the white carpet, okay? its so hard to clean...

hmm,. Lauren has an iron fist of discipline? that is such a sexy description, I might be bad just to get her mad at me, I need some good discipline, and eve, I talk about you all the time, ask anyone... :D

damn that Wicked Eve, she is good, too go0d, ahhhhhh!!! how I wish i could write like her!!! :D

and ange, little momma ange, I missed her when she was gone:rose: back to the spankings... where does the line start?

Perhaps you and I were twins seperated at birth? :rose:
I love the way you think. Spank me too, Lauren. I've been naughty!


Maria2394 said:
hmm,. Lauren has an iron fist of discipline? that is such a sexy description, I might be bad just to get her mad at me, I need some good discipline, and eve, I talk about you all the time, ask anyone... :D

and ange, little momma ange, I missed her when she was gone:rose: back to the spankings... where does the line start?

I dunno about the spankings Maria, I tried to get "ole" iron fist mad at me, but she says she doesnt get upset....:confused:
Maria2394 said:
hmm,. Lauren has an iron fist of discipline? that is such a sexy description, I might be bad just to get her mad at me, I need some good discipline, and eve, I talk about you all the time, ask anyone... :D

and ange, little momma ange, I missed her when she was gone:rose: back to the spankings... where does the line start?

I dunno about the spankings Maria, I tried to get "ole" iron fist mad at me, but she says she doesnt get upset....:confused:
echoes_s said:
:devil: ...maybe if poetzilla placed her fingers on the keyboard she might not be so distracted :heart:
I only moved my fingers because I thought it was a Japanese city down there that needing crushing.
It is nice that most everyone on here is willing to be flexible and work with each other. I wish I could stay and play but I have to go pay my light bill and I think I have a job starting next monday, just have to talk to the man again and guess where its at? a garden center, my dream job, landscape tech and sales rep, hehe

see ya'll later, be sorta good :)

edited to correct typos cause Miss Perfect was embarrassed ( kicks jean) ouch, she bit me!!! ohh, thats it now missy.. you got it coming...!!!:p
Last edited:
Maria2394 said:
I think I have a job starting next monday, just have to talk to the man again and guess where its at? a garden center, my dream job, landscape tech and sales rep, hehe

You go girl! I am so happy for you! and your duel personality turns me on;)

Syn :kiss:
Maria2394 said:
It is nice that most everyone on here is willing to be flexible and work with each other. I wish I could stay and play but I have to go pay my light bill and I think I have a job starting next monday, just have to talk to the man again and guess where its at? a garden center, my dream job, landscape tech and sales rep, hehe
anyway, I need a bath and some more pain pills the cramps are killing me and flyguy, if your reading this, the last email I sent you was returned said undeliverable, I am NOT mad that your last email to me said fuck off you stupid bitch!!!

please write me and give me your good addy :D ( I am teasing about that first part, I know why you said that, I asked for it, literally :rose: so am not upset, just your letter ( my reply) didnt get delivered..okay, julie, focus, light bill, cant type poems with no juice..ooohh, I said juice ;)

see ya'll later, be sorta good :)

edited to correct typos cause Miss Perfect was embarrassed ( kicks jean) ouch, she bit me!!! ohh, thats it now missy.. you got it coming...!!!:p

a mouthful? :confused: :D
look at my disclaimer on the ribbon below :devil:
drink juice, bite back (just to tease) then leave. Miss Perfect will be begging for it when you come back :confused:
Good luck on the job!!!:heart:
annaswirls said:
fuck it-iddy fuck-it-iddy
boom what you do to me

you remember that song??
well...not That song but the hot diggety one??

( i liked the breast AV better)
I'm just saying.........
Tathagata said:
you remember that song??
well...not That song but the hot diggety one??

( i liked the breast AV better)
I'm just saying.........

No, but what neo said made me think of this song (which I'm sure you know given your love for Nilsson).

Harry Nilsson

You're breakin' my heart
You're tearing it apart so fuck you

All I want to do is have a good time now I'm blue
You won't boogaloo,
Run down to Tramps, have a dance or two, ooohhh
You're breakin' my heart,
You're tearing it apart but fuck you

You're breakin' my heart
You're tearing it apart, boo-hoo

You stepped on my ass
You're breakin' my glasses too
You won't drive my car, might be a star
I've had enough of you
I'm goin' insane
There's no one to blame so fuck you

You can't have your way
There's nothing left to say
There's nothing left to do, ooooohhh
You're breakin' my heart
You're tearing it apart so fuck you

You gotta have your way
There's nothing left to say
There's nothing left to do, ooooowww
You're breakin' my heart
You're tearing it apart but I love you

Angeline said:
No, but what neo said made me think of this song (which I'm sure you know given your love for Nilsson).

Harry Nilsson

You're breakin' my heart
You're tearing it apart so fuck you

All I want to do is have a good time now I'm blue
You won't boogaloo,
Run down to Tramps, have a dance or two, ooohhh
You're breakin' my heart,
You're tearing it apart but fuck you

You're breakin' my heart
You're tearing it apart, boo-hoo

You stepped on my ass
You're breakin' my glasses too
You won't drive my car, might be a star
I've had enough of you
I'm goin' insane
There's no one to blame so fuck you

You can't have your way
There's nothing left to say
There's nothing left to do, ooooohhh
You're breakin' my heart
You're tearing it apart so fuck you

You gotta have your way
There's nothing left to say
There's nothing left to do, ooooowww
You're breakin' my heart
You're tearing it apart but I love you


Must have been the Lost weekend with Lennon years
Nilsson was very underrated

Hot Diggety was one of the first songs I ever remember hearing on the radio
Perry Como
I must have sung it over and over for weeks
it's a wonder my parents didn't kill me
Tathagata said:
Must have been the Lost weekend with Lennon years
Nilsson was very underrated

Hot Diggety was one of the first songs I ever remember hearing on the radio
Perry Como
I must have sung it over and over for weeks
it's a wonder my parents didn't kill me

Well thanks to tungtied, I have been listening to American Beauty all day. It took over one of my poems. :D
Dear Anonymous

This feedback was sent to Syndra Lynn by Anonymous

Syndra, we all appreciate you doing new poem reviews. In case you have not noticed there are people who think that the reviewers skim over the list pick their friends and forget the rest. Kind of like self promotion extended across the family.

It must be hard not to do.

I think it would be a good thing to try to steer clear of things like "my big brother" etc etc etc all my favorites are here... etc in your reviews. Reviews are supposed to be of the new poetry, not a popularity contest. Sure you can do it however you want it, I just know that it must add fire to the people who sometimes feel left out, for good reason.

I know you can't please all the people all the time, but it is sometimes nice to try to think of the other's feelings too.


No. I had not noticed. And, no, it is not hard NOT to do. I've certainly never done it. On days I review, I read every poem submitted. Every one. Even when a poet submits 9 or 10, I read them all because that is what I volunteered to do. And I leave votes and tons of PC.

This is a wonderful community and I have met some great people here. I have made friends with some of them and we have a good time together. Here is the list of poets I mentioned in my last review with whom I have never had personal contact.




Man Ray


Randi Grail


kinky shy girl

The Mutt

I have included links to their fine work so as not to appear predjudiced in some way. The poets left out (and there weren't many) did not submit poetry that appealed to me. If a poem was left out that YOU felt needed a mention, you are welcome to do so, as is everyone. Poets are free to mention their own new poems if they want.

Try to think of other's feelings? Have you ever read my work or any of my comments? Other's feelings are of utmost importance to me. I humbly serve this community by reviewing poetry on my day off. And as long as I do, I will continue to do so in a friendly manner, acknowledging my friends as such and welcoming new poets to our ranks.

How do the rest of you feel about this? Do my reviews seemed biased in any way? I will be happy to step aside if that is the general feeling.

Please let me know.

Syndra Lynn
I would not be surprised if other reviewers received an email/PM like this.
One reason that so many "regulars" on the board get mentioned by reviewers is because they submit often, and many of them are good poets, who often post very good poetry. But like you, I too like to read everyone's work and it's exciting to find a fresh voice and recommend that poet.
Your reviews are fine.
The timing for this is perfect. I was talking to a new poet (that was not mentioned in the new poetry thread) that has received messages from two different people saying basically the same thing as that anonymous feedback. This pissed me off on so many different levels that I'm ready to shoot in every direction. I'm about to crash for the night, but don't be surprised if tomorrow morning you see a big fat rant on its own thread. This issue isn't going to be stuck on chit chat thread.

TOMCAT not romcat

CENSOR not sensor

VOMIT not comit

TONGUE not rongue

Disciplining Maria

I might be bad just to get her mad at me, I need some good discipline,

I had no idea Maria--we should talk

but first I have to run to the basement to sand any recently-acquired splinters off the A-frame

Re: Dear Anonymous

Syndra Lynn said:
This feedback was sent to Syndra Lynn by Anonymous


No. I had not noticed. And, no, it is not hard NOT to do. I've certainly never done it. On days I review, I read every poem submitted. Every one. Even when a poet submits 9 or 10, I read them all because that is what I volunteered to do. And I leave votes and tons of PC.

This is a wonderful community and I have met some great people here. I have made friends with some of them and we have a good time together. Here is the list of poets I mentioned in my last review with whom I have never had personal contact.




Man Ray


Randi Grail


kinky shy girl

The Mutt

I have included links to their fine work so as not to appear predjudiced in some way. The poets left out (and there weren't many) did not submit poetry that appealed to me. If a poem was left out that YOU felt needed a mention, you are welcome to do so, as is everyone. Poets are free to mention their own new poems if they want.

Try to think of other's feelings? Have you ever read my work or any of my comments? Other's feelings are of utmost importance to me. I humbly serve this community by reviewing poetry on my day off. And as long as I do, I will continue to do so in a friendly manner, acknowledging my friends as such and welcoming new poets to our ranks.

How do the rest of you feel about this? Do my reviews seemed biased in any way? I will be happy to step aside if that is the general feeling.

Please let me know.

Syndra Lynn

uno, i joined this web-site over a year first i tried reading through the list to find the good stuff..with limited time, i grew very tired of having to read 20 not so fine poems before i found something of interest..until i got sent a notice that a poem had been mentioned, i didn't even know a new poem review thread exsisted..still being too pressed for time everyday to read every single new entry..i love the reviews..sometimes i can read more..but that discovery got me reading again here at literotica.
i have never been disappointed with the picks from any review person. i think they all do a wonderful job, and i for 1 am grateful bcuz i dont always like to sift through so many!
so ty for the wonderful job you all do!:kiss: :kiss:
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