To keep the review thread clean...

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Re: Re: Dear Anonymous

fawnie said:
uno, i joined this web-site over a year first i tried reading through the list to find the good stuff..with limited time, i grew very tired of having to read 20 not so fine poems before i found something of interest..until i got sent a notice that a poem had been mentioned, i didn't even know a new poem review thread exsisted..still being too pressed for time everyday to read every single new entry..i love the reviews..sometimes i can read more..but that discovery got me reading again here at literotica.
i have never been disappointed with the picks from any review person. i think they all do a wonderful job, and i for 1 am grateful bcuz i dont always like to sift through so many!
so ty for the wonderful job you all do!:kiss: :kiss:

oh and let me point out this took a year before i posted something that caught a reviewers eye..i had never posted on a single thread..i was not a regular anywhere..i just got noticed..
so to those who fuss about not getting mentioned..give it time..keep posting..sometimes you just cant rush things!:kiss:
dunno how

i read neo's poems routinely

but after a loooooooooooooooooong search

I see that Neo's poem was posted early Wednesday and not Thursday at all

(are you sweet on him??????????????)
I'm always on the lookout for new poems

NORMAL JEAN (makes me quiver down to my toesies)

WANTON WONTON (just her nic makes me break out inexplicably
in insane laughter--making ppl look at me suspiciously in the street


DOORMOUSE - whom I think I want to speak but still have the matter under advisement

as three examples

but there's so much crap out there

1. the immature poet who feels their fuck is the most magic
fuck the world has ever seen - unlikely with more than
a billion fucks every 24 hours since at lest ancient sumeria (well lower pop. then but ya get my drift)

2. the sentimentalist

3. the singsong rhymer (sometimes I make exceptions)

4. the terminally bitter with no insight into who is responsible
for their condition

5. the "extremely" mentall ill ( a "little" mental illness goes a long
way in poetry-just look at me)

I wish I hadn't sold or lost THE MEANING OF POETRY by Babette Deutsch which was touted as a seminal work when I was a lad

(they printed on papyrus in dose days)

u no who
well seeing as I am " The big brother"...
I try and read all the poems when I can.
Somedays I don't have the time, somedays I just don't want to.
I try and vote on every one
I was telling someone else the other day that even if it's the worst thing I've ever read, if I read it I give it a 50% vote
because the person took the time and had the guts to submit it.
It's not easy to write.
It's not easy to submit your work.

I think all the reviews are fine.
if you are not getting mentioned there's a reason

And as Syndra said this is a community of people
We interact, sometimes we may know something about the poem or person you don't.
This may color the judgement of it to an extent but believe me
if there's a poem that moves someone they will mention it.

We all pull for each other, we all want the other to do well and improve and reach a level of excellence.
That goes for you too Anon.
Keep writing
Interact with people
One thing I've found is that people dislike the Anon critic or complainer.
Give yourself a name and people will deal with you, explain to you,
take what you say into consideration.
Otherwise you look like someone who just wants to bitch.

Syn and everyone else..I think the reviews are fine

And again, to reiterate, if there is a poem you think deserves praise..mention it
You can even post and say " read my poem and vote please"
Or post it on the Poetry construction" zone and ask for feedback and help
you will get it and your poetry will improve.

please forgive any typos
it's 4:15 am and I cant even open my eyes yet
but this bothered me a little
Re: I'm always on the lookout for new poems


but there's so much crap out there

1. the immature poet who feels their fuck is the most magic
fuck the world has ever seen

2. the sentimentalist

3. the singsong rhymer

4. the terminally bitter with no insight into who is responsible
for their condition

5. the "extremely" mentall ill

omg I think I am

6. all of the above

I have to hit the basement to reflect upon this

tell anna to throw me some twinkies and yoohoo in a couple of days
Re: Re: I'm always on the lookout for new poems

SeattleRain said:
omg I think I am

6. all of the above

I have to hit the basement to reflect upon this

tell anna to throw me some twinkies and yoohoo in a couple of days

I'll throw you a " twinkie" baby
Re: Re: Re: I'm always on the lookout for new poems

Tathagata said:
I'll throw you a " twinkie" baby

Yeah she didn't drill the hole in the door just for pastries
that was kind of a second thought
gotta make due
she only pokes a bit of it through the hole for me at a time, (the twinkie that is) just to be an extra special bitch

(I love these conversations I have with myself, so rewarding)

you shouldnt thow that thing, Big T, it is always fun until someone loses an eye.


More new poems fell down to earth!

like a mama dog with a few more pups just when you thought she was done

who wants the afterbirth

Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm always on the lookout for new poems

SeattleRain said:

you shouldnt thow that thing, Big T, it is always fun until someone loses an eye.

I was going to make a crude joke about " seen it coming".....but I shant now
Too keep the review thread clean...

Here's a review-related post. Feel free to turn this into review related banter thread, thankyou's and whatnot, or kindly let it fall into oblivion. Or use this as an excuse to post clerihews, I dunno. Amuse thyself, poets.

Anyway, what I wanted to say:

I'm off to plunge into the deep end of today's poems. If I don't emerge within a footie game (90 mins for you illiterates), call George of the Jungle.

Oh btw, there are already poems up dated for the 19:th, which is tomorrow. I won't do those. Saturdays have been starved of poem reviews enough as it is for me to steal them.

Re: Too keep the review thread clean...

Liar said:
Here's a review-related post. Feel free to turn this into review related banter thread, thankyou's and whatnot, or kindly let it fall into oblivion. Or use this as an excuse to post clerihews, I dunno. Amuse thyself, poets.

Anyway, what I wanted to say:

I'm off to plunge into the deep end of today's poems. If I don't emerge within a footie game (90 mins for you illiterates), call George of the Jungle.

Oh btw, there are already poems up dated for the 19:th, which is tomorrow. I won't do those. Saturdays have been starved of poem reviews enough as it is for me to steal them.


kewl, I'm on it. Thanks for the head's up, Liar.
Re: Re: I'm always on the lookout for new poems

SeattleRain said:
omg I think I am

6. all of the above

I have to hit the basement to reflect upon this

tell anna to throw me some twinkies and yoohoo in a couple of days

it never occurred to me that you were girl


you can come up now


theres a tornado on the horizon
God Eve hits hard with Familiar Nothing I am not going to give a peek on this one also, but go read as it is so beautiful and touching…

…and then Eve brings bob Finds Love II which is a bit haunting, leaving one wondering just who or what he loves but also draws attention to care and detail of the emotions of poor bob and wonderful collection of care and colors. First go read the first bob Finds love (link is nicely provided at the top of the poem from Eve.

Thank You Echoes!


Another favorite poet of mine WickedEve brings us a distressingly poignant look at lackluster loyalty In Sickness and In Health Till.... I love this, Eve. It is a real and chilling and oh, so understandable look at human nature. Wonderful. Then she gives us a saucy look at sweltering salty sweet sex in 97 Fahrenheit. Hot.

Thank You Syndra Lynn!


Eve the Wicked probes a dilemma endemic to America--discontented wives--in
Paper Doll

how much of this discontent has surfaced since Tim Berners-Lee invented the
world wide web is difficult to calculate--but well it serves the wandering
cyber-male - with a quick grin--a ready wit - and a slow hand - or a
cyber-female - whispering in the night to a newfound "sister"


Eve also reminds of of bumps on the head--steaks on black eyes and other intimations
of the thousand natural shocks to which flesh is heir with
Insignificant Calamities

(OUCH Eve - I'm smarting already)

Thank You JC!

Eve's Thank you's


How the heck did you do that? how much C&P does one have to do to thank all the reviewer's

Kudo's for taking the time.



PS Is there no way to cross link from one thread to another? or am I dreamin in technicolour
Re: Re: Re: I'm always on the lookout for new poems

it never occurred to me that you were girl


you can come up now


theres a tornado on the horizon


look at my legs, my boots, they did not look girl enough for ya?

I need to show my boobs or something?

girl damn it girl!
Re: Eve's Thank you's

RazzRajen said:

How the heck did you do that? how much C&P does one have to do to thank all the reviewer's

Kudo's for taking the time.



PS Is there no way to cross link from one thread to another? or am I dreamin in technicolour
I opened up two windows. In the review thread, I clicked on quote and copied the part I wanted. Then I clicked post reply in this thread and pasted. Now, I'm thinking that I should have just said thanks and not quoted anything.
Re: New Poetry Review

Thanks for the nod Liar, and to all those who read and commented. Much appreciated.:cool:
originally posted by liar

even now by tarablackwood22. Her sharp stacatto style is there, but more comntemplative and personal then the usual output. But equally bloody good.

we fuse once more
like lightning, flash
of fury past,
fuck electric.

:heart: Thanks for the mention, Liar.

Born Too Late - new poem......please read.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm always on the lookout for new poems

SeattleRain said:

look at my legs, my boots, they did not look girl enough for ya?

I need to show my boobs or something?

girl damn it girl!

lemme rephrase that

I never thought you were that which you alleged yourself to be with option 6--------------------------------girl

I knew you were a goil ya goof
Sweet Venom by fawnie is a sultry peek into a game for two.
Revisions now haunting,
subtle words with intent,
"just let me love you"
you meant, "let me fuck you"

thank you liar for the mention, most appreciated.

today i spent hours, atleast 4, maybe more, reading and commenting on the poems that grabbed gave me more of an appreciation for the job of the reviewers..time spent..having to do this. it's not a simple job at all.. so with deepest heartfelt gratitude..ty:kiss: :heart:

originally posted by Perks

in trees by lipsticksunset1984

"when grass was gemmed
by pearls of morning"

goddamn, can you have more imagery or be more poetic than that? Simple thought, crystal clear content, brilliant imagery. Nature embracing humanity, humanity embracing nature. Just beautiful.
I have to say, the only reason I didn't give it my "perks of excellence award" was because it really wasn't my cup of tea, but hell, it's classic and very good. Good, solid poem, and a beautiful read.

Perks - THANK YOU for mentioning my poem. :rose:
originally posted by Perks
Born Too Late by tarablackwood22

I can feel the depth of your intensity for the subject matter, and I can see the poetic imagery. However, that being said, I don't think they mesh very well. If I may use an analogy, it feels like broken sauce to me. It contains excellent ingredients, the author has the skill, but it just got overworked and so it broke. I would suggest that you read this poem for a week until it's almost memorized. Then leave it for a week. Then, write down what you remember. You will be left with the content that you need and the imagery to make it whole. But for now, I think possibly, that some of the point of this poem is lost in order for you to use the "poetic imagery". I'd like to see it a bit more simplified. And yes, I think you can have a perfect poetic phrase and be simple at the same time. This poem wants to be great, and I'm sure it will be. I agree that your passion is quite apparent. _____________________________

Thanks, Perks :heart: :heart:
Thank you Liar and Perks for your respective recommendations of Poet Chick and uh Sugah Magnolia. They were both sort of throwaway poems, Poet Chick a response to the superhero banter in the passion thread (I was actually thinking of Eve when I wrote it), and Sugah Magnolia, well... I had this dream and American Beauty (the Dead cd) was playing in it, then I woke up and listened to it so the song was just in my head. :)

Thanks to all too who commented and sent feedback.

Re: I'm always on the lookout for new poems

NORMAL JEAN (makes me quiver down to my toesies)

WANTON WONTON (just her nic makes me break out inexplicably
in insane laughter--making ppl look at me suspiciously in the street


DOORMOUSE - whom I think I want to speak but still have the matter under advisement

as three examples

but there's so much crap out there

1. the immature poet who feels their fuck is the most magic
fuck the world has ever seen - unlikely with more than
a billion fucks every 24 hours since at lest ancient sumeria (well lower pop. then but ya get my drift)

2. the sentimentalist

3. the singsong rhymer (sometimes I make exceptions)

4. the terminally bitter with no insight into who is responsible
for their condition

5. the "extremely" mentall ill ( a "little" mental illness goes a long
way in poetry-just look at me)

I wish I hadn't sold or lost THE MEANING OF POETRY by Babette Deutsch which was touted as a seminal work when I was a lad

(they printed on papyrus in dose days)

u no who

Well, JC, I'm glad my name amused you. :rolleyes:
Lauren Hynde said:
The timing for this is perfect. I was talking to a new poet (that was not mentioned in the new poetry thread) that has received messages from two different people saying basically the same thing as that anonymous feedback. This pissed me off on so many different levels that I'm ready to shoot in every direction. I'm about to crash for the night, but don't be surprised if tomorrow morning you see a big fat rant on its own thread. This issue isn't going to be stuck on chit chat thread.

Anyone know where Lauren hid her rant? I missed it and was interested in knowing her point of view.
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