To keep the review thread clean...

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Seattle for the whole idea of the purple thingy ( know what I mean)
and for your mention of my poems.
It was a lot fun to do.
: )

Many thanks for the mention....Haven't been around much nor posting....So many lovely poems and new poets around - great for the board.

Mine, re-visited is an excellent poem by RazzRajen. It’s a beautifully constructed contrast of our human reaction to what may seem wrong or ugly and its natural place in the universe. The last line just makes the poem shine, Razz. So nice to read it!

Keep up the great work


annaswirls said:
decided to make this a new thread

I want to come up with an anorexic sonnet



with only two syllables per line.....

(no I am not diminishing the seriousness of eating disorders)

Moon glow,
Cool night.
Winds blow
'Til Light

Love slow,
Don't go!
I am a big proponent of notifing people when their poems have been reviewed, but I have been tagged as a SpamQueen and cannot send messages. Last night my I couldn't get my damn browser to jump back and forth between the author page and review list. errrr I am not in the mood for dealing with either, I have too much to get done today.

Most people on this list know where to go to find their poem review. If you are in contact with any of the new ones, please let them know if you happen to be chatting...


~A~ mountain majesty
by perks ©

~A~ Lavendar Spike
by *Catbabe* ©

violets'n blue
by bluerains ©

by The Mutt ©

dark secrets
by fawnie ©

Lavendar Trumpet
by Angeline ©

~A~ Lavender Spikeby Tristesse ©

Splended Cornelia
by WickedEve ©

Purple Heart
by Randi Grail ©

~A~ Violent Violet
by champagne1982 ©

Victorian Amethyst
by Tathagata ©

by SeattleRain ©

Lace Lavender
by Mr_Mescalito ©

~A~ Smoky Violet
by Merrymaker ©

lavender spike
by SeattleRain ©

Dark Plum
by Tathagata©

the purple promise of Seattle
by lipsticksunset1984 ©

Fashion Plum
by neonurotic ©

~A~ Violet Cast
by neonurotic ©

Opening Night
by Liar ©

Playful Purple Poets
by Syndra Lynn ©

black raspberryby annaswirls ©

Victorian Amethyst
by The_Fool ©

~A~ Purple Pearl
by BooMerengue ©

Purple Eternity
by Merrymaker ©
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can I just say, that the title of my poem is "mountain majesty" and not "mountain majesty". Thanks.
perks said:
can I just say, that the title of my poem is "mountain majesty" and not "mountain majesty". Thanks.

I am very sorry perks. Please forgive. Mistakes will be made.

(I am having trouble seeing the difference between the two?

:confused: )

okay I got it, I did magesty. I will go right now and change it all the places I posted it.
annaswirls said:
I am very sorry perks. Please forgive. Mistakes will be made.

(I am having trouble seeing the difference between the two:confused: )

okay I got it, I did magesty sorry

dude, don't worry about it, I was just saying cause I kept seeing it over and over, not just by you, and I actually went to check to see if I spelled it wrong. It's been known to h appen in my posted poetry.

heh, and I spelled it with a j both times, instead of with the g. *laughing* I'm such a dork.
originally posted by Maria2394

honest days , by tarablackwood22 is as smooth as a creamiscle. but I bet the hardworking people who toil the soils wouldnt think the work was that easy. Tara blesses us with a beautiful, easygoing accont of some hard working people. a must read


:rose: Thank you, sweet Maria.
perks said:
I call everyone dude, even my mother. Does it bug you? a lot? :D

My daughter used to do that
It drove me crazy
I just never understood calling a woman " dude'

probabaly because I'm old and getting set in my ways and all these new fangled gadjets and these whippersnappers with their be bop talk and all....
Tathagata said:
My daughter used to do that
It drove me crazy
I just never understood calling a woman " dude'

probabaly because I'm old and getting set in my ways and all these new fangled gadjets and these whippersnappers with their be bop talk and all....

Oh you can bebop, I imagine. ;)

Namaste' T.

Tathagata said:
My daughter used to do that
It drove me crazy
I just never understood calling a woman " dude'

probabaly because I'm old and getting set in my ways and all these new fangled gadjets and these whippersnappers with their be bop talk and all....

you're only twelve years older than I. *laughing*. I'm glad I drive you crazy. It's been like my goal for so long, dude.

behind the scenes

thank you tara for the mention ..

now let's tell why i've improved so much.

tara, you have been wonderful, critiquing my poetry, picking them apart..always WITHOUT making me feel like a clown for my efforts.

your patience, as well as instruction on how to bring the words to life through placement of them words, even the basics like breaking down into stanzas, where to punchuate, and all that lovely stuff

..i do absolutely adore you, and appreciate the time and effort you've invested into helping me inprove.

a confirmation to me that the image reflected through your beautiful poetry speaks volumes about the person behind such wonderful poetry

thank you hun! :kiss: :kiss: :heart: :heart:
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email notification

Hey Tara,

This is how I do it:

1. post review and from that review copy URL from browser window

2. click on the link to one poem at a time (this also makes sure you did the links right

3. at the poem, click on anon feedback

4. write up a little message, paste in the copied link to new poems

5. copy the whole message and hit send

6. Close the window and voila! the review window should still be open

7. Do the same thing, except now you have the whole message copied, so all you have to do is paste it into the next poets anon feedback window

8. lather, rinse repeat

Just don't go too fast or you might get anti-spammed!

that happened to me last week


oop I just noticed that Maria just gave a much more basic explanation! Can you tell I was a science teacher?

Problem: How do we send noticifation to those mentioned in the review?

Hypothesis: I predict that annaswirls will give too much detail

Procedure: see above lol
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perks said:
dude, don't worry about it, I was just saying cause I kept seeing it over and over, not just by you, and I actually went to check to see if I spelled it wrong. It's been known to h appen in my posted poetry.

heh, and I spelled it with a j both times, instead of with the g. *laughing* I'm such a dork.

ahhh, the technicalitease of poetry ;) I was reading that, majesty, not majesty over and over, thinking WTF am I missing here??? :rose:

perks, ya know what a dork really is?? a whale penis, lol, now I d love ta see...oh, never mind :)
Maria2394 said:

perks, ya know what a dork really is?? a whale penis, lol, now I d love ta see...oh, never mind :)

of all the people to educate me on whale had to be maria
:rolleyes: :p :kiss:
Tathagata said:
of all the people to educate me on whale had to be maria
:rolleyes: :p :kiss:

oh Tath!! my KIDS told me that lil tidbit of uselesss knowledge, years ago ;) my brain is full of useless knowledge :D

for more lovely stuff, try
Tathagata said:
it's always dark
i sit at the other end
bar dented and rubbed raw from my elbows
two ovals
like eyes staring back at me

I've been sitting at the other end of that bar.
Didn't notice?
Come on down and let me buy you a drink while we wait.:cool:
Maria2394 said:
oh Tath!! my KIDS told me that lil tidbit of uselesss knowledge, years ago ;) my brain is full of useless knowledge :D

for more lovely stuff, try

Did you know a whale's penis has a bone in it? They used to carve dildoes out of them.

tungtied2u said:
I've been sitting at the other end of that bar.
Didn't notice?
Come on down and let me buy you a drink while we wait.:cool:

been there too have ya??

I've been reading Bukowski
The Mutt said:
Did you know a whale's penis has a bone in it? They used to carve dildoes out of them.


OMG!!! I had no idea, but I am naive and trusting, believe almost anything...but you arent kidding are you? ;) so if you give a dork a whale dildo, thast like saying, go F yourself, hehe

I was also informed by my daughters that a whale ejaculates on the average of about 200 gallons of semen per attempt, so ( they told me) that explains why the ocean is salty. now thats a mouthful, eh? :D
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