To keep the review thread clean...

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Maria2394 said:
OMG!!! I had no idea, but I am naive and trusting, believe almost anything...but you arent kidding are you? ;) so if you give a dork a whale dildo, thast like saying, go F yourself, hehe

I was also informed by my daughters that a whale ejaculates on the average of about 200 gallons of semen per attempt, so ( they told me) that explains why the ocean is salty. now thats a mouthful, eh? :D

talk about a boner

and all this time I thought scrimshaw was whale teeth.....
Tathagata said:
talk about a boner

and all this time I thought scrimshaw was whale teeth.....

Speaking of penisaurus, I have a couple of questions:

If, in a story, I described a man's penis as being the size of a bottle of Voss Artesian Water, would you -
a; Know what I was talking about?
b; Run to him or away from him?

I saw a guest on the Dick Cavett show hand a whale's penis bone to a starlet, then tell her what it was. Her response was, "Is that it?"

The Mutt said:
Speaking of penisaurus, I have a couple of questions:

If, in a story, I described a man's penis as being the size of a bottle of Voss Artesian Water, would you -
a; Know what I was talking about?
b; Run to him or away from him?

I saw a guest on the Dick Cavett show hand a whale's penis bone to a starlet, then tell her what it was. Her response was, "Is that it?"


I have to ask, is it artesian whale water?:D

oh hell, I would probably run TO him, it sounds do-able, lol
Maria2394 said:
I have to ask, is it artesian whale water?:D

oh hell, I would probably run TO him, it sounds do-able, lol

All I know is that it comes from Norway and all the European tourists seem to carry them around.

Maria2394 said:
ahhh, the technicalitease of poetry ;) I was reading that, majesty, not majesty over and over, thinking WTF am I missing here??? :rose:

perks, ya know what a dork really is?? a whale penis, lol, now I d love ta see...oh, never mind :)

I actually did know that, I don't understand why my strap on poem is so underrated.
not sure

I hope this is where I can thank TaraBlackwood22 for mentioning my first poem (here not written) and the nice people who left comments.

I will figure this out. Darn newbies are such a pain. I almost made a new thread which would have been real embarassing.

Thank you,

PinkMoon, poet
Welcome back!

WickedEve said:
Tara, thanks for mentioning my box... you know, the mailbox poem. :D

Missed you , your Wickedness. Hope all is well.

He said bowing, and backing away. Spreading rose petals to ease her tread

perks said:
I actually did know that, I don't understand why my strap on poem is so underrated.

you have a strap on poem? Okay, Im off to read it ;)
Re: Welcome back!

tungtied2u said:
Missed you , your Wickedness. Hope all is well.

He said bowing, and backing away. Spreading rose petals to ease her tread

Uhh... thanks a lot. I'll slip on rose petals. I need better traction. Throw out some kitty litter in front of me.
The Mutt said:
Did you know a whale's penis has a bone in it? They used to carve dildoes out of them.


I once worked for a man who had a putter made from a bull's penis. No shit! Since it was essentially leather, it stretched out and formed the handle of the club.

He kept it behind the door of his office and used to bring it out and show it to people, then while they were 'practicing' with it, he would tell them what it was...freaked most people out!

Miss Oatlash said:
I once worked for a man who had a putter made from a bull's penis. No shit! Since it was essentially leather, it stretched out and formed the handle of the club.

He kept it behind the door of his office and used to bring it out and show it to people, then while they were 'practicing' with it, he would tell them what it was...freaked most people out!


Wow!! thats really different I will add that one to my list of penile trivia, it might come in handy if they ever run out of clues on Jeopardy..maybe a Q like that would stump the million dollar genius boy...hehe, i said stump :D

thanks for the info Miss Oatlash, nice crop :rose:
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now Tath, I am shocked at you!! dont go speaking gaelic on me, but I have your umm, member location on a treasure map marked with a big ol T ;) you could never be trivial, in any way, ya big flirt :rose:
Maria2394 said:
Wow!! thats really different I will add that one to my list of penile trivia, it might come in handy if they ever run out of clues on Jeopardy..maybe a Q like that would stump the million dollar genius boy...hehe, i said stump :D

thanks for the info Miss Oatlash, nice crop :rose:


too much stump talk i'm running away!!:D :devil:
Maria2394 said:
now Tath, I am shocked at you!! dont go speaking gaelic on me, but I have your umm, member location on a treasure map marked with a big ol T ;) you could never be trivial, in any way, ya big flirt :rose:

I'm glad some one knows where it is
Miss Oatlash said:
I once worked for a man who had a putter made from a bull's penis. No shit! Since it was essentially leather, it stretched out and formed the handle of the club.

He kept it behind the door of his office and used to bring it out and show it to people, then while they were 'practicing' with it, he would tell them what it was...freaked most people out!

And a bull's penis is known as a "pizzle" ;)
Miss Oatlash said:
I once worked for a man who had a putter made from a bull's penis. No shit! Since it was essentially leather, it stretched out and formed the handle of the club.

He kept it behind the door of his office and used to bring it out and show it to people, then while they were 'practicing' with it, he would tell them what it was...freaked most people out!


And after four strokes, it became a driver.


ty for the mention eve..

and i'm sure i can come up with another way to say wings once or twice to take out the repetition.

perks..i see your point..i can prob fix that problem easy enough too..

and anon fb giver..whoever you are...the fact that birds dont eat monarchs is something i cant fix..a technical difficulty my daughter's technical butt would love you for, as she pointed out the same thing to me when i shared the poem with her..:p

a stranger is one thing, but when your 13 year old tears apart a whole poem with 1 simple little technical thing like milkweed eating monarchs!!:rolleyes:

and you all thought i was a china doll:D

thanks for the feedback!!

cheers!!:kiss: :kiss:

originally posted by WickedEve


talk to me sister,
hold my hand
and walk me to the water.

A friendship poem done the right way.


originally posted by Perks

Angeline by tarablackwood this poem makes me want to grab my inner girl and play at the beach too. Well written.

the plastic pails and shovels
are buried there,
crayola red and blue, hidden
like a squirrel’s chestnuts
for winter.

we can dig away the hunger,
the cold,
the sands
of discontent,
to the shade of big umbrellas,
to curls and cotton candy
and fun house laughter
on the walking boards
of time.


Eve and Perks -- thanks for the mention. :rose: :rose:
My thanks to Syndra Lynn for mentioning Cathederal Grove and thanks, too, to all those who left a comment.

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