To keep the review thread clean...

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annaswirls said:
not sure where to post this:

so we need someone for
Wed (Syn? sorry I don't remember)

is that right?

come on there are so many talented writers out there
(eh hem the ones usually in the reviews)
who would be so so good at it!

Yes it is time consuming but
it is nice to spread the work around so no one gets overwhelmed.
And it always makes the poems sad when no one recognizes them. :(

I am helping Neo on Sundays as there seem to be a million poems on Sunday
and will fill in when needed--as I have done
will do the purple poems on Thursday, damn gotta write one

so who's it gonna be...

[color=royal blue] no hiding on another thread...[/color]:cool:

come on writers.....closer, closer :kiss:

and remember if the review thread dies...
yours won't be reviewed either...

the founding mothers (god how I love them!) need a break--
lets step up to the call of duty!

:heart: :heart: :heart:


Anna........let me talk to Tath tomorrow.....if I can convince him to split a day (I don't know which one yet)......that's a possibility.

this is my baby, he really misses the kids and is a huge baby...just laying there limply...poor thing
echoes_s said:
this is my baby, he really misses the kids and is a huge baby...just laying there limply...poor thing

awwwww poor thing..he looks like he needs some zoloft.
it would sound really bad if i said to just pet and love on your kitty hah!
Angeline said:
She wrote a poem!
Only 12 and she
wrote a poem, said

What do you think, Mom?

She rhymed
unconventional rhyme,
and drew images
distinct, vignettes
that made me feel her.

I saw her on the patio,
studying her shadow
and seeing metaphors
for friendship,
for lonliness.

I cried
because it is good,
because my babies
are writers, artists,
my babies love to dance
with language,

and I never
really thought of all
those years of stories
and words until today,
when it seems like a mural,
vast and full of color
but small
with their moments
of listening.

Hey Ange, my daughter wrote a poem for me, she was nine then. Let me go see if i can find it, and she loves writing son is going to be the painter though, he has this from me and he just turned 10, the pictures he is painting, the imagination astounds me. i love it that i could give something of myself to them, passing it down, my mother used to write long ago...but she threw them all out. i wish she would write now, it might help her...
echoes_s said:
Hey Ange, my daughter wrote a poem for me, she was nine then. Let me go see if i can find it, and she loves writing son is going to be the painter though, he has this from me and he just turned 10, the pictures he is painting, the imagination astounds me. i love it that i could give something of myself to them, passing it down, my mother used to write long ago...but she threw them all out. i wish she would write now, it might help her...


finally, the kitchen is completely done! Just waiting for the curing, then everything goes up !

...and don't think i am waiting 30 days either to do this!!

bathroom half done, had to patch a huge hole after i tore off all the wallpaper...surprise! :D

lol, kids rooms are almost clean, geesh;) :eek:
dang doubledy double

I will put the new poems in one of these windows, sorry

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New Poems

are not up yet and Seattle only has a few hours this morning to do them-- so they might be um delayed

partee at her house tomorrow gotta clean (what???)

so purple poet-eers, hang on I will grab em when they poke their heads out of the dirty dirt of literotica like purple clover and heliotrope


:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Thanks to Seattle for her lovely review of my "Lavender Spike" and for not swatting me because I posted it a day early.

Sending more thanks 'n stuff out to Perks, Tess, Tara, Maria and Ange for their kind words.:rose: :kiss:

Ange, the spike thing was just a coincidence...really. :p ;)
Vampiric_Mirage said:
The world shakes
falls apart
a child is lost...
an accident
noone is to blame
look how it flies
amongst loved ones
on wings of guilt
lashing out
trying to hurt themselves...
I look from the distance
trying not to be near
I feel her tears
hear her screams
I am standing there...
I am far away from myself
curled in a ball
hoping the world would disappear...
& I am not even them
at her house
in her heart
I am a stranger
a friend of a friend
I have no reason to shed these tears

says who??:kiss: :kiss:

edited to say; sorry..i forgot what thread i was on:eek:
dangit anna banana, ya shamed me into it. I will take mondays reviews if not grabbed already, okay? BUT, if someone submits a form poem, remember, I am a formless dummy and I probaly will say, I know its a form, but I dont know exactly what form, okay? :)

Lauren, thanks for the mention :rose:

and ee, yours was my favorite of the day too :) I put it on my list, it made me feel like I could fly and thats a wonderful feeling

there were so many good ones posted I am still reading them, and Lauren is so right about mentioning poems, if you have one you liked, you CAN mention it yourself, that would be cool with everyone here I am sure, and if its not, they can just go suck it!!! I was all prepared to do that if LH had skipped when the trees are full...

so poets, be wary, I might not be so great to sart, but you do have permission to spank when necessary, and even when not...its a good incentive you know :devil:
WickedEve said:
I called dell yesterday morning because my computer sounded weird like buzzzz uhhhh eeeee click click beeeeep! I'm not kidding. But I was on hold so long that I hung up. So what's wrong with my computer?

We didn't learn buzzzz uhhhh eeeee click click beeeeep yet, but I think you probably need to buy some new stuff. Maybe a lot. Let me figure my commission first. ) And they don't make vibrators, but if they did they'd be digital and and play over 300 songs, lol.


And Tath, what a troubleshooter you are, heehee.

I came into this thread to thank Lauren and Annaswirly for mentioning my poems Lavender Trumpet and Seaside Midsummer. I kept looking at Anna's challenge and I couldn't get an idea and then I thought of trumpeter swans and Yeats, and oh I love Yeats. And thank you Tara for all your Joisey beach memories, which inspire my poems. Seaside is not just by the side of the sea--it's a honky tonk little joisey shore town that both Tara and Anna know. ;)

Thanks all for the comments. You are all so kind; I sure do like you poets.

Maria2394 said:
dangit anna banana, ya shamed me into it. I will take mondays reviews if not grabbed already, okay? BUT, if someone submits a form poem, remember, I am a formless dummy and I probaly will say, I know its a form, but I dont know exactly what form, okay? :)

Lauren, thanks for the mention :rose:

and ee, yours was my favorite of the day too :) I put it on my list, it made me feel like I could fly and thats a wonderful feeling

there were so many good ones posted I am still reading them, and Lauren is so right about mentioning poems, if you have one you liked, you CAN mention it yourself, that would be cool with everyone here I am sure, and if its not, they can just go suck it!!! I was all prepared to do that if LH had skipped when the trees are full...

so poets, be wary, I might not be so great to sart, but you do have permission to spank when necessary, and even when not...its a good incentive you know :devil:

*hands in pockets and eyes on my shoes*

Thanks Maria.
Angeline said:
It was a black and white day,
no impressionist strokes
swept sky and hour.
The day was condensed
on screens, alpha-numeric
insectile fine print whirred
across moments.

Town was gray,
rain falling steady
but listless, not
enough gumption
to pelt or stream,

then Milton, Miller,
Dickens and Joyce
bubbled up. The construct
of language laughed at itself.

Nice one Ange. I'll save it for my next rainy day.

Jazz played. 1930s Chicago
paraded past the kitchen.
You gestured, scratched
your knee, spun stories.

Poems fall from far away
into our eyes. You say
it's the music. And yes.
Art weaves through notes
into the heart of the house
like the cliffhanger spider
makes her home
on the ceiling here.


Birdsong and minor keys
and words in spaces
between the sounds.
tungtied2u said:

Nothing like a little jazz and literature to bring the sun out--even on a rainy night.

And you would have loved this radio show--everything from King Oliver to Lester Young and Teddy Wilson. It mellowed me right out. :)

Angeline said:
Nothing like a little jazz and literature to bring the sun out--even on a rainy night.

And you would have loved this radio show--everything from King Oliver to Lester Young and Teddy Wilson. It mellowed me right out. :)


You mean you're not always this mellow?:cool:
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