To keep the review thread clean...

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Liar said:
Just wanted to say thanks for the mentions in the new poem's thread, to the ppl who commented on them. They are my lowest scoring poems for quite a while (not because of low-balling 1 trolls I might add, it looks like honest votes), once again confirming that I'll never be able to forecast reader reactions. :)

But no, I don't care. Like Maria said, comments and feedback is what counts. I connected with some of you out there, and that's what matters.

And an extra :rose: to perks and Euminedes for the comments you've been shoveling out lately on quite a lot of poems. Not only "this is a nice poem" comments, but actual critisism, even on what and why you like.

I'd do that too, if I had brains for brains.


i agree with liar..a few of you have been giving more feedback that's been very helpful with cleaning up the poems..
i'm glad for the honest feedback!
If all I wanted was, "It was great. You are wonderful!", I'd send the poems to my Mother. Criticism is useful and helpful. But I know the reviewers have tons of poems to read and not a lot of time. I'm happy just to be mentioned. I count on all of the readers to comment. And vote!


to anyone who I have offended, I am sorry. I didnt mean to be bitchy earlier, I just feel like crap. Tath, in no way have I ever been upset with your reviews. YOu are diligent and help anyone who asks you. You are an honest intelligent fair critic who reviews with best intentions in mind. So is everyone else here, and thats why the "inner circle" thing just bugs me too.

If I had to name an group of people on here who seemed to stick together and help, it would be most of the poets who frequent this board. I think thats why so many people come and stay. I have learned so much, and the criticicm that is hardest to take is usually the stuff that a person really should listen to.

Eve always tells me when I need to change something and when it is messy, that too, and Perks and Eumenidies( please forgive me for butchering your name) always have given me great FB, so has angeline, rybka and OT...and Liar, and lauren and anna and neo and tara and some of th eothers I just barely know send me tips and notes and fool never ceases to inspire me and boo, see what I mean.. you people are my family kinda and I appreciate you all and yes, I like the good job and way to go FB, everyone does, but I dont want someone telling me my poem is awesome when the meter sucks or I have a dozen misspellings or it just doesnt make sense, I am here to learn how to be a good enough writer to maybe try to publish and I am not embarrassed to admit it.

Im feeling really mortal and really old right now, so forgive me. I'll go away and leave ya'll alone ;)

eve, is your av a pic of your knee from the inside? it kinda looks like when my hubby has his meniscus repaird..( I bet I just said something stupid, hehe, oh well)
June nominees in poetry

Erotic Poetry – Elizabeth dreams... / Tathagata
Illustrated Poetry – gilded cage / minsue
Non-Erotic Poetry – Nothing / Angeline
Poetry With Audio – Lullaby / Liar


I copied this off Laurel's contest thread, didnt se a need to start a new one, but I wanted to post this so we could all say, congrats to the June nominees!!

so, congrats, Liar, Angeline, Minsue and Tathagata for poems that well deserve the honors, way to go :rose:
perks said:
* cyber sex all around* and I raaaaaaise.

mmmm. I need a cigarette. was it good for you all? was lauren involved?

i have to go back to sleep now. it's not fair. ee gets to watch conan o'brien.

Re: Hi everybody!

Fastidious Kinky said:
Watch me dance
'round poles of brass
in heels as tall as trees

Slip me some cash
I'll shake my ass
you don't need to say please

I'll tease and flirt
and lift my skirt
and suck your wallet dry

Go forth and sin
come back again
give me another try

You never know
I just might go
right home with you tonite

I think you'll find
your wife won't mind
she works here Friday nights!

totally kinky cool!! loved this ;)
a long weekend

I am beginning to wonder if the Friday-Saturday vacation from new poems will be the standard....

I will be out of town and can review when I get back but it will be late Sunday night.

Re: a long weekend

annaswirls said:
I am beginning to wonder if the Friday-Saturday vacation from new poems will be the standard....

I will be out of town and can review when I get back but it will be late Sunday night.

if they don't come out tomorrow, I'll be checking the list out on Sunday morning too! tag team, sugahbaby.
Thanks Perks!

I can't stop thinking about your demons question


they have been poking at me with their various sharp objects ever since saying PICK ME PICK ME I am making them prove their demon-powers one at a time since there seem to be so many of them. Perhaps I should make them answer some trivia about my past, see which one was responsible for my many failings :)

-me, no ME....:rolleyes:
A huge thank you

to Tath, and Eve

for their very kind comments on my Ode To An Alien.

Also, everybody who commented publicly on the poem:
I really appreciate it!

*Muah* *Muah* and one more *muah*

:heart: :heart: :heart:
Re: A huge thank you

denis hale said:
to Tath, and Eve

for their very kind comments on my Ode To An Alien.

Also, everybody who commented publicly on the poem:
I really appreciate it!

*Muah* *Muah* and one more *muah*

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Don't kiss me man
you been eatin onions...


You're welcome it was awesome poem
annaswirls said:
Thanks Perks!

I can't stop thinking about your demons question


they have been poking at me with their various sharp objects ever since saying PICK ME PICK ME I am making them prove their demon-powers one at a time since there seem to be so many of them. Perhaps I should make them answer some trivia about my past, see which one was responsible for my many failings :)

-me, no ME....:rolleyes:
I've locked mine up with garbage ties this evening, and am going down the fallen wagon road. Not that I was on it to begin with, but I'm out for the evening, hopefully tomorrow won't be hang over critiquing or my inbox will definitely be full of hate mail, moreso than usual. I must be a glutton for punishment, daring to critique art with logic, education and experience. <the last sentence was not directed at you, but my latest hate mail.>

Anyway, I'm gonna go do the drinky drinky thing and play drunky girl for the night. w00t w00t.
Eternal Thanks....

to those who pulled my first submissions out of the plethora of amazing poems available and commented on them here. i've been writing poetry much longer than i've been writing erotica, but for some reason the act of posting my poems here was a much larger leap of faith. you have all been very very kind, and i will post more.... (3 more are pending right now)

i can tell this is quite a fertile incubator of poets and i will learn much from all of you.

:rose: trendyredhead
Re: Eternal Thanks....

trendyredhead said:
to those who pulled my first submissions out of the plethora of amazing poems available and commented on them here. i've been writing poetry much longer than i've been writing erotica, but for some reason the act of posting my poems here was a much larger leap of faith. you have all been very very kind, and i will post more.... (3 more are pending right now)

i can tell this is quite a fertile incubator of poets and i will learn much from all of you.

:rose: trendyredhead

"Lost and Found" was a marvelous piece of writing. :rose:
Tungtied: I liked seeing your political passions added to the various mix of erotic and literary passions on this thread.

Angeline: I am a fan of Dorothy Parker. She has some poignant, biting poems, but my favorite piece of her is a short story entitled: "A Telephone Call" (your recent poem reminded me of this story).
Sappholovers said:
Tungtied: I liked seeing your political passions added to the various mix of erotic and literary passions on this thread.

Angeline: I am a fan of Dorothy Parker. She has some poignant, biting poems, but my favorite piece of her is a short story entitled: "A Telephone Call" (your recent poem reminded me of this story).

I know the story well (as I mentioned in our crossing messages, lol). I love DP, and to have written something that brings her to a reader's mind her is humbling. Thank you so much.

Sappholovers said:
Tungtied: I liked seeing your political passions added to the various mix of erotic and literary passions on this thread.

Angeline: I am a fan of Dorothy Parker. She has some poignant, biting poems, but my favorite piece of her is a short story entitled: "A Telephone Call" (your recent poem reminded me of this story).

Thank you. As this important election nears, I 'm sure to post more. Hope you don't regret your words.:cool: TT2U
Tathagata said:
I opened the wall
where the cask of amotiado was locked
with you
and the memories of you

sweet wine of knowledge
all encompassing blessings
I wanted to find a skeleton

but there you were
with wine stained lips
looking ripe and lush
the same
how can that be??

i bricked you in with anger
and doubt
and hurt
mortered with shame
and embarresment

and yet
undead you are
the same
oh the same
as the last day i saw you
heard you
loved you

you opened the cask
and let loose the words and letters
promises made in wet nights
of eternity
stars spread like a scattered laugh
and we watched it skip like a pond stone
across heaven

and now
hollow echoes
but still
those shadows dance
so real
take my hand and lead me down
those autumn paths
the crunching of my heart
like brittle leaves

you were put away
i just didnt realize
you were a museum piece
safeguarded aginst erosion and damage
can i take back what was
a fleeting
unscripted brush
with karma?

thse shadows merge again
in our words
and rememberances
and i feel
you there
inside me
bihind the wall
with the amontiado

forgive spelling and syntax
was done in a hurry

it's all of a sudden for a reason.

I liked that a lot, Tath.
Tathagata said:
is a forced march
to make myself
act and seem and pretend
that it doesnt matter

poetry and chatter
a dropcloth
to hide the hole

you didn't mean it
morals of exclusion
guilt of suburbia
worm their way in

you say i seem better
my poor baby
the one person
i never wore a mask for
is now fooled
by a false smile
of apathy


Syndra Lynn said:

a different kiss by echoes_s is a wonderful piece of poetry.

and another- the other side of the specter

Widow's peak is also a beautiful read. Great work, E!

You ARE prolific today! I found another stunner.
good morning


Hope your Wednesday is wonderful and poetic.


Syn :kiss: [/B]

Thank you Syn, for your wonderful reviews and pc's, and i am sorry it took me so long to thank you.

as well, thank you Eve, Tara, Syn, fawnie, twelveoone, tungtied2u, and Maria for your helpful pointers, questions, and comments.

i am sorry i have not been around, i have been painting the whole inside of my house, all rooms and ceilings, decorating.

Congratulations also to Tathagata, minsue, Angeline, Liar...your poetry shines so strong. :heart:
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