To keep the review thread clean...

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thanks much for the mention....

an old pilot once told me....gravity is the brake that keeps us from experience of time all at once...take care/blue
maria and perks
:rose: and :rose:
for your mentions
of my new poems
today and yesterday

many thanx

now, if you excuse me, I gotta go find my gun
I've got a duel coming up
Thanks for the mention! But what'd you mean, "I can't believe this didn't get an "E" "?

New and confused,

DeepAsleep said:
Thanks for the mention! But what'd you mean, "I can't believe this didn't get an "E" "?

New and confused,


If your poem catches the eye of The Powers That Be (premably the Literotic editors) an "E" appears beside it when it's added to the New Poems.
originally posted by Maria2394

okay, first up-

the going of goodness

when the moment comes
for spirits of blood
to cut their crimson cords,
there can be no lasting sadness...

an excellent sort of philosophical poem, which makes many good points with eloquent language. enjoyed this poem immensley!


:rose: Thank you, angel Maria. :kiss:
Re: NEW POEMS Tues. 7/20

tarablackwood22 said:
TUESDAY REVIEWS (plus a few from Monday).

Good morning!

Like Maria yesterday, I assume that Lauren is going to handle all the "Hyper" poems, so I will not touch on those.

There are only 8 new poems today other than those, only 2 of which caught my eye
You were a bit of an early bird there Tara, now there are approx 20 more poems there that are not hypersonnets.

I have to work now, if noone else steps in until tonight, I'll have a peek at them later.

Re: Re: NEW POEMS Tues. 7/20

Liar said:
You were a bit of an early bird there Tara, now there are approx 20 more poems there that are not hypersonnets.

I have to work now, if noone else steps in until tonight, I'll have a peek at them later.


Damn. :mad:

Thanks, Liar.

Look back later -- if Tath and I can't do them by tonight, them have a go at them. :kiss:

:rose: :rose:
Re: NEW POEMS Tues. 7/20

Maria2394 said:
I believe that the hyper poems are meant for Lauren to review and although I have adored every one of them I have read so far I am leaving them for the Hyper poet reviews, okay? nothing personal, I just dont know what a hypersonnet is!! and how would I know if its good, other than I just like them, so thats not a fair review, is it?
tarablackwood22 said:
Like Maria yesterday, I assume that Lauren is going to handle all the "Hyper" poems, so I will not touch on those.
I'm going to read and review the hyperchallenge hypersonnets later today or early tomorrow at the very latest, but just for future reference, I would like to say that my understanding was always that the New Poems thread function as a repository of the day's favourite poems, regardless of author or origin. Being integrated in a local challenge should come with no guarantee of a special mentioned, as far as this thread is concerned.

Last time I made my reviews, a lot of Purple Challenge poems were posted. I read all the poems that day, including the purple ones, and simply recommended the ones I liked, without paying particular attention to them being part of the challenge or not.

That being said, I'll read the 16 hyperpoems and make my reading recommendation for this thread on the basis of what I liked - as poems, and not as responses to a challenge I issued. The only place where I'll be mentioning them all is in the hyperchallenge thread.
Lauren, thanks for clearing that up, but now I feel like a giant squishy turd for not mentioning those wonderful poems. I just didnt want to step on anybody's reviewing toes. So my deepest apologies for not "going there" when I should have.
And thanks Tara for picking up my slack, Im just not so good at this reviewing thing yet :(
I must say that I felt very lucky to have so many wonderful poems to "have" to read yesterday, it was an awesome pleasure :)
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Tara, thanks for the mention of Mama's Dishes, youre a real sweetie :)

I was soo worried about that poem, its one I carried around inside me for such a long time, didnt know exactly where I wanted to start or end and my daughter pointed out that, "mama, it sounds like theres more to this poem than just dishes, " shes a smart kid, there is a LOT more than just dishes and my hubby said it sounded like a dark poem, he didnt like it but wouldnt come out and say so, he still thinks a poem must rhyme, And one commenter said it sounded lke prose, and I think I agree with her.

Anyway!!!.... this is for Eve

Clemson Spineless Okra is a variety developed right here in SC I believe, at Clemson University where they have an amazing agricultural college, and shasta daisies are perennials, I plant them one year and they sprout , but I have to wait 2 years for flowers, but the re emerge and flower from then on. You can even mow them down and that doesnt stop them from coming back the next year :) I am pretty lucky that anything grows in that spot, it is truly a hell hole but I shouldnt complain should I? :rose:

oh yeah,. normally I dont capitalize much of anything, but spell check insisted and I didnt feel lke fighting with it :eek:

thanks ya'll for reading and commenting, it means a lot to me:heart:
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To those who have read, reviewed, voted or commented on my submissions... THANK YOU!

I have been fighting with my keyboard and staring at blank sheets of paper for so long that I have forgotten what my voice sounds like. So, with a smattering of fear and hope, (after sitting silently on the sidelines for months), I submitted a handful of poems.

The response has overwhelmed me. From effusive flattery, to being chided for slipping to the cliche, to realizing the amount of time spent critiquing my work, to folks willing to send me emails, I am reinspired... or at least willing to battle my fears! I know of no other way to repay this kindness than to continue to share my feeble attempts to chase that cruel mistress disguised as a muse!

Before I close, I noticed that several people commented on the metaphor "tiny glass eggs". It was one of those gifts of serendipity. I wrote it with one thought in mind, only to discover that the three words conjured up much more than I realized. (That cruel mistress was kind that day!). Tiny glass eggs are indeed fragile, and like something from the "Glass Menagerie", impossible to glue back together. They are indeed memories, and hopes, and promise, and childhood dreams.

But, have you noticed how much a tear seems to resemble them?

Thank you, again.
Re: Re: NEW POEMS Tues. 7/20

Lauren Hynde said:
I'm going to read and review the hyperchallenge hypersonnets later today or early tomorrow at the very latest, but just for future reference, I would like to say that my understanding was always that the New Poems thread function as a repository of the day's favourite poems, regardless of author or origin. Being integrated in a local challenge should come with no guarantee of a special mentioned, as far as this thread is concerned.

Last time I made my reviews, a lot of Purple Challenge poems were posted. I read all the poems that day, including the purple ones, and simply recommended the ones I liked, without paying particular attention to them being part of the challenge or not.

That being said, I'll read the 16 hyperpoems and make my reading recommendation for this thread on the basis of what I liked - as poems, and not as responses to a challenge I issued. The only place where I'll be mentioning them all is in the hyperchallenge thread.

Lauren -- sorry for the misunderstanding. That just seemed to me like the way it has been done since I've been here.

Your interpretation makes sense to me -- my reviews from now on will include ALL the day's poetry. :rose: :rose:
Many Thanks

Just wanted to thank Tathagata, Sandspike and Fawnie for the kind comments on Leaving Compensetory Prison

My son has come home from public school and I am immersed in studying and trying to show him that learning is life long fun. We still have a long row to hoe but I am beginning to see some light.

Bright Blessings to all and Many Thanks for reading

Syn :kiss:
Lauren Hynde said:
Just my own interpretation. ;)

What the hell are those? :eek:

they must be the ones connected to the size 8 foot that I usually have lodged in my mouth ;)

and, I was gonna PM you, but my screen froze up, I just wanted to tell you, I really admire your strength, its something I wish I had, well, not YOURS, but my own version of yours, I am trying to grow out of this wimpiness I seem to have had instilled into me when I was just a young'un. I will also review all the poems in the future, however, just cause I didnt mention them all, doesnt mean I didnt read them and vote. I just thought that since, it seemed to usually work out that way, like with the ghost challenge, and the purple pain and most of the others, I didnt want to offend anyone by making it seem like I thought I was la critique supreme and had reign over the hypers that might have been posted early, In fact, I do not think I am fit to review anyones peoms, yet, but since no one has complained and i havent had any hate mail yet, I will keep on doing my best... love ya'll, see you next monday :heart:

PS, Liar, I didnt mean to hurt your brain with that crappy little phrase, :D and

Tath and tara, thaks for the mentions of Hell Hole and Mama's dishes :) :rose:
Thanks Syn for mentioning 5 Corners.
And a belated thanks to all who commented on " Mad Poet" Everytime I sat down to send out individual thank you's something came up
Thank you all very much
Re: Re: NEW POEMS Tues. 7/20

Lauren Hynde said:
I'm going to read and review the hyperchallenge hypersonnets later today or early tomorrow at the very latest, but just for future reference, I would like to say that my understanding was always that the New Poems thread function as a repository of the day's favourite poems, regardless of author or origin. Being integrated in a local challenge should come with no guarantee of a special mentioned, as far as this thread is concerned.

Last time I made my reviews, a lot of Purple Challenge poems were posted. I read all the poems that day, including the purple ones, and simply recommended the ones I liked, without paying particular attention to them being part of the challenge or not.

That being said, I'll read the 16 hyperpoems and make my reading recommendation for this thread on the basis of what I liked - as poems, and not as responses to a challenge I issued. The only place where I'll be mentioning them all is in the hyperchallenge thread.

hmmm a lot of misunderstanding here, I think I started it! I thought that is how we did it so the reviewer did not get bombarded since there are always a zillion poems to review... oops my fault...

but really I think I will blame it on Tess, I think she started it the first challenge I was here for. Where are her toes, I wanna stomp em


T- thanks for mentioning my poem things yesterday-- and to y'all for your comments on my whickity whacked poem that I was too embarassed to post. hmmm maybe I need to use my insanity more often.

I still do not know when a 3 legged dog first realizes that he has lost his lifting leg.

talking about my own poems lol

Making Hay?

I read this poem a hundred times and today I realize I used the word "pinch" three times. THREE TIMES in one poem. oy vey

and before reading my posted poem,
I gave myself a 3 for the poem in the *voting* part
(instead of the meaningless comment thermometer)

and now I say:

you deserve the 3 girly, you pinched 3 times in one poem!


And Tara, I wrote the wedding poem as a prosey journal rant
(it actually got really ugly-- fuckin' this and goddamn that) about 3 years ago.

I turned it into a poem a couple of weeks ago.

oh I did not read this at the wedding, I guess I should send it to them--

I read an appropriately sappy love poem I wrote a few days before the event

lol I will have to dig it up and post it.


Re: Re: Re: NEW POEMS Tues. 7/20

annaswirls said:
hmmm a lot of misunderstanding here, I think I started it! I thought that is how we did it so the reviewer did not get bombarded since there are always a zillion poems to review... oops my fault...

but really I think I will blame it on Tess, I think she started it the first challenge I was here for. Where are her toes, I wanna stomp em



alright miss anna, if ytou stomp tess' toes, I will bite your nose, shes too nice to stomp on!!!!! and I doubt a 3 legged dog even gives a rats ass and he prolly just pees wherever and however he can :p that really was a cute poem, i bet seattle put you up to it didnt she?

ehy, winyah gonna do that thing you told me about? giggles, I like secrets, no, not sucrets, ooohh, theyre good too and who invented artificial cherry flavor, its nasty, tastes nothing like cherries at all... :eek:
Thank you...

maria, tristees and perks for your feedback on Hyperion.
It was my first shot at a sonnet (obviously), and I decided it would be a good exercise.
I appreciate you and all the others who took the time to read.

Re: Re: Re: NEW POEMS Tues. 7/20

annaswirls said:
hmmm a lot of misunderstanding here, I think I started it! I thought that is how we did it so the reviewer did not get bombarded since there are always a zillion poems to review... oops my fault...

but really I think I will blame it on Tess, I think she started it the first challenge I was here for. Where are her toes, I wanna stomp em


Oh, I know. I think it's a good idea to give the regular reviewer a help.

I just don't think that help should fall exclusively on the challenge poems. ;)

Again, just my own understanding. :rose:
New Poems Review

Thank you Syndra for the mention in the new poems thread, as well as maria and tathagata for your feedback.
Syn, it's nice to see your voice around here. Miss you when you aren't here.
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