To keep the review thread clean...

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neonurotic said:
Is that you? :) had such nice memories. Mine were of greasy green, gobblins under my bed with stretchy long arms that would grab my hand if I slept with my arm on the edge.

Now here I'm 27 and still can't sleep with my hand off the side of the bed ;)

- neo
that confession
was all in
your imagination

Yep, it's me.

My sister and I had bunk beds. I slept on the top bunk and she would torment me by kicking the bottom of my mattress. I would retaliate by waiting until she was almost asleep and fling my upper body over the side of the bunk, saying "arrrrrgh."

We were sweet little girls.

Reltne said:
Of Angeline's three, my favorite is Her Shadow Speaks which is vintage Angeline in image quality, flow, and evocative memories.
- How did she know? How did she find me? I changed my name when I left the island and sold it to Michael Jackson. :)

Reltne (aka Pete)

One good thing about pain, when it hits you face the music.

~ Mob Barley

Nice quote there, Mob.

Thank you for your comment here and your public comment. I was standing out on the deck the other night looking at the trees and sky, and my shadow told me to write the poem. :)

And if Michael's on that island now, I may have to ally myself with Captain Hook.

Re: Sunday, September 19

Angeline said:
His other poem, Equilibrium Intruded, which he claims to have writ on a long mind-numbing work night, is a wild tour de force of a brain fart. It gets a big, meaningless A from me.
Nuh-huh! 's not meaningless at all. It had me doing a little silly jig of glee. :D There are not many whose seal of approval would mean more to me than yours.
Re: Re: Sunday, September 19

Liar said:
Nuh-huh! 's not meaningless at all. It had me doing a little silly jig of glee. :D There are not many whose seal of approval would mean more to me than yours.

Well uh blush. Thank you.

Angeline said:

Finally, I love PatCarrington's poem, Eagle Eyes, and not just cause of the title either. ;) It's a beautiful piece, filled with strong imagery that speaks to the senses, and is presented (which I--technical dope--cannot recreate here) so as to suggest the soaring flight of an eagle.

and survive. The birth of earth and flight,
the nutrition of time and stomach, are

to remember and cherish,
to flaunt,
to burn the air.



thank you, ange :rose:
ooh are we rebelling and putting our thanks and chatter here! Can I join in!!!!

Thanks Ang for your comments on my poem things. I put a pic of the fist on the pic-a-thon. I have a whole series of mannequin shots I plan to put in my next Envy site.

Thanks again for taking Sunday!

Remember I am here to jump in if anyone needs a day. It just might be later in the day.

Take care!
Re: 9-16 New Poems

WickedEve said:
Hello lovely poets. I believe there are only 15 new poems today, unless a few more are added later. I'll check later just incase. You know, I've really missed being on the board, but life has been hectic. Hey, check out the av. I think I finally got my brown hair back. Monkey, B.B., sorry, no more red. ;) Okay, poems...

First is Razz with Amaranthine
slight ripples in turgidity, flesh really
swaying boughs as the whipping
wind rakes the greened leaf
veined and raised those welted

This poem is listed as non erotic but it seems very erotic to me. Razz, I love the repetition of Taken. This is definitely a very nice poem.


Oops Just saw the mention Thanks Eve for that

Not here as much but still a treat to read all the wonderful poems posted here

Razz :p :p
WickedEve said:

Next is lostandfounder with Reflection in a Night Window which offers us a fascinating drawing, with words like "Why does he look so mad?"

Belated thanks for the mention WickedEve! Sorry it took so long for me to say it!

Angeline said:
There are also two wonderful poems from lostandfounder. I really like them both, so can't recommend one over the other, so just read them both. Hell, it's Sunday--what else are you doing? :D

The two poems sort of work together. Help Me is an urgent cry of a write, begging for release from too much what? World, life I think. We've all been there and can relate, I'm sure.

That energy segues into the turning away of Apathy, which explains the poet's desparate need for diversion, and tells the reader where it all ends up. There are some interesting things happening with presentation here, too, which layers meaning. This is a rather spare poem, but very touching imho.

Thank you for the kind words Angeline! You are more than generous. Thanks to all who voted and commented! It's always so very cool to get feedback of any kind!:D

The first poem on the list is Tathagata's Morphine Rain , which our master of letters decided deserves an E. I do not agree, but that's nothing new. The only E I can remember agreeing with was Angeline's Nightingale.

I love Tath's work, but in my opinion, this is not a good effort from him. I read a poem from him last week that needed an E next to it. Here it is. Mad Poet: Lynn Mass. 1980's

This poem has some nice moments, particularly the final stanza, but there are so many hyphen and formatting errors (I count a dozen or so), and some hazy imagery not typical of Tath.

All in all, it is certainly well worth reading.

I want to thank you Tara, not only for the mention but also for your honesty .
I have called Tara a hyphen Nazi in the past because she keeps harping on the the importance of formatting if I plan to submit work anywhere :D
I made point of trying to get this in on Tuesday because, since she's not going to be around for a couple of weeks, I wanted to have her opinion on this piece.
and she was right.
Tara has given me nothing but help and encouragement since coming here and, if you notice. my work has grown in many ways. I have asked Tara to always be honest with me and she has...Never to be mean...and I never take it that way.
I was very proud of this poem when it's fixed, I can be even more proud...because it will be correct.
I'll miss you for two weeks Tara and because the fates never show their hand I wanted to thank you for everything while I'm here to do it.
You have made me a better poet, and a better person by your presence here...and I know I'm not alone in those sentiments.
Travel well
be safe...and hurry home.

Slan Go Foill
:kiss: :heart: :rose:
Last edited:
Angeline said:
The first poem on the list is Tathagata's Morphine Rain , which our master of letters decided deserves an E. I do not agree, but that's nothing new. The only E I can remember agreeing with was Angeline's Nightingale.

I love Tath's work, but in my opinion, this is not a good effort from him. I read a poem from him last week that needed an E next to it. Here it is. Mad Poet: Lynn Mass. 1980's

Thank you sweety. I kinda feel that way about Eve's Into the Mountains--anyone who hasn't read it should. Now. lol.

And I'd have given 5 Es to Tath's Mad Poet poem. It's an incredible piece of writing, obviously written by a mad monkey--er poet.


:kiss:'d go
is that good??

thank you Ange
Tathagata said:'d go
is that good??

thank you Ange

Well, when you put it *that* way--maybe not, lol. I don't believe that particular sound is in my repetoire, but I did love the poem.

You're welcome.

jean and tara - thank you for the mention of my poems in your reviews.

jean, these thanks are belated. i apologize for that. :rose:
PatCarrington said:
jean and tara - thank you for the mention of my poems in your reviews.

jean, these thanks are belated. i apologize for that. :rose:

ohh, my reviews were late, and I apologize for that!! :rose:
Thanks for the mention of Dragon Princess, Neo. Back to my old, lyrical, rhyming ways for this one. I'll be heading to the pub for more Denizen inspiration.
Re: Tuesday's Reviews

tarablackwood22 said:
[. . .]Early Freeze by champagne1982 is a beautifully-written poem about an early September frost, superbly handled by the poet in terse and controlled language. A MUST READ.

Did the aurora dance gleefully
across the starlit sky,
as the cold front slipped in beneath
the glowing mantle
flung across her shoulders?
[. . .]
Thankyou, for those wonderful words and taking the time to review each week, Tara.

Thanks to everyone, as well, for your comments and thoughts on this poem. I felt it was time to post a piece or two that've been languishing on my newly formatted 'puter. :cool: I'm glad you all enjoyed it.
Thank you neo...

for the mention of What Madness....and to all those who read and commented.

thank you for the mention of one wisch, neo :rose:

it came out misspelled on the posting, it is wisch, german, meaning scrap of paper, rag... but I guess wish works too :)
Thank you neo and those of you who commented. One Window means a lot to me--I am very glad you like it.

thanks for the mention neo, and for the comments. poem inspired by a manipulated photo. I am inspired by your recommendations to go back and read the poems posted yesterday.... I passed out as soon as my husband got home! just woke up.

Re: Wednesday, Sept 22—New Poems

neonurotic said:
Morning Poets -

Dragon Princess by The Mutt ©
Is a fairy tale-like narrative poem with colorful, textured language.

- neo

I've cried everytime I've read this one.

Just biased, but God I love my friends!!!!!!!
neonurotic said:
Before The Inhale by Liar ©
On two occasions I had to refer to my trusty pop-up Webster in this potent hard-as-a-rock tactile imagery poem. (The bold, "diabase" is now added to my vocab) ;)
Thanks for the nod, neo. It makes me an itsy bitsy bit proud to be able to extend the vocabulary of a native anglo speaker. :)

And a big thanks to all you who voted, commented and mailed me. You constantly surprise me when it comes to which poem that hits the bulls-eye and not.

Allright, Thursdays are now mine, and there seems to be some 20 poems on the list, so that seems to be no problem. I'll off for dinner, and will return within not too long.

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