To keep the review thread clean...

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Thanks to neo for the mention, and to everyone that read, voted, commented or otherwise acknowledged "iroquois arbor". And neo is right on that i get too little play! Many's the time I have been forced to play with myself!
23 new poems that I have not read are waiting on me to read them. I will do it... later. Then I'll do a review/mention. I haven't been here lately, and I haven't read any of the new poems for days, so it'll just take me awhile to get back into the swing of things. Be patient with me. :)
Thanks neo for your mention of NO Escape.And also thank you to those who read and commented.
BlueskyBeauty said:
am i that predictable??..

i don't do well disguising myself ..:rolleyes:

good thing my psycho bitch moved on:eek:

:kiss: :kiss:

You've a style all your own, sweets. :rose:
Thank you

Mourning Misty Murder by Reltne
Another concise and well balanced little poem. A swift but blear picture of a before-and-after scenario where the reader's imagination gladly fills in all the blanks.
Thank you for the mention, Liar. :)
I am not sure about "blear" ;) but will accept it.

Actually this was an exercise. I was trying to write in what is most commonly thought of as "Haiku in English" - 7-5-7 syllables, nature, seasonality, line connection (2+1 or 1+2), etc.

It was based on the weather and the neighbor's feline. (For fellow bird lovers, the beast is belled and no avians were harmed in the creation of this poem.) :)
Liar said:

Beaten Streets by PatCarrington
I've already fessed up that I'm totally sold on anything this guy writes, and this is no exception. Great flow and inventive imagery, still easy on the brain to read, delivers a rich and poignant scene.

[color=227744]There is no concern
in the soul of scarred tar
spotted with the trickles
of unsympathetic hearts, trampled
by grimy boots and burdened
with potholes of sour tears
whose lemon life and spirit
they spit at passing cars.[/color]



kind words Liar. thank you. :)
Thank you Liar for the sweet things you said about Painting Night, and thanks to those of you who commented with praise and critical poet eyes.

Thanks to those who left comments on my illustrated, …white noise in urbania. I really appreciate it as it posted late Saturday instead of with the other poems.

To anonymous: Thanks and yes, the "she" is the same woman—except for Eve's red shoes. I do the art first and it inspires the words.

- neo
Thanks, thanks, and more thanks!

Thank you for the mention in your reviews tungtied2u, and thank you to everyone who voted and/or left a comment! (Especially those who commented!)

Actually it was Annaswirls' work that inspired "Raymond Chandler...", Thank you Anna!

Nothing but love to you all! :rose: :heart: :rose:
Thank you very much

to tathagata, Angeline, Anonymous, Anonymous and Anonymous in SC, for reading and commenting on my poems "Song Stresses" and "God's Pissed".

As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond.

Big thanks to Tung for the review, and to y'all who commented. As always delighted, and as always surprised. I suspected the last one or two poems to fly, and this one to bomb. Turned out to be the other way around. :)


ps. Everyone, check out Tungtied's two great poems up today. The good reviewer didn't have the balls to put his work (that very much deserves mention) among his mentions. :)
tungtied2u said:

Pat Carrington gives us When We Wandered,

my other must read. traipse along the path with him.

The first time we wandered
from the corn, holding hands
and running new, the rackets
of spring came with us, crossing
the pebbled stream
as the chirpings of our laughter

sang falsetto to a sparrow’s song


thank you, tungtied. :)

i was going to mention your humility in not mentioning your own terrific poems from Sunday, but Liar's post above beat me to it.
Thank you all kindly for the feedback on Swing, Baby—I much appreciate it. As for the queries about congratulations… we're not sure if the little embryo planted in its proper place this time or not. Either way, a poem will be written, I'm sure.

- neo
neonurotic said:
Thank you all kindly for the feedback on Swing, Baby—I much appreciate it. As for the queries about congratulations… we're not sure if the little embryo planted in its proper place this time or not. Either way, a poem will be written, I'm sure.

- neo

And either way, we're thinking good thoughts for you dear man.

Thank you sweet Tara for your recommendations of my poems today, and thanks to all who commented. They mean a lot, some days even more than others.

Thank you for the Mention, Tara...

"Stormwash by BooMerengue, another challenge poem, is a terrific read about Nazi soldiers (I assume) trying to steal the mouths and ears and spirit of ordinary people. Read it.

I burst past Mama and see Papa
on the ground holding our radio all broken now
as the soldiers laugh and smash
our music, our news. our link to the world
and then the fires started"

Actually I wasn't thinking of Nazis; I had this placed in a desert region (No. Africa) at first, but when I changed tent to house it changed everything. It's about ALL oppressors... even those cloaked in the red, white and blue.

Thank you again and Thanks to all who left such great comments and feedback!

:rose: :rose: :rose:
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Thank you Neo for taking time today to read all of the poems and then make comments and suggestions too. Thanks to those who left comments on my mailing list poem,

Cat, I like that change-- thanks!

Thank you Neo
I know it's a long poem
and thank to everyone else who waded through it and voted
I'm not easy to deal with sometimes
i appreciate the effort

Birthday Brother!

LOVE the new av. Can you send me a color version, just a bit larger? I feel the need to lick it.

Thanks for mentioning my Joy poem. Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments.

I miss you all. I miss being here. I miss writing.

But all the things that are sucking up my days are worthwhile and necessary. And now my Mum is coming for a visit, (YAY!) so I will be busier yet.

I will try to write something worthy, and post it when I can. Thanks for the love.

Syn :heart:
Thank you, Neo, for the kind mention of Denizens: James.
I kinda feel like it was the one I was working towards with the others.
I may give the Denizens a rest for a while. I want to wait for inspiration to strike rather than try to stoke it.
Thank you to all who read and enjoyed and commented and voted.
You are my real inspiration.
thanks neo, for mentioning "across grand central", and to everyone who read and commented.

:rose: patrick
Friday 9/17

Unfortunately, we won't be able to enjoy Liar's reviews on Fridays. I'm hoping someone will step forward... type forward... you know what I mean, and volunteer to take Fridays. :) Or has someone done it already? Since I don't know, and since I said I'd cover Friday until a regular reviewer is found for that day, well, here I am with 17 new poems at 7:30 in the morning. I'm guessing this it for the day. :) So, now I'll go read and return with some wonderful comments.
Re: Friday 9/17

WickedEve said:
Unfortunately, we won't be able to enjoy Liar's reviews on Fridays. I'm hoping someone will step forward... type forward... you know what I mean, and volunteer to take Fridays. :) Or has someone done it already? Since I don't know, and since I said I'd cover Friday until a regular reviewer is found for that day, well, here I am with 17 new poems at 7:30 in the morning. I'm guessing this it for the day. :) So, now I'll go read and return with some wonderful comments.

I can do one day this weekend if someone wants a day off--just pm me and let me know. Unfortunately a regular Friday gig (my old review gig, in fact) in a no go what with the job. :)

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