To keep the review thread clean...

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Thanks for the mention and the plug for my stories, tee-hee. Always happy for feedback as I'm sure we all are.

Nice break on a rainy, rainy day...

Thank you Neo for mentioning my two poems today, and thanks those who commented and sent feedback.

Thank you, anna, for citing Coffee in Wartime. Thanks also to you who commented and/or voted. The insights and suggestions that every one of you share are gold currency for me!
Re: Thursday Sep 30

Liar said:

searching by BooMerengue is a wonderful, slightly magic read that had me silently nodding in recognition.

Can you tell me, please
where is the sandbox?
The one that wrapped around me
and shut out the fighting
and became the Cloud World
where girls and boys flew
and laughed and no one grew up?

Thank you, Liar. This barely touched what I wanted to say, or what I was feeling, but it's a start.

And thanks to the rest of you for your votes and comments! All always appreciated.
Liar said:

searching by BooMerengue is a wonderful, slightly magic read that had me silently nodding in recognition.

Can you tell me, please
where is the sandbox?
The one that wrapped around me
and shut out the fighting
and became the Cloud World
where girls and boys flew
and laughed and no one grew up?

Thank you, Liar. This barely touched what I wanted to say, or what I was feeling, but it's a start.

And thanks to the rest of you for your votes and comments! All always appreciated.
:rose: :rose: :rose:
Liar said:

Dead Poetry by PatCarrington describes him chasing the notion of his poetry, in poetry so fluent it looks easy.

leads my shoes, hardens
the leathers of hollow search,
the beams of Betelgeuse
that burned their cloud-holes
to watch you move.

thank you for the kind words, liar :rose:
The Fool by SelenaKittyn is my favourite of the day. A Tarot character play with a sultry richness to it.


I didn't even think I had a shot, posting a poem on the same day as Tath and Anna and Pat... (what are the odds?!)

Thank you!
Thank you Liar, my Scandinavian friend, for mentioning Wanting Snow in your reviews in spite of the fact that you probably reaaaally didn't want to praise a snow poem. :D

And thank you those who commented and sent feedback. Here's a snow scene from Stieglitz, the photographer I mentioned in the poem.

PatCarrington said:
thank you for the kind words, liar :rose:

roflmao Pat! What do you think a stranger to this forum will say when he sees this??

OK. A couple of you suggested some changes to my 'searching'. Is this better?

Searching for Peter Pan (not sure about this- he never lost his childhood)

Can you tell me, please
where is the sandbox?
The one that wrapped around me
and shut out the fighting
and became the Cloud World
where girls and boys flew
and laughed and no one grew up?

Or maybe you remember the woods
that smelled so sweet of pine
where sparkling water
tumbled over ancient rocks
and Indians waited to carry me
back to where I really belonged?

How about the old cushioned window seat
where I was a princess, or a warrior
and traveled to ancient Persia on a carpet
or went with Farley Mowat to discover
the great North?

Can you find that rainy day?
BooMerengue said:
roflmao Pat! What do you think a stranger to this forum will say when he sees this??


i see your point.

maybe i should replace the flower with :D

Boo...i think the last line is an improvement over the two you had originally.....a big one. :rose:
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ttu thank you for taking time on this beautiful sunday to review our poems. Sorry I had so many, I wanted to put them somewhere. Thank you for mentioning the disjointed little buggers. You are too kind, it is okay to let them set there with Charlie in the Box on the island of misfit toys. Maybe they will start to behave.


night night,

My Dear Boo

thank you for recommending Lady's Blues in Winter. It's one of my personal favorites of my stuff (I'm allowed to say that, right? :D). I had it posted here about a year ago, but took it down and have been playing with it on and off since.

It's a real story taken from the filming of a late 1950s tv documentary called The Sound of Jazz (now available on DVD btw). It brought together musicians who were--at that time--considered jazz icons. Well, they still are for me. Count Basie and many members of his original orchestra, plus Coleman Hawkins who played with Fletcher Henderson (and is probably the father of the tenor sax in jazz), Ben Webster, who is best known for his work with Duke Ellington, Gerry Mulligan, Thelonious Monk, and others.

Lester Young was an original Count Basic tenor man and Lady Day was the band's first "girl singer." Billie and Lester were soul mates, not lovers it's rumored--but in some ways closer--personally and musically. They shared an apartment in Harlem (Billie and her mom took Lester in when he first came there), and just seemed to understand each other.

They had a falling out though. He disapproved of her heroin use (he called it "needle dancing," and had great disdain for it--ironic considering that he was a major alchoholic), and they had not seen each other or spoken for years at the time of that filming.

Both were at the time in very ill health from their respective addictions, malnourished and strung out. Both were gone in less than a year after the filming (they died six months apart).

When Lady sang "Fine and Mellow," each tenor man took a solo. Lester was so weak he had been sitting, but he stood before her and played the most achingly beautiful blues-drenched solo (as only he could) you can imagine. Their eyes lock and she nods with tears in her eyes and this inward smile on her face as he plays and smiles around the reed. It's clear watching that these two-- apart for so long--stepped into their past together for a few moments. Supposedly everyone in the sound booth was crying, watching the silent communication between them.

They were never together again alive. Billie came to Lester's funeral months later and wanted to sing, but was turned away by his wife. So that taping of Fine and Mellow was their last moment.

Sorry to bore you all if I am, but what a story! How could I not see the poem in it? :D

There's a wonderful website, commenorating the music of Count Basie that includes a photo essay by the great bassist and jazz photographer Milt Hinton here.

There are poems and stories everywhere, aren't there?

Thanks to those who commented as well. As you can see, lol, this one means a lot to me.

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thank you :)

dear TT2U thanks for the mention of my 2 poems yesterday and for the kind words :rose:

also, thanks to those who took the time to read and left comments, or who just read and wondered ;) :heart:

Thank you for the mentions of Phantoms....

Anna it gets better and isn't all can read the rest I promise.:D
Maria2394 said:

Michael on my Shoulders, by PatCarrington. I would joke about angels resting on shoulders and giving inspiration, but I will not do that , because I for one, believe that they do :) This poem has some wonderful imagery and well, I just thought it was a beautiful poem :)

thank you, Maria :rose:
Thank you, Seattle, for your comments on Ghost House. I get called a lot of things in the course of a day, but rarely "smart". Thanks, too, to lit writers that provided suggestions for this poem after I put it in the construction zone.

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Tathagata said:
Thank you for the mentions of Phantoms....

Anna it gets better and isn't all can read the rest I promise.:D

you dont know her

she is such a pussy

hides behind the couch when the flying monkeys come into view

in Oz, of course
flyguy69 said:
Thank you, Seattle, for your comments on Ghost House. I get called a lot of things in the course of a day, but rarely "smart". .

oh shut up with the humble pie. you know you are smart. correct anna's science all the time :)

your pm box is full, flyboy
SeattleRain said:
oh shut up with the humble pie. you know you are smart. correct anna's science all the time :)

your pm box is full, flyboy
Apparently not smart enough to leave anna's science alone!

But I'm smart enough not to eat pie from your kitchen, especially if Tath is helping.

PM box is clean, in case you want to send recipes.
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